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Q2927559 Biologia

“Localizado no Brasil central, caracteriza-se pela presença de duas estações, uma seca e uma chuvosa, solo com baixo teor de nutrientes e baixo pH, vegetação constituída por gramíneas e plantas de pequeno porte com galhos retorcidos, cascas espessas e folhas coriáceas.” Assinale a alternativa que representa corretamente esse Bioma:

Q2927557 Meio Ambiente

Considerada por alguns especialistas, a possível escassez de água é uma das maiores preocupações da atualidade. No entanto, tão importante quanto aumentar a oferta é investir na qualidade e no reaproveitamento da água de que dispomos hoje. A ação humana tem provocado algumas alterações quantitativas e qualitativas da água. Analise:

I. Contaminação de lençóis freáticos.

II. Diminuição da umidade do solo.

III. Enchentes e inundações.

Pode-se afirmar que as principais ações humanas associadas às alterações anteriores são, respectivamente:

Q2927554 Meio Ambiente

Impacto ambiental é qualquer alteração das propriedades físicas, químicas e biológicas do meio ambiente, causada por qualquer forma de matéria e energia resultante de atividades humanas que, direta ou indiretamente, afetam:

Q2927545 Geologia

O solo se forma como resultado da fragmentação e alteração química das rochas e do subseqüente estabelecimento de microrganismos que colonizam os minerais, liberando os nutrientes que necessitam para crescer e possibilitando o crescimento também, de pequenos vegetais. Acerca disso, associe as colunas abaixo:

1. Horizonte O.

2. Horizonte A.

3. Horizonte B.

4. Horizonte C.

5. Horizonte R.

( ) Formado pelo material original do solo, proveniente da rocha matriz.

( ) Contém mais de 20% de matéria orgânica (animal e vegetal) em diferentes graus de composição.

( ) Bastante intemperizado, pouco afetado pela erosão natural e ação do homem.

( ) Rocha matriz ou rocha não-alterada.

( ) Apresenta maior quantidade de matéria orgânica decomposta e misturada com elementos naturais.

A seqüência está correta em:

Q2927543 Geografia

Sobre terremotos, analise:

I. A escala mais utilizada para medir a intensidade dos abalos sísmicos é a escala de Richter.

II. O local de origem do terremoto é denominado de hipocentro e o local onde manifesta chama-se hepicentro.

III. A intensidade dos terremotos pode ser percebida de forma direta pelas pessoas ou por meio de instrumentos especiais, chamados sismógrafos.

IV. A ocorrência de terremoto está ligada a três tipos de causas: desmoronamentos internos; vulcanismo e tectonismo.

Está(ão) correta(s) apenas a(s) afirmativa(s):

Q2927540 Biologia

A Eutrofização é o fenômeno causado pelo excesso de nutrientes ricos em fósforo ou nitrogênio em um corpo de água, o que leva à proliferação excessiva de algas. Acerca disso, relacione a 2ª coluna de acordo com a 1ª:

1. Efluentes domésticos.

2. Efluentes industriais.

3. Efluentes agro-pastoris.

4. Chuvas.

( ) A atividade agrícola, pode ser considerada como uma das principais fontes de fosfato e nitrogênio.

( ) Os excrementos humanos podem causar, além de problemas sanitários diretos, problemas de eutrofização a médio e longo prazo.

( ) Nas regiões de intensa poluição atmosférica, as chuvas podem ser consideradas como fonte significativa de fosfato e nitrogênio.

( ) As indústrias de processamento de alimento são as principais fontes de efluentes orgânicos.

( ) Detergentes sintéticos são constituídos por uma mistura de várias substâncias conhecidas como agentes de superfície.

( ) Excrementos de bois, carnerios, etc não têm altas concentrações de fosfato e nitrogênio.

A seqüência está correta em:

Q2909307 Biologia

Biodiversidade é a diversidade da natureza viva de um habitat, isto é, é a totalidade dos genes, espécies e ecossistemas dessa região. Como os biomas apresentam diferentes climas, topografias e disponibilidade de nutrientes, entre outras características, existe uma variabilidade na biodiversidade desses biomas.

Os biomas aparecem em ordem crescente de biodiversidade em

Q2909305 Biologia

Na natureza, em algumas situações, ocorre um fenômeno de um aumento na concentração de determinados elementos e compostos químicos à medida que se avança na cadeia alimentar, em função da assimilação desses compostos na síntese dos tecidos ou gorduras. Isso ocorre porque é necessário um grande número de elementos de um nível trófico para alimentar indivíduos de um nível trófico superior e também porque os poluentes são de difícil degradação e lipossolúveis, fato que impede a eliminação através da urina.

Esse fenômeno é conhecido por

Q2909273 Inglês

Text II

How To Start A Career In The Oil And Gas Industry: What Employers Say

By Katie Weir

From Talent Acquisition Specialist, Campus

Talisman Energy

How to start your career, step by step

Fix up your resumé – take it to your career

centre at your university and they’ll help you.

Write a compelling cover letter that speaks to

your best qualities – save the pretentious language

5 for your English papers.

Join a professional association and attend

their events – if you feel uncomfortable attending

alone, try volunteering at them. By having a job to do,

it gives you an excuse to interact with the attendees,

10and an easy way to start up a conversation the next

time you see them.

Do your research – I can’t stress this enough. I

want students to apply to Talisman, not because we

have open jobs, but because they actually have an

15interest in what we’re doing, and want to be a part of it.

Be confident, but stay humble – it’s important

to communicate your abilities effectively, but it’s also

important to be conscious of the phrase: “sense of

entitlement.” This generation entering the workforce

20has already been branded with the word “entitlement,”

so students will need to fight against this bias from the

very beginning of any relationship with people in the

industry – be aware that you will need to roll up your

sleeves and work hard for the first couple years, and

25you will be rewarded in the end.

Retrieved and adapted from URL: <>. Acess on: February 14, 2012.

The fragment that closes Text II, “be aware that you will need to roll up your sleeves and work hard for the first couple years, and you will be rewarded in the end.” (lines 23-25), implies that one must

Q2909272 Inglês

Text II

How To Start A Career In The Oil And Gas Industry: What Employers Say

By Katie Weir

From Talent Acquisition Specialist, Campus

Talisman Energy

How to start your career, step by step

Fix up your resumé – take it to your career

centre at your university and they’ll help you.

Write a compelling cover letter that speaks to

your best qualities – save the pretentious language

5 for your English papers.

Join a professional association and attend

their events – if you feel uncomfortable attending

alone, try volunteering at them. By having a job to do,

it gives you an excuse to interact with the attendees,

10and an easy way to start up a conversation the next

time you see them.

Do your research – I can’t stress this enough. I

want students to apply to Talisman, not because we

have open jobs, but because they actually have an

15interest in what we’re doing, and want to be a part of it.

Be confident, but stay humble – it’s important

to communicate your abilities effectively, but it’s also

important to be conscious of the phrase: “sense of

entitlement.” This generation entering the workforce

20has already been branded with the word “entitlement,”

so students will need to fight against this bias from the

very beginning of any relationship with people in the

industry – be aware that you will need to roll up your

sleeves and work hard for the first couple years, and

25you will be rewarded in the end.

Retrieved and adapted from URL: <>. Acess on: February 14, 2012.

The main purpose of Text II is to

Q2909271 Inglês

Text I

A Day in the Life of the Women of O&G

by Jaime Kammerzell

From Rigzone Contributor. Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Although far fewer women work in the oil and gas

(O&G) industry compared to men, many women find

rewarding careers in the industry. Five women were

asked the same questions regarding their career

5 choices in the oil and gas industry.

Question 1: Why did you choose the oil and gas


Woman 1: Cool technology, applying science and


10Woman 2: It seemed interesting and the pay was


Woman 3: They offered me a job! I couldn’t turn down

the great starting salary and a chance to live in New


15Woman 4: I did not really choose the oil and gas

industry as much as it chose me.

Woman 5: I chose the oil and gas industry because of

the challenging projects, and I want to be part of our

country’s energy solution.

20Question 2: How did you get your start in the oil

and gas industry?

Woman 1: I went to a university that all major oil

companies recruit. I received a summer internship with

Texaco before my last year of my Master’s degree.

25Woman 2: I was recruited at a Texas Tech Engineering

Job Fair.

Woman 3: At the time, campus recruiters came

to the geosciences department of my university

annually and they sponsored scholarships for

30graduate students to help complete their research.

Even though my Master’s thesis was more geared

toward environmental studies, as a recipient of one

of these scholarships, my graduate advisor strongly

encouraged me to participate when the time came for

35O&G Industry interviews.

Woman 4: I was working for a company in another

state where oil and gas was not its primary business.

When the company sold its division in the state

where I was working, they offered me a position at

40the company’s headquarters in Houston managing

the aftermarket sales for the company’s largest

region. Aftermarket sales supported the on-highway,

construction, industrial, agricultural and the oil and

gas markets. After one year, the company asked me

45to take the position of managing their marine and

offshore power products division. I held that position

for three years. I left that company to join a new startup

company where I hold the position of president.

Woman 5: My first job in the oil and gas industry was

50an internship with Mobil Oil Corp., in New Orleans.

I worked with a lot of smart, focused and talented

geoscientists and engineers.

Question 3: Describe your typical day.

Woman 1: Tough one to describe a typical day. I

55generally read email, go to a couple of meetings and

work with the field’s earth model or look at seismic.

Woman 2: I talk with clients, help prepare bids and

work on getting projects out the door. My days are

never the same, which is what I love about the job I


Woman 3: I usually work from 7:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.

(although the official day is shorter). We call the field

every morning for an update on operations, security,

construction, facilities and production engineering

65activities. I work with my team leads on short-term

and long-term projects to enhance production (a lot of

emails and Powerpoint). I usually have 2-3 meetings

per day to discuss/prioritize/review ongoing or

upcoming work (production optimization, simulation

70modeling, drilling plans, geologic interpretation,

workovers, etc.). Beyond our team, I also participate

in a number of broader business initiatives and

leadership teams.

Woman 4: A typical day is a hectic day for me. My

75day usually starts well before 8 a.m. with phone

calls and emails with our facility in Norway, as well

as other business relationships abroad. At the office,

I am involved in the daily business operations and

also stay closely involved in the projects and the

80sales efforts. On any given day I am working on

budgets and finance, attending project meetings,

attending engineering meetings, reviewing drawings

and technical specifications, meeting with clients

and prospective clients, reviewing sales proposals,

85evaluating new business opportunities and making a

lot of decisions.

Woman 5: On most days I work on my computer

to complete my projects. I interpret logs, create

maps, research local and regional geology or write

90documents. I go to project meetings almost every day.

I typically work only during business hours, but there

are times when I get calls at night or on weekends

from a rig or other geologists for assistance with a

technical problem.

Adapted from URL: <

.asp?a_id=11508>. Retrieved on February 14, 2012.

The only fragment from Text I that presents a series of actions exclusively performed in the past is

Q2909270 Inglês

Text I

A Day in the Life of the Women of O&G

by Jaime Kammerzell

From Rigzone Contributor. Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Although far fewer women work in the oil and gas

(O&G) industry compared to men, many women find

rewarding careers in the industry. Five women were

asked the same questions regarding their career

5 choices in the oil and gas industry.

Question 1: Why did you choose the oil and gas


Woman 1: Cool technology, applying science and


10Woman 2: It seemed interesting and the pay was


Woman 3: They offered me a job! I couldn’t turn down

the great starting salary and a chance to live in New


15Woman 4: I did not really choose the oil and gas

industry as much as it chose me.

Woman 5: I chose the oil and gas industry because of

the challenging projects, and I want to be part of our

country’s energy solution.

20Question 2: How did you get your start in the oil

and gas industry?

Woman 1: I went to a university that all major oil

companies recruit. I received a summer internship with

Texaco before my last year of my Master’s degree.

25Woman 2: I was recruited at a Texas Tech Engineering

Job Fair.

Woman 3: At the time, campus recruiters came

to the geosciences department of my university

annually and they sponsored scholarships for

30graduate students to help complete their research.

Even though my Master’s thesis was more geared

toward environmental studies, as a recipient of one

of these scholarships, my graduate advisor strongly

encouraged me to participate when the time came for

35O&G Industry interviews.

Woman 4: I was working for a company in another

state where oil and gas was not its primary business.

When the company sold its division in the state

where I was working, they offered me a position at

40the company’s headquarters in Houston managing

the aftermarket sales for the company’s largest

region. Aftermarket sales supported the on-highway,

construction, industrial, agricultural and the oil and

gas markets. After one year, the company asked me

45to take the position of managing their marine and

offshore power products division. I held that position

for three years. I left that company to join a new startup

company where I hold the position of president.

Woman 5: My first job in the oil and gas industry was

50an internship with Mobil Oil Corp., in New Orleans.

I worked with a lot of smart, focused and talented

geoscientists and engineers.

Question 3: Describe your typical day.

Woman 1: Tough one to describe a typical day. I

55generally read email, go to a couple of meetings and

work with the field’s earth model or look at seismic.

Woman 2: I talk with clients, help prepare bids and

work on getting projects out the door. My days are

never the same, which is what I love about the job I


Woman 3: I usually work from 7:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.

(although the official day is shorter). We call the field

every morning for an update on operations, security,

construction, facilities and production engineering

65activities. I work with my team leads on short-term

and long-term projects to enhance production (a lot of

emails and Powerpoint). I usually have 2-3 meetings

per day to discuss/prioritize/review ongoing or

upcoming work (production optimization, simulation

70modeling, drilling plans, geologic interpretation,

workovers, etc.). Beyond our team, I also participate

in a number of broader business initiatives and

leadership teams.

Woman 4: A typical day is a hectic day for me. My

75day usually starts well before 8 a.m. with phone

calls and emails with our facility in Norway, as well

as other business relationships abroad. At the office,

I am involved in the daily business operations and

also stay closely involved in the projects and the

80sales efforts. On any given day I am working on

budgets and finance, attending project meetings,

attending engineering meetings, reviewing drawings

and technical specifications, meeting with clients

and prospective clients, reviewing sales proposals,

85evaluating new business opportunities and making a

lot of decisions.

Woman 5: On most days I work on my computer

to complete my projects. I interpret logs, create

maps, research local and regional geology or write

90documents. I go to project meetings almost every day.

I typically work only during business hours, but there

are times when I get calls at night or on weekends

from a rig or other geologists for assistance with a

technical problem.

Adapted from URL: <

.asp?a_id=11508>. Retrieved on February 14, 2012.

In Text I, the expression “turn down” in “I couldn’t turn down the great starting salary and a chance to live in New Orleans” (lines 12-14) could be replaced, without change in meaning, by

Ano: 2012 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: UFFS Prova: FEPESE - 2012 - UFFS - Técnico em Agropecuária |
Q2905139 Meio Ambiente

Referente à educação ambiental, é correto afirmar:

1. A cana-de-açúcar mantida em ambiente com o dobro de CO2 normalmente presente na atmosfera, pode realizar 30% a mais de fotossíntese e produzir 30% a mais de açúcar do que a cana-de-açúcar mantida em ambientes com concentração normal de CO2.

2. No processo produtivo da cana-de-açúcar, as queimadas podem contribuir para a formação de chuvas ácidas.

3. As chuvas ácidas podem contribuir para o desmatamento.

4. Gases como dióxido de enxofre, lançados na natureza, aliados à água das chuvas, podem formar chuvas ácidas, com a presença de ácido sulfúrico.

5. A desertificação de áreas agrícolas é causada somente pela má utilização da calagem no solo.

Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.

Q2903044 Meio Ambiente

A avaliação de impacto ambiental conta com uma grande variedade de métodos que podem ser agrupados em categorias como: listagens, matrizes, diagramas de fluxo e mapas de superposição. Com relação a estes métodos é correto afirmar que

Q2903043 Meio Ambiente

O crescimento exacerbado da população humana deixa suas marcas por todo o planeta sob a forma dos mais variados tipos de impactos ambientais, os quais podem ser definidos como alterações em componentes

Q2903041 Meio Ambiente

Uma definição de Gestão Ambiental capaz de abranger corretamente a totalidade das ações humanas relacionadas ao meio ambiente envolveria:

Q2903040 Meio Ambiente

O Protocolo de Kyoto institui um Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo, que tem como objetivo permitir que Nações

Q2903036 Meio Ambiente

A agenda 21 é um documento operacional da Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento, a Rio-92, que

Q2903032 Meio Ambiente

As análises das temáticas ambientais têm incorporado, cada vez mais, as questões econômicas, deixando clara sua indissociabilidade. Esta tendência pode ser explicada, entre outros motivos, pelo fato de

Q2903028 Meio Ambiente

Risco ambiental pode ser definido como a probabilidade de um perigo potencial se manifestar em um dado período. Sobre a avaliação de riscos ambientais considere:

I. Trata-se de um processo anterior e fundamental para a identificação de zonas de vulnerabilidade ambiental.

II. Trata-se de um processo de decisão sobre a tolerabilidade do risco que compara o risco estimado com o considerado tolerável a fim de determinar o nível de significância do risco.

III. A maioria das metodologias utiliza as etapas de identificação, caracterização e priorização dos riscos, sendo que a combinação das duas últimas é denominada análise de risco.

IV. A caracterização do risco associa valores de frequência ou probabilidades às consequências de um risco.

V. Permite avaliar os riscos que as atividades humanas impõem ao ambiente.

Está correto o que se afirma APENAS em

141: C
142: E
143: B
144: C
145: D
146: C
147: C
148: D
149: A
150: E
151: C
152: A
153: E
154: A
155: E
156: B
157: B
158: A
159: D
160: E