Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Porto Velho - RO 2019 para Professor Nível II - Letras Inglês

Foram encontradas 2 questões

Q2691160 Inglês

As questões de 31 a 35 foram formuladas e serão respondidas em português. As demais questões foram formuladas e serão respondidas em inglês.

Read this excerpt from one of the previous texts:

“We must highlight all the positive, life-transforming rewards that have been the outcome of collective efforts to change our society, especially education, so that it is not a site for the enactment of domination in any form.

” Without changing the meaning of the sentences, it is correct to substitute the modal must in the beginning of the sentence for:

Q2691166 Inglês

As questões de 31 a 35 foram formuladas e serão respondidas em português. As demais questões foram formuladas e serão respondidas em inglês.

Read this excerpt from one of the previous texts:

“One of the dangers we come across in our educational systems is the loss of a feeling of community, not just the loss of closeness among those with whom we work and with our students, but also the loss of a feeling of connection and closeness with the world beyond the classroom.”

The phrasal verb highlighted above means:

1: D
2: C