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Exposição à água de abastecimento contendo naturalmente baixos teores de flúor é uma das indicações do Ministério da Saúde (MS) para a aplicação tópica de flúor (ATF). O MS considera esses teores de flúor como baixos quando apresentam até:
“Pressupõe que o serviço de saúde seja organizado de forma usuário-centrada, garantido por uma equipe multiprofissional, nos atos de receber, escutar, orientar, atender, encaminhar e acompanhar. Significa a base da humanização das relações e caracteriza o primeiro ato de cuidado junto aos usuários, contribuindo para o aumento da resolutividade.”
Entre os princípios norteadores das ações de Saúde Bucal do Ministério da Saúde, o texto traz a definição para:
Com relação ao princípio organizacional do SUS Descentralização, responda verdadeiro (V) ou falso (F) e assinale a alternativa que traz a sequência correta:
(__) É a forma de organização que dá aos municípios o poder de administrar os serviços de saúde locais.
(__) Redistribuição das responsabilidades quanto às ações e serviços de saúde entre os vários níveis de governo.
(__) Possibilita que a população, através de seus representantes, defina, acompanhe a execução e fiscalize a política de saúde.
Complete with the best verb meaning and form:
“The project ____________ at the home of Abdel Hernandez last year, when a group of artists had met to discuss recent episodes of censorship of art exhibitions and they had also thought of possible ways to respond.”
“The cognitive approach was a reaction to the behaviorist features of the audio-lingual approach, influenced by cognitive psychology and Chomskyan linguistics. Cognitive psychology (Neisser, 1967) holds that people do not learn complex systems like language or mathematics through habit formation but through the acquisition of patterns and rules that they can then extend and apply to new circumstances or problems.” On this approach, it is correct the following statement:
Complete with the best adverb: “Never tell her how _____________ butter and cream you use.”
Thinking about teaching methodology, we can reflect that:
I. Language learning is a process of habit formation.
II. It is important for teachers to prevent student error since errors can lead to the formation of bad habits.
III. Students should back out the sentence patterns of the target language.
IV. Positive reinforcement helps students to develop correct habits.
It is correct what it was said in:
Complete with the better modal verb: “Using a phone's speaker option _____________ allow the caregiver to do other tasks while waiting for a response.”
“The experimental tutors may have _____________ like experts in the targeted text since they had been told that they _____________ received instruction while their tutees had not.”
Choose the best synonym for “divert” in the following sentence: “She was trying to divert my attention from her inappropriate question about Lily's gift.”
Complete the following sentence with the better phrasal verb according to the meaning in parenthesis: “I don't know why the teacher never (ask someone for an answer in class) you. You always know the answer.”
Read the article and answer the following three questions.
Trump aide cites 'massacre' that never occurred to defend immigrant ban
A Trump administration aide corrected herself on Friday after a wave of criticism for referencing a 2011 "massacre" in Kentucky that never occurred to defend President Donald Trump's temporary ban on immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries.
During an interview with MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Thursday, White House counselor and spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway said Trump's recent executive order was justified in part because of the "Bowling Green massacre" of 2011, which never took place.
Conway corrected herself on Friday in a post on Twitter, saying: "Honest mistakes abound."
The phrase "Bowling Green massacre" was the top trending topic on Twitter on Friday morning as thousands of social media users mocked Conway's error.
On television late on Thursday, Conway spoke about two Iraqis who came to the United States and were radicalized, adding, erroneously, "and they were the masterminds behind the Bowling Green massacre."
She then said: "Most people don't know that because it didn't get covered."
In fact, in May 2011, two Iraqi men were arrested in Bowling Green, Kentucky, and charged with attempting to send weapons and money to al Qaeda in Iraq. They admitted to using improvised explosive devices against U.S. soldiers in Iraq.
Mohanad Shareef Hammadi and Waad Ramadan Alwan pleaded guilty and were sentenced to life in prison and to 40 years in prison, respectively. Neither was charged with plotting attacks within the United States, prosecutors said.
Conway said on Twitter that she meant to say "Bowling Green terrorists" on the show. She also slammed a network reporter for criticizing her.
"NBC reporter texted me at 632am re:a diff story; never asked what I meant on @Hardball b4 slamming me on @TODAYshow Not cool, not journalism," Conway (@KellyannePolls) wrote.
In the sentence, “Conway corrected herself on Friday in a post on Twitter, saying: "Honest mistakes abound." How can you retell what was said?
Read the article and answer the following three questions.
Trump aide cites 'massacre' that never occurred to defend immigrant ban
A Trump administration aide corrected herself on Friday after a wave of criticism for referencing a 2011 "massacre" in Kentucky that never occurred to defend President Donald Trump's temporary ban on immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries.
During an interview with MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Thursday, White House counselor and spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway said Trump's recent executive order was justified in part because of the "Bowling Green massacre" of 2011, which never took place.
Conway corrected herself on Friday in a post on Twitter, saying: "Honest mistakes abound."
The phrase "Bowling Green massacre" was the top trending topic on Twitter on Friday morning as thousands of social media users mocked Conway's error.
On television late on Thursday, Conway spoke about two Iraqis who came to the United States and were radicalized, adding, erroneously, "and they were the masterminds behind the Bowling Green massacre."
She then said: "Most people don't know that because it didn't get covered."
In fact, in May 2011, two Iraqi men were arrested in Bowling Green, Kentucky, and charged with attempting to send weapons and money to al Qaeda in Iraq. They admitted to using improvised explosive devices against U.S. soldiers in Iraq.
Mohanad Shareef Hammadi and Waad Ramadan Alwan pleaded guilty and were sentenced to life in prison and to 40 years in prison, respectively. Neither was charged with plotting attacks within the United States, prosecutors said.
Conway said on Twitter that she meant to say "Bowling Green terrorists" on the show. She also slammed a network reporter for criticizing her.
"NBC reporter texted me at 632am re:a diff story; never asked what I meant on @Hardball b4 slamming me on @TODAYshow Not cool, not journalism," Conway (@KellyannePolls) wrote.
What is wrong about the news?
Read the article and answer the following three questions.
Trump aide cites 'massacre' that never occurred to defend immigrant ban
A Trump administration aide corrected herself on Friday after a wave of criticism for referencing a 2011 "massacre" in Kentucky that never occurred to defend President Donald Trump's temporary ban on immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries.
During an interview with MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Thursday, White House counselor and spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway said Trump's recent executive order was justified in part because of the "Bowling Green massacre" of 2011, which never took place.
Conway corrected herself on Friday in a post on Twitter, saying: "Honest mistakes abound."
The phrase "Bowling Green massacre" was the top trending topic on Twitter on Friday morning as thousands of social media users mocked Conway's error.
On television late on Thursday, Conway spoke about two Iraqis who came to the United States and were radicalized, adding, erroneously, "and they were the masterminds behind the Bowling Green massacre."
She then said: "Most people don't know that because it didn't get covered."
In fact, in May 2011, two Iraqi men were arrested in Bowling Green, Kentucky, and charged with attempting to send weapons and money to al Qaeda in Iraq. They admitted to using improvised explosive devices against U.S. soldiers in Iraq.
Mohanad Shareef Hammadi and Waad Ramadan Alwan pleaded guilty and were sentenced to life in prison and to 40 years in prison, respectively. Neither was charged with plotting attacks within the United States, prosecutors said.
Conway said on Twitter that she meant to say "Bowling Green terrorists" on the show. She also slammed a network reporter for criticizing her.
"NBC reporter texted me at 632am re:a diff story; never asked what I meant on @Hardball b4 slamming me on @TODAYshow Not cool, not journalism," Conway (@KellyannePolls) wrote.
How can you replace “aide” in the first paragraph?
Read the news below:
“Around 40 Australian children with disabilities can enjoy surfing lessons once a month, thanks to volunteers from the Gold Coast Disabled Surfers Association.
The mother of a four-year-old child who was born with cerebral palsy was happy to see her son have a great time. She said that she had never seen him so happy apart from the time when he went horse riding.
One of the volunteers said that many of the children do not get a chance to come to the beach, so sometimes this is the first time that they have ever been in the ocean.”
Mark the wrong statement:
Rodrigo Janot atualmente tem provocado grandes abalos no mundo político brasileiro. Janot ocupa em Brasília o cargo de:
A obra literária Grande Sertão: Veredas foi escrita em 1956 por:
Anita Garibaldi participou de guerras na Itália e no Brasil ao lado de Giuseppe Garibaldi, sendo a principal dessas batalhas:
Acerca do emprego dos advérbios, assinale a alternativa incorreta:
Os verbos variam de significado a depender de sua regência. Nesse sentido, é correto afirmar que o verbo “analisar” no sentido de “investigar ou examinar minuciosamente” rege-se da seguinte forma: