Questões de Inglês - Ensino da Língua Estrangeira Inglesa para Concurso
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Coronavirus is a newly discovered virus. It causes a disease called Covid-19. In some parts of the world, it has made lots ............ people sick. Corona is a Latin for crown, because ............. the microscope, these viruses look like a crown .............. spikes ending ............... little blobs.
A lot of symptoms are similar to the flu. You may have dry and itchy cough, fever, lots of sneezing and even hard to breathe. Most of people who has gotten sick with this coronavirus have had a mild case. It means you will not feel the disease. But, for people who are much older or who already have health problems are more likely to get sicker with coronavirus.
If anyone gets sick and feels like they may have coronavirus, they can immediately call their doctors and get help. If there is something we are not sure about the information, confused or worried about, don’t be afraid to ask someone we trust.
Here are some things you can do to protect yourself, family and friends from getting sick: 1) wash your hands often using soap and water. 2) Sneeze into your elbows. It is believed that coronavirus spread through little liquid from our lungs. If you sneeze into your elbows, you can prevent germs for going far into the air. 3) Avoid touching your face. Don’t pick your nose. Don’t touch your mouth. Don’t rub your eyes. They are the places where the virus enter our bodies.
Remember that this kind of virus can affect anybody. It
doesn’t matter where you come from or what country
you are from. Don’t forget, there are a lot of helpers
out there who are working to protect us from the virus.
We can take a part by keeping our health and stay at
home to stop the virus spread to others.
Coronavirus is a newly discovered virus. It causes a disease called Covid-19. In some parts of the world, it has made lots ............ people sick. Corona is a Latin for crown, because ............. the microscope, these viruses look like a crown .............. spikes ending ............... little blobs.
A lot of symptoms are similar to the flu. You may have dry and itchy cough, fever, lots of sneezing and even hard to breathe. Most of people who has gotten sick with this coronavirus have had a mild case. It means you will not feel the disease. But, for people who are much older or who already have health problems are more likely to get sicker with coronavirus.
If anyone gets sick and feels like they may have coronavirus, they can immediately call their doctors and get help. If there is something we are not sure about the information, confused or worried about, don’t be afraid to ask someone we trust.
Here are some things you can do to protect yourself, family and friends from getting sick: 1) wash your hands often using soap and water. 2) Sneeze into your elbows. It is believed that coronavirus spread through little liquid from our lungs. If you sneeze into your elbows, you can prevent germs for going far into the air. 3) Avoid touching your face. Don’t pick your nose. Don’t touch your mouth. Don’t rub your eyes. They are the places where the virus enter our bodies.
Remember that this kind of virus can affect anybody. It
doesn’t matter where you come from or what country
you are from. Don’t forget, there are a lot of helpers
out there who are working to protect us from the virus.
We can take a part by keeping our health and stay at
home to stop the virus spread to others.
The Grammatical Approach is one of the several methods of teaching English to students who are learning the language for the first time.
Choose the alternative that is correct about the Grammatical Approach.
O texto, acima, se refere a qual dos métodos de ensino de língua estrangeira?
I. O relacionamento que o aluno faz do que quer aprender com aquilo que já sabe não contribui para o processo de aprendizagem. II. Está correta a grafia do trecho a seguir: to be well read in (ser versado em).
Marque a alternativa CORRETA
I. A avaliação deve acontecer contínua e sistematicamente por meio da interpretação qualitativa do conhecimento construído pelo aluno. II. Está correta a grafia do trecho a seguir: to travel light (viajar com pouca bagagem).
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
I. Está correta a grafia do trecho a seguir: to register oneself (alistar-se, dar entrada em seu nome). II. O aprendizado de uma ou mais línguas não possibilita ao aluno o acesso a bens culturais da humanidade construídos em outras partes do mundo.
Marque a alternativa CORRETA
I. Está correta a grafia do trecho a seguir: to read about (ler a respeito de). II. À luz dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais, a avaliação é parte integrante e intrínseca do processo educacional.
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
I. A educação em língua estrangeira na escola impede o aluno de perceber a relevância da aprendizagem de outras línguas para a sua vida. II. Está correta a grafia do trecho a seguir: a good read (leitura agradável).
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
I. O ensino de língua estrangeira não deve permitir ao aluno identificar no universo que o cerca as línguas estrangeiras que cooperam nos sistemas de comunicação. II. Está correta a grafia do trecho a seguir: to read on (prosseguir lendo).
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
I. O trecho “white lie”, em inglês, está corretamente grafado e seu significado equivale a “mentira inocente” ou “mentira justificável”. II. O trecho “to cut a long story short”, em inglês, está corretamente grafado e possui um verbo cuja ideia principal é equivalente a “reduzir”, “cortar” ou “encurtar”. III. No Brasil, o ensino da língua inglesa é permitido exclusivamente a partir da oitava série do Ensino Fundamental.
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
I. O aprendizado de língua inglesa deve permitir ao educando alcançar um nível de competência linguística que possa lhe propiciar acesso às informações fundamentais para sua formação e conscientização enquanto sujeito ativo no seu meio. II. Para o aluno de língua inglesa, a ausência de conhecimento de mundo nunca constitui uma barreira ao engajamento discursivo. III. No Brasil, o Ensino Fundamental deve ser ministrado sem considerar o princípio da garantia do direito à educação e à aprendizagem ao longo da vida do aluno.
Marque a alternativa CORRETA: