Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Teresina - PI 2009 para Professor - Inglês

Foram encontradas 49 questões

Q2925977 Inglês

The correct auxiliary verb that completes the sentence "I don't know for sure, yet, but I ___ probably stay with you on my next vacation." is

Q2925978 Inglês

The sentence "I used to swim in the river when I traveled to my uncle's farm." is in the

Q2925979 Inglês

The sentence "If I arrive early, I will give you a phone call." is in the

Q2925980 Inglês

Read the text below.

Many years ago, when I ___ a college student, I ___ very interesting people and ___ good friends then! Today we ___ busy professionals, but, from time to time, we ___ together to talk about the good old days!

Regarding verb tenses and verb forms, choose the option that completes the text correctly.

37: C
38: B
39: A
40: D