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Sobre o tema abordado no texto, julgue os itens a seguir:
I. É flagrante violação da Constituição, com a distribuição injusta da poluição, submetendo de forma desigual, em razão da raça, determinadas populações a precárias condições de vida.
II. Um projeto de desenvolvimento sustentável deve ser baseado em inovações tecnológicas, mantendo a lógica de consumo do atual modelo econômico, proporcionando justiça social para todos.
III. O conceito de racismo ambiental está ligado aos danos ambientais e sua imposição recorrente em comunidades habitadas principalmente por populações negras e pobres.
Está correto o que se afirma em
Sobre os aspectos apresentados no texto, julgue os itens a seguir:
( ) As tecnologias digitais não são apenas fonte de soluções para problemas ligados ao meio ambiente, mas também consistem em fontes de impactos negativos.
( ) O texto defende que todos os avanços tecnológicos representam invariavelmente benefícios para o meio ambiente.
( ) Os data centers representam cerca de metade do consumo de energia dos ecossistemas digitais, termo cunhado para definir a relação entre infraestrutura digital, ferramentas e seres humanos.
As afirmativas são, respectivamente,
I. Consiste num dos maiores blocos econômicos do planeta, sendo seu principal objetivo o livre comércio, sendo superado apenas pela União Europeia.
II. Representa um fórum internacional de cooperação econômica, que possibilita entre outras coisas, debates sobre temas financeiros, fome, meio ambiente e desigualdades.
III. Congrega um bloco supranacional com objetivo de alinhar políticas macroeconômicas, éticas e militares, perante a comunidade internacional.
Está correto o que se afirma em
Se perderem R$ 50.000,00, caberá a Arnaldo o prejuízo de
How to be a successful app developer: lessons from the simulation of an app ecosystem
Soo Ling Lim, Peter J. Bentley
App developers are constantly competing against each other to win more downloads for their apps. With hundreds of thousands of apps in these online stores, what strategy should a developer use to be successful? Should they innovate, make many similar apps, optimize their own apps or just copy the apps of others? Looking more deeply, how does a complex app ecosystem perform when developers choose to use different strategies? This paper investigates these questions using AppEco, the first Artificial Life model of mobile application ecosystems. In AppEco, developer agents build and upload apps to the app store; user agents browse the store and download the apps. A distinguishing feature of AppEco is the explicit modelling of apps as artefacts. In this work we use AppEco to simulate Apple's iOS app ecosystem and investigate common developer strategies, evaluating them in terms of downloads received, app diversity, and adoption rate.
The same word can also be used as a noun in sentence:
How to be a successful app developer: lessons from the simulation of an app ecosystem
Soo Ling Lim, Peter J. Bentley
App developers are constantly competing against each other to win more downloads for their apps. With hundreds of thousands of apps in these online stores, what strategy should a developer use to be successful? Should they innovate, make many similar apps, optimize their own apps or just copy the apps of others? Looking more deeply, how does a complex app ecosystem perform when developers choose to use different strategies? This paper investigates these questions using AppEco, the first Artificial Life model of mobile application ecosystems. In AppEco, developer agents build and upload apps to the app store; user agents browse the store and download the apps. A distinguishing feature of AppEco is the explicit modelling of apps as artefacts. In this work we use AppEco to simulate Apple's iOS app ecosystem and investigate common developer strategies, evaluating them in terms of downloads received, app diversity, and adoption rate.
How to be a successful app developer: lessons from the simulation of an app ecosystem
Soo Ling Lim, Peter J. Bentley
App developers are constantly competing against each other to win more downloads for their apps. With hundreds of thousands of apps in these online stores, what strategy should a developer use to be successful? Should they innovate, make many similar apps, optimize their own apps or just copy the apps of others? Looking more deeply, how does a complex app ecosystem perform when developers choose to use different strategies? This paper investigates these questions using AppEco, the first Artificial Life model of mobile application ecosystems. In AppEco, developer agents build and upload apps to the app store; user agents browse the store and download the apps. A distinguishing feature of AppEco is the explicit modelling of apps as artefacts. In this work we use AppEco to simulate Apple's iOS app ecosystem and investigate common developer strategies, evaluating them in terms of downloads received, app diversity, and adoption rate.
Choose the correct option according to TEXT.
How to be a successful app developer: lessons from the simulation of an app ecosystem
Soo Ling Lim, Peter J. Bentley
App developers are constantly competing against each other to win more downloads for their apps. With hundreds of thousands of apps in these online stores, what strategy should a developer use to be successful? Should they innovate, make many similar apps, optimize their own apps or just copy the apps of others? Looking more deeply, how does a complex app ecosystem perform when developers choose to use different strategies? This paper investigates these questions using AppEco, the first Artificial Life model of mobile application ecosystems. In AppEco, developer agents build and upload apps to the app store; user agents browse the store and download the apps. A distinguishing feature of AppEco is the explicit modelling of apps as artefacts. In this work we use AppEco to simulate Apple's iOS app ecosystem and investigate common developer strategies, evaluating them in terms of downloads received, app diversity, and adoption rate.
Technology Consultant Fast Track: How to Get Your Dream Job in IT Consulting (IT Consulting Career Guide).
(English Edition) eBook Kindle only.
Jumpstart your IT job search and land your dream job while your peers are still "freshening up" their resumes!
Proven techniques to land your dream job as a high-paid IT consultant—you don’t want to miss these, if you are serious about a career in IT!
Answers to IT consulting career questions most people fail to ask; actionable advice and real-life stories from seasoned IT consultants!
As a fresh graduate looking for your first job, if you just do what almost everybody else is doing…you will land a hellhole job with lousy pay, long hours, nasty coworkers, and exclusively clients from hell (because you thought it was your only option to go forward in your career). If you are serious and can apply simple instructions, this book can help you become a high-paid IT consultant in your dream job by the end of the month!
If you already have your first or second job in the field of IT, or even have 20 years of work experience, this book will tell you what a great option a career in IT consulting can be. With this book, you can find out why your current job is not satisfying your career aspirations and turn your career around for the better!
Containing lessons from a PhD with 12 years of experience and 15,000 billable hours from Accenture and Coala, this is the book movers and shakers in the IT industry are talking about. Recommended by university professors, last-year students, as well as seasoned consultants. Even my mom says you have to read this book, or you have to answer to her!
By reading this book, you will learn:
What your college professor didn't tell you about the consulting business.
The Pro’s and Con’s of a career in technology consulting.
What other options do you have besides working for one of the global consulting giants such as Accenture, Capgemini, Deloitte, Ernst & Young (EY), KPMG, or PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).
The must-have characteristics to succeed in IT consulting (if you don't have these, you are doomed to FAIL!).
How to find your money-making niche in IT consulting.
How to get the best results with the least possible effort in your job search.
Best ways to prepare for the job interview in 30 minutes or less. What questions to ask in the interview to avoid nasty surprises when you are selected.
Hear what others are saying:
★★★★★ “The book gives a strong and realistic description of IT consultancy. Thus, every IT student should read the book before they graduate as it will increase their probability of landing a dream job.” Samuli Pekkola, Professor, PhD, in Information Systems Sciences, Tampere University
★★★★★ “The book gives insight into technology consulting and provides great tips for job search. I believe it will be very valuable when I start looking for a position in IT. The section on how to stand out as a candidate for a job was an eyeopener.” Saku Sikiö, Information Systems Student, University of Jyväskylä
★★★★★ “This is the book I would have needed on the verge of graduation!” Teijo Kelander, MSc, Quality Consultant and Agile Coach
★★★★★ “If you are serious about IT consultancy as a profession, this book is a must-read! As a recruiter, I would prefer that applicants would better understand what this is all about.” Petteri Laamanen, MSc, CEO & Founder, Coala
★★★★★ “This book gave me valuable insights into the IT consultant’s working life, making it easier to consider the pros and cons in relation to my own values and goals.” Janita Kingelin, MSc, Marketing Manager, SoulCore
★ If you want great results in your technology consultant job search, get this book right now!
Choose the person who said that.
Technology Consultant Fast Track: How to Get Your Dream Job in IT Consulting (IT Consulting Career Guide).
(English Edition) eBook Kindle only.
Jumpstart your IT job search and land your dream job while your peers are still "freshening up" their resumes!
Proven techniques to land your dream job as a high-paid IT consultant—you don’t want to miss these, if you are serious about a career in IT!
Answers to IT consulting career questions most people fail to ask; actionable advice and real-life stories from seasoned IT consultants!
As a fresh graduate looking for your first job, if you just do what almost everybody else is doing…you will land a hellhole job with lousy pay, long hours, nasty coworkers, and exclusively clients from hell (because you thought it was your only option to go forward in your career). If you are serious and can apply simple instructions, this book can help you become a high-paid IT consultant in your dream job by the end of the month!
If you already have your first or second job in the field of IT, or even have 20 years of work experience, this book will tell you what a great option a career in IT consulting can be. With this book, you can find out why your current job is not satisfying your career aspirations and turn your career around for the better!
Containing lessons from a PhD with 12 years of experience and 15,000 billable hours from Accenture and Coala, this is the book movers and shakers in the IT industry are talking about. Recommended by university professors, last-year students, as well as seasoned consultants. Even my mom says you have to read this book, or you have to answer to her!
By reading this book, you will learn:
What your college professor didn't tell you about the consulting business.
The Pro’s and Con’s of a career in technology consulting.
What other options do you have besides working for one of the global consulting giants such as Accenture, Capgemini, Deloitte, Ernst & Young (EY), KPMG, or PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).
The must-have characteristics to succeed in IT consulting (if you don't have these, you are doomed to FAIL!).
How to find your money-making niche in IT consulting.
How to get the best results with the least possible effort in your job search.
Best ways to prepare for the job interview in 30 minutes or less. What questions to ask in the interview to avoid nasty surprises when you are selected.
Hear what others are saying:
★★★★★ “The book gives a strong and realistic description of IT consultancy. Thus, every IT student should read the book before they graduate as it will increase their probability of landing a dream job.” Samuli Pekkola, Professor, PhD, in Information Systems Sciences, Tampere University
★★★★★ “The book gives insight into technology consulting and provides great tips for job search. I believe it will be very valuable when I start looking for a position in IT. The section on how to stand out as a candidate for a job was an eyeopener.” Saku Sikiö, Information Systems Student, University of Jyväskylä
★★★★★ “This is the book I would have needed on the verge of graduation!” Teijo Kelander, MSc, Quality Consultant and Agile Coach
★★★★★ “If you are serious about IT consultancy as a profession, this book is a must-read! As a recruiter, I would prefer that applicants would better understand what this is all about.” Petteri Laamanen, MSc, CEO & Founder, Coala
★★★★★ “This book gave me valuable insights into the IT consultant’s working life, making it easier to consider the pros and cons in relation to my own values and goals.” Janita Kingelin, MSc, Marketing Manager, SoulCore
★ If you want great results in your technology consultant job search, get this book right now!
The pronoun her refers to
Technology Consultant Fast Track: How to Get Your Dream Job in IT Consulting (IT Consulting Career Guide).
(English Edition) eBook Kindle only.
Jumpstart your IT job search and land your dream job while your peers are still "freshening up" their resumes!
Proven techniques to land your dream job as a high-paid IT consultant—you don’t want to miss these, if you are serious about a career in IT!
Answers to IT consulting career questions most people fail to ask; actionable advice and real-life stories from seasoned IT consultants!
As a fresh graduate looking for your first job, if you just do what almost everybody else is doing…you will land a hellhole job with lousy pay, long hours, nasty coworkers, and exclusively clients from hell (because you thought it was your only option to go forward in your career). If you are serious and can apply simple instructions, this book can help you become a high-paid IT consultant in your dream job by the end of the month!
If you already have your first or second job in the field of IT, or even have 20 years of work experience, this book will tell you what a great option a career in IT consulting can be. With this book, you can find out why your current job is not satisfying your career aspirations and turn your career around for the better!
Containing lessons from a PhD with 12 years of experience and 15,000 billable hours from Accenture and Coala, this is the book movers and shakers in the IT industry are talking about. Recommended by university professors, last-year students, as well as seasoned consultants. Even my mom says you have to read this book, or you have to answer to her!
By reading this book, you will learn:
What your college professor didn't tell you about the consulting business.
The Pro’s and Con’s of a career in technology consulting.
What other options do you have besides working for one of the global consulting giants such as Accenture, Capgemini, Deloitte, Ernst & Young (EY), KPMG, or PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).
The must-have characteristics to succeed in IT consulting (if you don't have these, you are doomed to FAIL!).
How to find your money-making niche in IT consulting.
How to get the best results with the least possible effort in your job search.
Best ways to prepare for the job interview in 30 minutes or less. What questions to ask in the interview to avoid nasty surprises when you are selected.
Hear what others are saying:
★★★★★ “The book gives a strong and realistic description of IT consultancy. Thus, every IT student should read the book before they graduate as it will increase their probability of landing a dream job.” Samuli Pekkola, Professor, PhD, in Information Systems Sciences, Tampere University
★★★★★ “The book gives insight into technology consulting and provides great tips for job search. I believe it will be very valuable when I start looking for a position in IT. The section on how to stand out as a candidate for a job was an eyeopener.” Saku Sikiö, Information Systems Student, University of Jyväskylä
★★★★★ “This is the book I would have needed on the verge of graduation!” Teijo Kelander, MSc, Quality Consultant and Agile Coach
★★★★★ “If you are serious about IT consultancy as a profession, this book is a must-read! As a recruiter, I would prefer that applicants would better understand what this is all about.” Petteri Laamanen, MSc, CEO & Founder, Coala
★★★★★ “This book gave me valuable insights into the IT consultant’s working life, making it easier to consider the pros and cons in relation to my own values and goals.” Janita Kingelin, MSc, Marketing Manager, SoulCore
★ If you want great results in your technology consultant job search, get this book right now!
Quando oiei a terra ardendo
Qual fogueira de São João
Eu preguntei a Deus do céu, uai
Por que tamanha judiação?
Nos versos de Luiz Gonzaga, o eu poético narra, em primeira pessoa, suas impressões sobre um determinado assunto.
Para isso, ele utiliza construções linguísticas próprias, constatadas pelo uso
- Como tudo, o problema está no excesso e na falta de controle adequado, afirma o psicólogo Thiago Viola, do Instituto do Cérebro do Rio Grande do Sul. (adaptado)
Sobre o uso do discurso direto, é incorreto afirmar que este procedimento