Questões de Inglês - Pronúncia e Som | Pronunciation and Sound para Concurso

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Q1739941 Inglês
The group of words “See and Sea”, “Tale and Tail”, “Where and Wear” are examples of:
Q1739273 Inglês
Read the text bellow in order to answer the question:

“Coronavirus, Social Distancing and Self-Quarantine
Now that the new coronavirus and COVID-19, the illness it causes, are spreading among communities in the United States and other countries, phrases such as ‘social distancing’, ‘self-quarantine’ and ‘flattening the curve’ are showing up in the media.

What is ‘flattening the curve’?
Flattening the curve refers to using protective practices to slow the rate of COVID-19 infection so hospitals have room, supplies and doctors for all of the patients who need care.

A large number of people becoming very sick over the course of a few days could overwhelm a hospital or care facility. Too many people becoming severely ill with COVID-19 at roughly the same time could result in a shortage of hospital beds, equipment or doctors.
On a graph, a sudden surge in patients over a short time could be represented as a tall, narrow curve.
On the other hand, if that same large number of patients arrived at the hospital at a slower rate, for example, over the course of several weeks, the line of the graph would look like a longer, flatter curve.
In this situation, fewer patients would arrive at the hospital each day. There would be a better chance of the hospital being able to keep up with adequate supplies, beds and health care providers to care for them.”
Analyze the following statements regarding to the text from question :
I- The words causes, refers and slow, in the text, are classified as verbs. II- In the first paragraph, the letter i in the word quarantine is pronounced differently compared to any letter i in the word distancing. III- The words could and would are examples of modal verbs used in the text. IV- In the text, the words very, severely and roughly are classified as adverbs.
Choose the alternative with the correct answer:
Q1719855 Inglês
        Ba-room, ba-room, ba-room, baripity, baripity, baripity, baripity. Good. His dad had the pickup going. He could get up now. Jess slid out of bed and into his overalls. He didn't worry about a shirt because once he began running he would be hot as popping grease even if the morning air was chill, or shoes because the bottoms of his feet were by now as tough as his worn-out sneakers.
        "Where you going, Jess?" May Belle lifted herself up sleepily from the double bed where she and Joyce Ann slept.
        "Sh." He warned. The walls were thin. Momma would he mad as flies in a fruit jar if they woke her up this time of day.
        He patted May Belle's hair and yanked the twisted sheet up to her small chin. "Just over the cow field," he whispered. May Belle smiled and snuggled down under the sheet.
        "Gonna run?"
        Of course he was going to run. He had gotten up early every day all summer to run. He figured if he worked at it – and Lord, had he worked – he could be the fastest runner in the fifth grade when school opened up. He had to be the fastest – not one of the fastest or next to the fastest, but the fastest. The very best.

(Excerpt from Bridge to Terabithia, by Katherine Paterson. Available on _Bridge_to_Terabithia.pdf)
“Not one of the fastest, but the fastest.” The word THE is pronounced differently depending on the context. Choose the option that shows the right pronunciation of each underlined word.
Q1719189 Inglês
Future Cars at CES

The Consumer Electronic Show (CES) ran in Las Vegas from the 5th to the 8th January 2017, and the big part of the show was about cars that can detect emotion, or are self-driving or are voice controlled. Honda’s latest concept, equipped with a digital assistant named HANA, can detect the driver’s emotions and play appropriate music. It can also function autonomously as a ride-sharing vehicle making money for its owner while the owner is at work or asleep. If you fancy speaking to your car, the Oasis concept car might interest you as it is voice-controlled. Its rear is designed for cargo like parcels or pizzas, and there is a small garden in the dashboard to make the space more personal. If you do not want to interact much with your car, the self-driving ones will do just fine. Nissan’s Seamless Autonomous Mobility system will help autonomous vehicles make decisions in unpredictable situations.
Choose the alternative with the CORRECT phonetic transcription of the highlighted words in the text.
Q1718416 Inglês
Indicate the statement in which the stressed vowel indicated is wrong::
71: D
72: D
73: A
74: C
75: A