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Leia o texto para responder às questões de números 49 e 50.
Food Supply Worries ofan Agricultural Scientist — Climate Change
People involved in world agriculture have no patience with the supposed “debate” about climate change. We are already seeing the effects, and the projections for the future are not encouraging.
The most troubling feature of this phenomenon (and one that occurs even if you don't believe that it is human-driven) is that we are facing increasing variation in climatic events. The yearly changes in average temperature or even annual rainfall may not be dramatic, but what we are anticipating is that there will be more extreme weather events.
( Adaptado)
The term but in — The yearly changes in average temperature or even annual rainfall may not be dramatic, but what we are anticipating is that there will be more extreme weather events. — is correctly replaced by
Leia o texto para responder às questões de números 49 e 50.
Food Supply Worries ofan Agricultural Scientist — Climate Change
People involved in world agriculture have no patience with the supposed “debate” about climate change. We are already seeing the effects, and the projections for the future are not encouraging.
The most troubling feature of this phenomenon (and one that occurs even if you don't believe that it is human-driven) is that we are facing increasing variation in climatic events. The yearly changes in average temperature or even annual rainfall may not be dramatic, but what we are anticipating is that there will be more extreme weather events.
( Adaptado)
According to the text, the phenomenon of climate change is
Para responder às questões de números 47 e 48, leia o texto.
Petrobras" investments are guaranteed until 2013
SÃO PAULO, 6/30/09 — The financial and investor relations director of Brazilian mixed-capital oil giant Petrobras, Almir Barbassa, said Monday that the company's investment plan is guaranteed until 2013.
Barbassa also mentioned that the company has been cutting down on costs and investments in order to ensure the exploration of the subsalt reserves. The executive pointed out that Petrobras” operating costs fell by 30% in the final quarter of 2008.
“We are also trying to cut down the equipment that will be used in the subsalt platform and lower labor costs by investing in automation”, Barbassa added.
Petrobras already has over US$30 billion in financing for its future oil and gas exploration and refining and gas transport infrastructure projects. “Petrobras expects to produce 5.7 million barrels of oil equivalent a day (boed) by 2020”, he added.
The 2009 production target is 2.7 million boed.
The term guaranteed in — Petrobras” investments are guaranteed until 2013 — means that the investments will be
Para responder às questões de números 47 e 48, leia o texto.
Petrobras" investments are guaranteed until 2013
SÃO PAULO, 6/30/09 — The financial and investor relations director of Brazilian mixed-capital oil giant Petrobras, Almir Barbassa, said Monday that the company's investment plan is guaranteed until 2013.
Barbassa also mentioned that the company has been cutting down on costs and investments in order to ensure the exploration of the subsalt reserves. The executive pointed out that Petrobras” operating costs fell by 30% in the final quarter of 2008.
“We are also trying to cut down the equipment that will be used in the subsalt platform and lower labor costs by investing in automation”, Barbassa added.
Petrobras already has over US$30 billion in financing for its future oil and gas exploration and refining and gas transport infrastructure projects. “Petrobras expects to produce 5.7 million barrels of oil equivalent a day (boed) by 2020”, he added.
The 2009 production target is 2.7 million boed.
According to the text,
Leia o texto para responder às questões de números 01 a 10.
Paradoxalmente, rádio e televisão podem oferecer-nos o mundo inteiro em um instante, mas o fazem de tal maneira que o mundo real desaparece, restando apenas retalhos fragmentados de uma realidade desprovida de raiz no espaço e no tempo. Como, pela atopia das imagens, desconhecemos as determinações econômico-territoriais (geográficas, geopolíticas etc.) e como, pela acronia das imagens, ignoramos os antecedentes temporais e as consequências dos fatos noticiados, não podemos compreender seu verdadeiro significado. Essa situação se agrava com a TV a cabo, com emissoras dedicadas exclusivamente a notícias, durante 24 horas, colocando em um mesmo espaço e em um mesmo tempo (ou seja, na tela) informações de procedência, conteúdo e significado completamente diferentes, mas que se tornam homogêneas pelo modo de sua transmissão. O paradoxo está em que há uma verdadeira saturação de informação, mas, ao fim, nada sabemos, depois de termos tido a ilusão de que fomos informados sobre tudo.
Se não dispomos de recursos que nos permitam avaliar a realidade e a veracidade das imagens transmitidas, somos persuadidos de que efetivamente vemos o mundo quando vemos a TV. Entretanto, como o que vemos são as imagens escolhidas, selecionadas, editadas, comentadas e interpretadas pelo transmissor das notícias, então é preciso reconhecer que a TV é o mundo. É este o significado profundo da atopia e da acronia, ou da ausência de referenciais concretos de lugar e tempo - ou seja, das condições materiais, econômicas, sociais, políticas, históricas dos acontecimentos. Em outras palavras, essa ausência não é uma falha ou um defeito dos noticiários e sim um procedimento deliberado de controle social, político e cultural.
(Marilena Chauí, Simulacro e poder - uma análise da mídia. 2006)
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta pontuação e emprego de pronomes de acordo com a norma culta.