Questões de Inglês - Verbos frasais | Phrasal verbs para Concurso

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Q1630132 Inglês

Complete the blank with an alternative.

I can’t believe he’s telling the truth, actually I think he ________it all _____.”

Q1625026 Inglês
Match the phrasal verbs to their meanings:
First column:
1- break down
2- get by
3- take off
4- take somebody in
5- call off
Second column: ( ) go into the air
( ) cancel
( ) manage
( ) stop working
( ) deceive
Choose the alternative that presents the correct match:
Q1621177 Inglês
Complete the definition below with the correct phrasal verb. Choose the CORRECT answer.
“_________ means to speak angrily with someone because they have done something wrong.”
Q1614494 Inglês

Choose the best option to complete the sentences using off, out and up:

1. You need to back ____, or the situation could turn ugly.

2. He backed ____ of the garage.

3. Back ____ your documents folder before applying the update.

4. You should be careful. This guy is backed ____ by the local gang.

Q1607901 Inglês
Phrasal verbs are very used on a daily basis. One simple particle may change the whole meaning of it. In the sentence from Michael Buble’s song he sings: “And I know someday that it'll all turn                                                                     up You'll make me work so we can work to work it out And I promise you kid that I'll give so much more than I get yeah I just haven't met you yet.”
Consider the phrasal verb turn up. Read the sentences below and mark the one that has the same meaning as in the song.
91: C
92: D
93: C
94: A
95: C