Questões da Prova IDECAN - 2014 - CNEN - Técnico em Química

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Q515343 Raciocínio Lógico
Quatro veículos – uma moto, um carro, um caminhão e um ônibus – saíram simultaneamente de uma cidade A em direção a uma cidade B. Considere que, para completar a viagem, o ônibus gastou vinte minutos a mais do que o carro e meia hora a menos do que a moto. Sabe-se, também, que o caminhão gastou 50 minutos a mais do que o carro. Sendo assim, é correto afirmar que o
Q515342 Raciocínio Lógico
Considere as seguintes proposições:

se a geladeira não está ligada, então a água está gelada;
se a geladeira está ligada, então a garrafa não está cheia.

Ora, a garrafa está cheia. Conclui-se, então, que a
Q515341 Inglês

 text VII 

            Government of Montenegro launched first round
               for offshore production concession contracts
                              on 7 August 2013.

The Ministry of Economy of Montenegro launched its first bid round for a production concession contract. A total of 3,191 square kilometres of offshore area is Offered, comprising of 13 blocks in the Adriatic Sea.

                  More information about the Round, data availability, and
                  overall procedure can be obtained either by contacting
                                     [email protected] or at

                        (The Economist, September 4th, 2013. Page 86.) 
The area to be explored is located
Q515340 Inglês

 text VII 

            Government of Montenegro launched first round
               for offshore production concession contracts
                              on 7 August 2013.

The Ministry of Economy of Montenegro launched its first bid round for a production concession contract. A total of 3,191 square kilometres of offshore area is Offered, comprising of 13 blocks in the Adriatic Sea.

                  More information about the Round, data availability, and
                  overall procedure can be obtained either by contacting
                                     [email protected] or at

                        (The Economist, September 4th, 2013. Page 86.) 
According to the ad
Q515339 Inglês

 text VII 

            Government of Montenegro launched first round
               for offshore production concession contracts
                              on 7 August 2013.

The Ministry of Economy of Montenegro launched its first bid round for a production concession contract. A total of 3,191 square kilometres of offshore area is Offered, comprising of 13 blocks in the Adriatic Sea.

                  More information about the Round, data availability, and
                  overall procedure can be obtained either by contacting
                                     [email protected] or at

                        (The Economist, September 4th, 2013. Page 86.) 
The government of Montenegro is looking for
66: C
67: A
68: B
69: D
70: D