Questões de Concurso Público Instituto Rio Branco 2015 para Diplomata - Prova 2

Foram encontradas 44 questões

Q542369 Inglês
In reference to the ideas presented in the text, decide whether the statements below are right (C) or wrong (E).

One can correctly deduce from the text that Memory's sister became pregnant with the complicity of those involved in her cleansing ceremony.

Q542370 Inglês

In reference to the linguistic features of the text, decide whether the following statements are right (C) or wrong (E).

In the sentence “Since then (...) should follow” (R. 4 to 7), the reference to Memory’s sister is based on the fragment “this remarkable young woman” and the two occurrences of “her”.

Q542371 Inglês
In reference to the linguistic features of the text, decide whether the following statements are right (C) or wrong (E).

By using the expression “blazing a trail" (R.6), the authors inform the reader that Memory has opened a glowing and intense path as a result of her work.

Q542372 Inglês
In reference to the linguistic features of the text, decide whether the following statements are right (C) or wrong (E).

The adjective “grassroots" (R.17) indicates that Memory became involved with an elite group from rural areas of Malawi.

33: C
34: E
35: C
36: E