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Q2520315 Inglês

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Verb phrases contain a verb as their central element. However, sentences that include a modal verb (such as can, may might etc) can also be considered a verb phrase, since the modal verb will change the meaning and tone of the main verb. It is important to note that modal verbs is the only exception to verb phrases without a verb as its central element. 

Q2511293 Inglês
Consider the following sentence: "By the end of this month, ________________ English for ten years." Which one of the following tenses should be used?
Q2510824 Inglês
Which of the following options correctly uses the negative form of the verb "to have" in the simple present?
Q2510818 Inglês
Qual das alternativas abaixo apresenta a melhor tradução para um dos “phrasal verbs” mais utilizados no inglês GIVE UP?  
Q2508878 Inglês
Look at the sentences and choose the alternative that presents the CORRECT TENSE: 
“I’m contacting you to inform that my sister, Heather, and her family ____________ next Friday as part of their journey around the country. By the time they get here they ____________ to Wisconsin.”
46: E
47: C
48: D
49: B
50: E