Questões de Inglês - Palavras conectivas | Connective words para Concurso

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Q1203570 Inglês
Complete the sentence They didn´t go out on friday night __________the snow!, using the meaning for por causa da(o) and choose a alternative:
Ano: 2014 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: Prefeitura de Criciúma - SC
Q1200733 Inglês
American Universities and Colleges In general, American universities have four main academic goals: firstly, to establish a permanent relationship learning among their students; secondly, to disseminate knowledge through teaching and research; thirdly, to prepare students careers of leadership and service; fourthly, to provide them with useful research techniques. In sum, all these four objects are consonant with the interests the students, who are always assigned an advisor department. A college education in the USA is very expensive. The costs are so high that most families begin to save for a future education when their children are still babies. Even so, many people cannot afford to pay the expenses of full-time college work. There are actually many expenses such as books, dormitory costs and laboratory fees. The cost of a college education increases every year. Some of the students have scholarships or money grants, but many do not. How do the rest of the students manage? There are two obvious answers to the money difficulties of college students. They can borrow money, or they can find jobs and earn it. Many students work in shops, movie houses, and restaurants. They have parttime jobs in the evenings or on weekends. Some plan their schedules so their classes are in blocks of time. For example, if students have all their classes in the morning, they can take afternoon and evening jobs. Students from other countries have financial problems to overcome, too. Because students in most international programs need to have a sponsor ( a person, organization, or government that pays for them), they frequently work hard to earn scholarships or special loans. International students understand the value of going to school in another country. They also know that this is s difficult task. Many foreign students choose to attend American universities in spite of the difficulty.
Choose the alternative which presents the correct words that are missing in the text:
Ano: 2016 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: Prefeitura de São José - SC
Q1185288 Inglês
Choose the alternative that presents the correct words to complete the missing ones in the text.
Q1159401 Inglês

      Characteristics of a good test

      In order to judge the effectiveness of any test, it is sensible to lay down criteria against which the test can be measured, as follows:

      Validity: a test is valid if it tests what it is supposed to test. Thus it is not valid, for example, to test writing ability with an essay question that demands specialist knowledge of history or biology — unless it is known that all students share this knowledge before they do the test.

      A particular kind of ‘validity’ that concerns most test designers is face validity. This means that the test should look, on the ‘face’ of it, as if it is valid. A test which consisted of only three multiple choice items would not convince students of its face validity however reliable or practical teachers thought it to be.

      Reliability: a good test should give consistent results. For example, if the same group of students took the same test twice within two days — without reflecting on the first test before they sat it again — they should get the same results on each occasion. If two groups who were demonstrably alike took the test, the marking range would be the same.

      In practice, ‘reliability’ is enhanced by making the test instructions absolutely clear, restricting the scope for variety in the answers. Reliability also depends on the people who mark the tests. Clearly a test is unreliable if the result depends to any large extent on who is marking it. Much thought has gone into making the scoring of tests as reliable as possible.

(Jeremy Harmer. The practice of English language teaching. 2007. Adaptado)

The word “Thus”, in the second paragraph, can be correctly replaced by
Q1147940 Inglês
A questão verifica o domínio do conhecimento sistêmico da língua inglesa. Em cada uma das questões reproduz-se um trecho de uma breve conversa, que estabelece o contexto. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a palavra ou expressão que completa a lacuna de maneira adequada quanto ao sentido e ao uso da norma- -padrão da língua inglesa.

“The new building on campus looks awful!”

“ _________ you like it or not, it can’t be changed now.”

76: C
77: E
78: E
79: B
80: D