Questões da Prova CESPE - 2018 - ABIN - Oficial de Inteligência - Conhecimentos Gerais

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Q873868 Inglês

Based on text CB1A5BBB, judge the following items.

GCHQ experts decided to stop producing academic papers about code-breaking techniques only in the two last decades of the last century.

Q873867 Inglês

Based on text CB1A5BBB, judge the following items.

The idea expressed in “Counter-terrorism (…) is pre-emptive” (ℓ.31) can be also found in the following proverb: It is better to prevent than to cure.

Q873866 Inglês

Based on text CB1A5BBB, judge the following items.

The author defends the idea that the fight against organized and sexual crimes has diverted invaluable but scarce resources from what should be America’s secret services’ main goal: the combat against terrorism.

Q873874 Português

A respeito das ideias e das estruturas linguísticas do texto CB1A1AAA, julgue o item seguinte.

No trecho “poder e influência globais” (ℓ.10), a palavra “globais” apresenta flexão de plural porque caracteriza tanto “poder” quanto “influência” e, nesse caso, seria gramaticalmente incorreto seu emprego no singular — poder e influência global.

56: E
57: C
58: E
59: E
60: E