Questões de Concurso Sobre verbos frasais | phrasal verbs em inglês

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Q544890 Inglês


Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the text, judge the item below.

The phrasal verb “to bring about” (L.25) means to cause to happen.

Q482193 Inglês
Choose the alternative that fills in correctly and respectively the blanks in the sentences below with the correct modal verb.

Notion of an 'event horizon', from which nothing _____________ 1 escape, is incompatible with quantum theory, physicist claims.

The defining characteristic of a black hole _____________ 2 have to give, if the two pillars of modern physics – general relativity and quantum theory – are both correct.

Most physicists foolhardy enough to write a paper claiming that “there are no black holes” – at least not in the sense we usually imagine – ____________ 3 probably be dismissed as cranks. But when the call to redefine these cosmic crunchers comes from Stephen Hawking, it’s worth taking notice. In a paper posted online, the physicist, based at the University of Cambridge, UK, and one of the creators of modern black-hole theory, does away with the notion of an event horizon.

But on analysing the situation in detail, Polchinski’s team came to the startling realization that the laws of quantum mechanics, which govern particles on small scales, change the situation completely. Quantum theory, they said, dictates that the event horizon _____________ 4 actually be transformed into a highly energetic region, or 'firewall', that _______________ 5 burn the astronaut to a crisp.
Q480622 Inglês
Now, read through the text below, adapted from The New York Times and based on its contents answer question.

Many English verbs consist of two parts: a lexical verb followed by one or two particles. In this way the only two phrasal verbs as they appear in the text are:
Ano: 2013 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: IBGE Provas: CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Todos os Cargos - Conhecimentos Básicos - Analista | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Todos os Cargos - Conhecimentos Básicos - Tecnologista | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Arquivologia | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Estatística | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Análise e Desenvolvimento de Aplicações | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Suporte Operacional | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Recursos Humanos - Desenvolvimento de Pessoas | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Recursos Materiais e Logística | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Recursos Humanos - Administração de Pessoal | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Designer Institucional | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Orçamento e Finanças | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Planejamento e Gestão | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Suporte à Comunicação e Rede | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Ciências Contábeis | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Administração Escolar | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Análise Agrícola | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Análise Pecuária | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Análise Socioeconômica | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Cartografia | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Edição de Vídeo | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Geografia | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Geoprocessamento |
Q437122 Inglês
In the excerpts of Text II: “The US economic and social systems are set up to provide opportunity for immigrants to prosper” (lines 10-12) and “if immigrants are instead brought in as low-wage replacements for American workers” (lines 60-61) set up and brought in mean, respectively,
156: C
157: C
158: E
159: E
160: A