Questões de Inglês - Pronúncia e Som | Pronunciation and Sound para Concurso

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Q1309434 Inglês
All the set of words contain the same phonetic symbol / sound, EXCEPT one. Choose the INCORRECT answer.
Q1304461 Inglês

Instruction: answer the question based one the following text.

Consider the expression “iH8You69” (line 43) and the following sentences:

I. It plays with the sound of the word ‘eight’ and ‘hate’.

II. It is a slang commonly used in texting.

III. It is an abbreviation.

Which ones are correct?

Q1301941 Inglês

Answer the question based on the following text.

Source: adapted from
Mark the word in which the ending ‘-ed’ have the same sound as in ‘created’ (l.17).
Q1300101 Inglês

A questão refere-se ao texto abaixo.

Fonte: Angelou, M., & Broun, H. H. (1994). And still I rise. Jeffrey Norton Publishers.
Consider the words from the text; then analyse the statements that follow.
sassiness (l.05) haughtiness (l.17) hatefulness (l.23) sexiness (l.25)
I. All words follow the same speling rule. II. All words are nouns. III. The suffix –ness changes adjectives into nouns.
Which ones are INCORRECT? 
Q1300094 Inglês

A questão refere-se ao texto abaixo.

Fonte: adaptado de 

Mark the word that has the same sound as the underlined letter in “chide” (l.13).
86: B
87: D
88: B
89: A
90: C