Questões de Inglês - Pronúncia e Som | Pronunciation and Sound para Concurso

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Q1625010 Inglês
In relation to the sounds of the English language, classify the assertions below into true (T) or false (F):
( ) The words thanks, thought, and teeth are produced with the voiceless “th”, while the words they, those and then are produced with the voiced “th”.
( ) The nasal /m/ doesn’t occur in final position in Portuguese at all. In English, it occurs in words such as aim, them and system. In both languages, lips don’t touch.
( ) The words cough and coffee are pronounced the same way. Both have one syllable.
( ) The words two and chew are pronounced the same way.
( ) Umbrella and uniform start with the same letter, but we say an umbrella and a uniform. Umbrella starts with a vowel sound but uniform starts with a semivowel sound.
Choose the alternative with the correct sequence:
Q1607904 Inglês
A minimal pair is a pair of words that have different meanings and are pronounced the same, except for one sound, for example; take and tape. This can be studied in:
Q1607899 Inglês
Phonology, also known as phonemics, is the study of the particular sound units (phonemes) in languages. It can be compared to phonetics, which is the study of human speech in general, and includes the articulation and perception of sounds. About this area it is correct to affirm that it includes:
Q1607897 Inglês
When teaching my daughter how to drive, I told her if she didn't hit the brake in time she would break the car's side mirror. In brake and break we can clearly see an example of
Q1374290 Inglês

Leia o texto e responda à questão.

    For years attention has been paid to so-called communicative tests – usually implying tests dealing with speaking. More recently, efforts have been made to design truly communicative tests of other language skills as well, such as reading comprehension.

    Canale (1984) points out that a good test is not just one which is valid, reliable, and practical in terms of test administration and scoring, but rather one that is accepted as fair, important and interesting by test takers (the teachers) and test users (the students). Also, a good test has feedback potential, rewarding both teachers and students with clear, rich, relevant, and generalizable information. Canale suggests that acceptability and feedback potential have often been accorded low priority, thus explaining the curious phenomenon of multiple-choice tests claiming to assess oral interaction skills.

    One example of a communicative test has been referred to as a “storyline” test. In such a test, a common theme runs throughout in order to assess the effects of context. The basis for such an approach is that the respondents learn as they read on, that they check previous content, and that the ability to use language in conversation or writing depends in large measure on the skill of picking up information from past discussion and using it in formulating new strategies.

    Swain (1984), for example, developed a storyline test of French as a foreign language for high school French immersion students. The test consisted of six tasks around a common theme, “finding summer employment”. There were four writing tasks (a letter, a note, a composition, a technical exercise) and two speaking tasks (a group discussion and a job interview). The test was designed so that the topic would be motivating to the students and so that there would be enough information provided in order to give the tasks credibility. There was access to dictionaries and reference material, and opportunity for students to review and revise their work. Swain’s main concern was to “bias for best” in the construction of the test – to make every effort to support the respondent in doing their best on the test.

(Andrew D.Cohen. Second Language Assessment. IN: Marianne Celce-Murcia(ed). Teaching English as a second or foreign language. Boston, Massachusstes: Heinle&Heinle. 2nd edition. 2001. Adaptado)

A letra g não é pronunciada em muitas palavras na língua inglesa. Das palavras a seguir, retiradas do texto, assinale aquela em que a letra g é pronunciada.
81: C
82: B
83: A
84: A
85: E