Questões de Inglês - Ensino da Língua Estrangeira Inglesa para Concurso

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Q1218609 Inglês


A partir do texto 7A1-I e das diretrizes da BNCC para língua inglesa, julgue o item a seguir.

Caso uma turma de ensino fundamental decidisse utilizar a fábula para uma atividade de recriação dramática, o professor de língua inglesa deveria adverti-los de que a pronúncia deveria ser isenta de sotaques brasileiros, além de corrigi-los com rigor quanto a esse aspecto.

Q1218608 Inglês


A partir do texto 7A1-I e das diretrizes da BNCC para língua inglesa, julgue o item a seguir.

A utilização do texto em sala de aula permite o conhecimento e a discussão sobre tradições culturais africanas, intermediada pela língua inglesa.

Q1218607 Inglês


A partir do texto 7A1-I e das diretrizes da BNCC para língua inglesa, julgue o item a seguir.

Devido à ocorrência da frase ‘Kwasuka sukela....’, que não está em língua inglesa, o texto é inadequado para o uso em sala de aula, por conta da potencial confusão que pode causar para os aprendizes da língua inglesa.

Q1218606 Inglês


A partir do texto 7A1-I e das diretrizes da BNCC para língua inglesa, julgue o item a seguir.

Empregando-se a estratégia de skimming, é possível, a partir de certas marcas do texto, concluir que se trata de uma fábula sobre um felino, denominado cheetah em inglês.

Ano: 2013 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: Prefeitura de São José - SC
Q1213152 Inglês
The strategy used for Reading Comprehension, that is a strategy in which readers use information from a text (including titles, headings, pictures, and diagrams) and their own personal experiences to anticipate what they are about to read (or what comes next), is called: 
Ano: 2010 Banca: CONSULPLAN Órgão: Prefeitura de Assunção - PB
Q1211395 Inglês
According to applied linguist Edward Anthony (1963), there are three levels of conceptualization and organization that support foreign language teaching.
Ano: 2010 Banca: CONSULPLAN Órgão: Prefeitura de Assunção - PB
Q1211134 Inglês
Mark the item that represents a desired feature of an ethical language teaching professional planning:
Ano: 2016 Banca: IMA Órgão: Prefeitura de Rio Grande do Piauí - PI
Q1210465 Inglês
São quatro os eixos que organizam o currículo de Língua Inglesa, exceto: 
Ano: 2016 Banca: IMA Órgão: Prefeitura de Rio Grande do Piauí - PI
Q1210437 Inglês
Analise os itens a seguir:    I - Dentro das atribuições federais, a Constituição Federal garante como princípio o acesso à educação e a universalização do Ensino Básico no Brasil, mas não regula a sua oferta. Esta função é exercida pela Lei de Diretrizes e Bases (LDB), o principal documento regulador da estrutura da educação no país.  II - A LDB define os papéis da União, Estados e municípios nas responsabilidades sobre a oferta do ensino no Brasil e tem como premissa a descentralização das tarefas sobre a gestão dos sistemas de ensino entre as esferas de poder, o que confere às secretarias de Educação dos Estados e municípios grande autonomia para o desenvolvimento de suas políticas de educação.  III - O ensino da língua estrangeira pertence à parte diversificada da Base Curricular Comum, o que significa que deve ser adaptado às realidades regionais, sendo que algumas redes optam por não oferecer língua inglesa (optando, ao invés disso, por oferecer o ensino de outras línguas). O fato de pertencer à parte diversificada faz com que a língua estrangeira seja menos regulamentada e muitas vezes considerada complementar dentro do currículo escolar. Esta situação confere ao inglês, quando é oferecido, um papel marginal na grade curricular, o que pode ser percebido pela carga horária menor da língua estrangeira, quando comparada à de outras disciplinas.    Quantos itens estão corretos? 
Ano: 2018 Banca: FADESP Órgão: Prefeitura de Marabá - PA
Q1207804 Inglês
Based on the Common National Curricular Base (BNCC), the English language teaching should
Ano: 2013 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: Prefeitura de Ribeirão Preto - SP
Q1207499 Inglês
A look back across nearly a century of language teaching reveals a cyclical history. The “changing winds and shifting sands” of language teaching methods manifest a new paradigm every quarter of a century or so, with each new paradigm a break from the old but taking with it positive aspects of previous paradigms. These changing methodologies are very much theories in practice. Methods, however, are difficult to define. They manifest themselves in such varieties at times that the term approach may be more accurately descriptive of these general moods. An approach is a general and theoretical view of how language ought to be taught, while a method includes a developed procedure for teaching. The Audiolingual Method, for example, would be better termed an approach because there is such variation within the so-called method and because it is derived from a specific set of theoretical assumptions. We nevertheless refer often to a number of “methods”–since that is the traditional nomenclature–keeping in mind the fuzzy line of distinction between method and approach.
(Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, by Douglas Brown. Adapted)
As regards textual organization, the sentence – The Audiolingual Method, for example, would be better termed an approach because there is such variation within the socalled method and because it is derived from a specific set of theoretical assumptions. – is used to ____________ the idea expressed in the previous one.
Q1206975 Inglês
There have been many qualitative or case studies on reflective practices whose findings have been infused with enthusiasm on the part of trainee teachers and lecturers in favor of reflective approaches Cornford, 2002). 
Zeichner and Liston (1996) differentiate between five different levels at which reflection can take place during teaching. Choose the right sequence of those levels: 
Ano: 2012 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: Prefeitura de Palhoça - SC
Q1206917 Inglês
Skimming, Scanning and Prediction are some of the classroom strategies that are applied for:
Ano: 2018 Banca: IBADE Órgão: SEE-AC
Q1206327 Inglês
Comprehension strategies are conscious plans — sets of steps that good readers use to make sense of a text. Comprehension strategy instruction helps students become purposeful, active readers who are in control of their own reading comprehension. There are a lot of strategies that have research-based evidence for improving text comprehension.
The paragraph above refers to one of the four language skills that should be practiced in the language classroom. This skill is:
Q1205503 Inglês
O ensino de uma língua estrangeira não é só necessária por ser um direito, assegurado por lei, de todo cidadão. Mais do que isso, é necessário na medida em que este estudo garante ao aluno o seu engajamento discursivo, ou seja, a capacidade de se envolver e envolver outros no discurso. 
Indique abaixo a resposta CORRETA que apresenta as quatro habilidades a serem desenvolvidas para a aquisição da língua inglesa, de maneira autônoma e competente para se comunicar adequadamente nessa língua. 
Ano: 2017 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: Prefeitura de Chapecó - SC
Q1202427 Inglês
Devido às especificidades do ensino da língua estrangeira, dá-se ênfase à quatro habilidades.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta corretamente as quatro habilidades. 

Ano: 2018 Banca: IBADE Órgão: Prefeitura de Cujubim - RO
Q1201309 Inglês
Algeria turns off Internet to stop exam cheats
23rd June, 2018
Algeria has turned off its Internet all over the country to stop students cheating in high school exams. Algeria's government said it wanted to do something to stop students secretly going online during nationwide school tests. All Internet service was stopped for an hour after the start of each of the exams. The government will shut the Internet down during the whole exam season, between June 20 and June 25. In addition, all electronic devices with Internet access have been banned from the country's 2,000 exam centers. Even teachers cannot take phones into the exam halls. There were many problems in 2016 when test questions were leaked online both before and during exams. 
Algeria's Education Minister Nouria Benghabrit told the Algerian newspaper Annahar that Facebook would also be blocked across the country for the six days the exams were taking place. She said she did not like doing this but she could not do anything and give opportunities to students to cheat in tests. As an added security measure, metal detectors will be placed in all exam halls, and security cameras and mobile-phone blockers have been set up at the printing companies where the exams are printed. Many students thought the government was doing the right thing. Rania Salim, 16, said it wasn't fair that students who didn't study could get help in exams by using their mobile phone to cheat. 
Taken from:
Read the following text about the importance of reading.
Practise your English reading skills at your level. Reading and understanding different types of texts is a very important skill for all learners of English. Reading as much as you can in English will help you to improve your level of understanding of the language and it will also help to improve your __________. Choose your level, from beginner to advanced, and start learning today by reading articles and stories. Whether you need to __________ your English reading skills for work, for studying or to be able to communicate effectively with friends, you'll find practical reading lessons and activities to help you. Choose the option which presents the words that best complete the paragraphs above, respectively. 
Ano: 2008 Banca: FUNRIO Órgão: SEDUC-RO
Q1190130 Inglês
Explicitness, detachment, organization and density are aspects that should be taken into consideration when teaching… 
Ano: 2013 Banca: FUNDEPES Órgão: Prefeitura de Belo Horizonte - MG
Q1189490 Inglês
Read the abstract taken from an article written by Professor Dr. Reinildes Dias and answer question.     INTEGRAÇÃO DAS TIC AO ENSINO E APRENDIZAGEM DE LÍNGUA ESTRANGEIRA E O APRENDER COLABORATIVO ONLINE    ABSTRACT: My main focus is to discuss and reflect ____ the importance of the integration of information and communication technology resources with the aim of creating online learning communities to extend time and give more opportunities for interactions among participants in the target language. These online communities can be seen as collaborative networks for the joint construction of knowledge about the foreign language. Examples of both web and web 2.0 resources as well as of the application of principles related to DeskTop publishing are also provided throughout the article. Theoretical and practical aspects based on the collaborative learning approach give support to my work, also including vygostskian learning principles. 
( Acessed on March 2nd, 2013.)    Write True (T) or False (F) for the sentences below according to the same article:    (  ) In terms of language teaching, Dias recommends the association of the vygostikyan view of knowledge construction, genre pedagogy and the integration of technological resources. 
(  ) Dias affirms that the integration of technological tools to the classroom environment is enough to make teaching techniques adequate to the 21st century students’ needs. 
(  ) According to the article, students are required to comprehend authentic texts and to be able to produce similar texts of the same genre. 
(  ) Writing short paragraphs about specific themes is an example of a task based on the notion of writing as social practice. 
(  ) Writing activities should follow a circular and recursive process that involves the production of a first draft, followed by peer revision and the teacher’s feedback.    The CORRECT sequence is: 
Ano: 2016 Banca: AOCP Órgão: IF-BA
Q1188469 Inglês
Considering the Communicative Approach for the English teaching, mark the correct alternative.
841: E
842: C
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844: C
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848: A
849: D
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