Questões de Concurso Público TCE-RN 2009 para Inspetor de Controle Externo - Tecnologia da Informação

Foram encontradas 79 questões

Q123245 Inglês

Judge the following item according to the text.

The verb “to suffice”, in “a 24-hour turnaround might have to suffice instead” (L.10-11), is closest in meaning to to be sufficient or enough.

Q123246 Inglês

Judge the following item according to the text.

The word “trend”, in “This trend is being seen in pockets all over the industry” (L.22-23), can be correctly translated into Portuguese as tendência.

Q123247 Inglês

Judge the following iten according to the text above.

The extract “companies have to do what they have to do” (L.2) can be correctly translated into Portuguese as companhias fazem o que têm de fazer.

Q123249 Inglês

Judge the following iten according to the text above.

About 20% of the IT staff in a $ 1,5 billion Midwestern sporting goods manufacturer had been dismissed from their jobs.

Q123250 Inglês

Judge the following iten according to the text above.

Aside from cutting or renegotiating maintenance pacts, companies trim costs in order to avoid or reduce layoffs.

31: C
32: C
33: E
34: C
35: E