Questões de Concurso Sobre verbos frasais | phrasal verbs em inglês

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Q244264 Inglês
In Text I, the expression “turn down” in “I couldn’t turn down the great starting salary and a chance to live in New Orleans” (lines 12-14) could be replaced, without change in meaning, by
Q205813 Inglês
In the excerpts “The promise of a lunch break could make for a more productive morning:” (lines 39-40) and “whether it’s going to the gym or sneaking out to your car to read,”(lines 49-50), the verb phrases ‘make for’ and ‘sneaking out to’ mean, respectively

Ano: 2011 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: BNDES Prova: CESGRANRIO - 2011 - BNDES - Engenheiro |
Q200115 Inglês
In the fragments “…this will inspire people to come up with new ideas that will revolutionize the long-term strategic and financial prospects of the company.” (lines 19-22) and “…customers can’t rely on what they’re going to get.” (lines 52-53), “come up with” and “rely on” could be replaced in the text with, respectively,
Q198862 Inglês
Imagem 006.jpg
Imagem 007.jpg

Based on the text above, judge the items below.

In the text, “left out” (L.30) is the same as given up.
181: A
182: E
183: A
184: A
185: E