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Q1984089 Inglês

Read text I and answer the question that follow it.

Text I 

The New Rules of Data Privacy

The data harvested from our personal devices, along with our trail of electronic transactions and data from other sources, now provides the foundation for some of the world’s largest companies. […] For the past two decades, the commercial use of personal data has grown in wild-west fashion. But now, because of consumer mistrust, government actions, and competition for customers, those days are quickly coming to an end. 

For most of its existence, the data economy was structured around a “digital curtain” designed to obscure the industry’s practices from lawmakers and the public. Data was considered company property and a proprietary secret, even though the data originated from customers’ private behavior. That curtain has since been lifted and a convergence of consumer, government, and market forces are now giving users more control over the data they generate. Instead of serving as a resource that can be freely harvested, countries in every region of the world have begun to treat personal data as an asset owned by individuals and held in trust by firms.

This will be a far better organizing principle for the data economy. Giving individuals more control has the potential to curtail the sector’s worst excesses while generating a new wave of customer-driven innovation, as customers begin to express what sort of personalization and opportunity they want their data to enable. And while Adtech firms in particular will be hardest hit, any firm with substantial troves of customer data will have to make sweeping changes to its practices, particularly large firms such as financial institutions, healthcare firms, utilities, and major manufacturers and retailers.

Leading firms are already adapting to the new reality as it unfolds. The key to this transition — based upon our research on data and trust, and our experience working on this issue with a wide variety of firms— is for companies to reorganize their data operations around the new fundamental rules of consent, insight, and flow.


Federal lawmakers are moving to curtail the power of big tech. Meanwhile, in 2021 state legislatures proposed or passed at least 27 online privacy bills regulating data markets and protecting personal digital rights. Lawmakers from California to China are implementing legislation that mirrors Europe’s GDPR, while the EU itself has turned its attention to regulating the use of AI. Where once companies were always ahead of regulators, now they struggle to keep up with compliance requirements across multiple jurisdictions.

Adapted from: February 25, 2022 – Retrieved September 6, 2022

“As” in “Leading firms are already adapting to the new reality as it unfolds” (4th paragraph) signals a 
Q1967220 Inglês
Text for the item from.

Paridhi Agrawal & Pradnya Nikhade. Artificial Intelligence in Dentistry: Past, Present, and Future. Cureus, v. 14, n.º 7, 2022 (adapted).
According to the text, judge the item.

The term “However” (line 10) can be correctly replaced by the conjunction Hence, without changing its meaning. 
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Q1891007 Inglês
      In a world where many of us are glued to our smartphones, Dulcie Cowling is something of an anomaly — she has ditched hers. The 36-year-old decided at the end of last year that getting rid of her handset would improve her mental health. So, over Christmas she told her family and friends that she was switching to an old Nokia phone that could only make and receive calls and text messages. 

      She recalls that one of the pivotal moments that led to her decision was a day at the park with her two boys, aged six and three: “I was on my mobile at a playground with the kids and I looked up and every single parent — there was up to 20 — were looking at their phones, just scrolling away,” she says. 

      “I thought ‘when did this happen?’. Everyone is missing out on real life. I don’t think you get to your death bed and think you should have spent more time on Twitter, or reading articles online.”

      Ms Cowling, who is a creative director at London-based advertising agency Hell Yeah!, adds that the idea to abandon her smartphone had built up during the covid-19 lockdowns.

      “I thought about how much of my life is spent looking at the phone and what else could I do. Being constantly connected to lots of services creates a lot of distractions, and is a lot for the brain to process.”

      She plans to use the time gained from quitting her smartphone to read and sleep more.

      About nine out of 10 people in the UK now own a smartphone, a figure broadly replicated across the developed world. And we are glued to them — one recent study found that the average person spends 4.8 hours a day on their handset.

      Yet for a small, but growing number of people, enough is enough.

      Alex Dunedin binned his smartphone two years ago. “Culturally we have become addicted to these tools,” says the educational researcher and technology expert. “They are blunting cognition and impeding productivity.”

      He has become happier and more productive since he stopped using a smartphone, he says. 

      Mr Dunedin doesn’t even have an old-fashioned mobile phone or even a landline anymore. He is instead only electronically contactable via emails to his home computer. 

     “It has improved my life,” he says. “My thoughts are freed up from constantly being cognitively connected to a machine that I need to feed with energy and money. I think that the danger of technologies is that they are emptying our lives.” 

      Yet, while some worry about how much time they spend on their handset, for millions of others they are a godsend. 

      “More than ever, access to healthcare, education, social services and often to our friends and family is digital, and the smartphone is an essential lifeline for people,” says a spokesperson for UK mobile network Vodafone. 

      “We also create resources to help people get the most from their tech, as well as to stay safe when they’re online — that’s hugely important.” 

Suzanne Bearne. The people deciding to ditch their smartphones.
Internet: <> (adapted). 

Considering the previous text, judge the following item. 

In the sentence (thirteenth paragraph) “Yet, while some worry about how much time they spend on their handset, for millions of others they are a godsend.”, the word “Yet” is synonymous with However. 

Q1869410 Inglês

Consider Text II to answer question.

“While...” (line 41) and “However,” (line 48) could be correctly replaced with
Q1858193 Inglês

Instruction: answer based on the following text.

(Available in: – text adapted specially for this test).

The blanks in the text (lines 02, 08, 13, 26) can be filled, from top to bottom, with:
36: E
37: E
38: C
39: D
40: C