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Q1688883 Redação Oficial
De acordo com o Manual de Redação da Presidência da República, a linguagem adequada às comunicações oficiais está presente em:
Q1688882 Administração Geral
O Programa 5S tem como principal objetivo ser um plano estratégico para que alguns aspectos fundamentais da organização comecem a apresentar melhorias rumo à qualidade total, além de provocar mudanças comportamentais em todos os setores. Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu e Shitsuke são as palavras que formam os 5 S e vão se consolidando na organização. O 5° S, Shitsuke, existe quando os outros 4 foram incorporados por todas as pessoas. Em português esse senso é chamado de
Q1688881 Arquivologia
Quanto à organização de arquivos, um dos métodos bastante utilizados é o alfabético. Porém, quando há uma certa complexidade no arquivamento, os nomes podem ser associados a cores. O nome desse método padronizado é
Q1688880 Arquivologia
Uma das medidas mais tomadas pelas organizações atualmente é a solução informatizada para a gestão de documentos. Isso se deve em função da necessidade de redução de custos e da otimização dos processos permitida pelas novas tecnologias da informação. Uma das ferramentas mais utilizadas, possibilitada pelo apoio de softwares especializados e plataformas de gestão de documentos, é
Q1688879 Administração Geral
Para organizações que pretendem melhorar a sua performance atingirem seus objetivos e otimizarem os resultados obtidos diariamente, é imprescindível que apliquem técnicas de gerenciamento das rotinas de trabalho. É imprescindível, também, que estabeleçam indicadores para medir o quanto se está atingindo os objetivos, cumprindo as metas e conseguindo alcançar ou superar seus resultados. Os indicadores que medem o cumprimento dos objetivos são indicadores de
Q1688878 Administração Geral
Nas duas últimas décadas, verificou-se uma grande evolução com mudanças radicais nas competências exigidas, em termos de conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes, para os ocupantes de funções secretariais. Uma dessas competências é a de ser capaz de tomar decisões entre outras ações que são próprias da competência gerencial. Assinale uma atividade que se enquadra nessa competência.
Q1681801 Noções de Informática
Uma mensagem de e-mail, enviada e recebida com sucesso por meio do MS-Outlook 2010, em sua configuração padrão, possuía os campos preenchidos conforme se vê a seguir.

De: [email protected] Para: [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Cco: [email protected] Assunto: [email protected]

Camila ([email protected]), ao receber a mensagem, clicou em responder a todos, e sua mensagem de resposta, automaticamente, passou a ter como destinatários, apenas
Q1681800 Noções de Informática
Um usuário, realizando uma busca por meio do site www., deseja localizar sites que contenham a palavra “Mogi” mas não contenham a palavra “Cruzes”.

Assinale a alternativa que contém o argumento de busca que deve ser utilizado no site.
Q1681799 Noções de Informática
Observe a planilha a seguir, elaborada por meio do MS- -Excel 2010, em sua configuração padrão, por um jornalista que estava analisando pesquisas de opinião realizadas num determinado período de tempo.
Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a fórmula que deve estar contida na célula C2, para que esta apresente o valor exibido na imagem.
Q1681798 Noções de Informática
A partir de um documento vazio do MS-Word 2010, em sua configuração padrão, um usuário executou as ações a seguir, na ordem especificada.

1 – Digitou uma palavra. 2 – Clicou em alinhar o parágrafo à direita e apertou a tecla Enter. 3 – Digitou uma nova palavra e apertou a tecla Enter. 4 – Clicou em centralizar o parágrafo. 5 – Digitou uma nova palavra e apertou a tecla Enter. 6 – Digitou uma nova palavra e apertou a tecla Enter. 7 – Clicou em justificar o parágrafo. 8 – Digitou uma nova palavra e apertou a tecla Enter.

Após todas as ações executadas, quantos parágrafos ficaram alinhados à direita?
Q1681797 Noções de Informática
Um usuário do MS-Windows 10, em sua configuração padrão, está com 3 janelas de aplicativos abertas. Para que esse usuário consiga visualizar a Área de Trabalho inteira, pode utilizar o atalho por teclado composto pela tecla Windows +
Q1681796 Atualidades
As eleições presidenciais do Uruguai serão decididas no segundo turno, marcado para 24 de novembro. De acordo com a Corte Eleitoral uruguaia, a taxa de participação nas eleições chegou a 90% – o que a instituição considerou “histórica”.
( Publicado em 28.10.2019. Adaptado)
Sobre as eleições do Uruguai, é correto afirmar que
Q1681795 Atualidades
A Fundação Nacional do Índio (Funai) confirmou, nesta quarta-feira, a nomeação de Ricardo Lopes Dias para o cargo de coordenador-geral de proteção a índios isolados e de recente contato. Na semana passada, entidades e lideranças indígenas criticaram a eventual nomeação de Dias.
( Publicado em 05.02.2020. Adaptado)

As críticas se referem
Q1681794 Atualidades
A Academia de Artes e Ciências Cinematográficas revelou hoje os indicados ao Oscar 2020, cuja cerimônia será realizada no próximo dia 9 de fevereiro. Coringa, de Todd Phillips, lidera as indicações, concorrendo a 11 estatuetas, seguido de perto por O Irlandês, de Martin Scorsese, Era Uma Vez... Em Hollywood, de Quentin Tarantino, e 1917, de Sam Mendes, que disputam em dez categorias.
( Publicado em 13.01.2020. Adaptado)

Sobre a participação do Brasil no Oscar 2020, é correto afirmar:
Q1681793 Atualidades
Convidada pelo presidente da República há três dias, ela diz agora que “está noivando” com o cargo, atualmente sob condução do interino José Paulo Martins. Após conversa produtiva com o presidente, Regina Duarte estará em Brasília na próxima quarta-feira, 22. “Estamos noivando”, disse a artista após o encontro ocorrido nesta tarde no Rio de Janeiro”, diz a nota oficial do Planalto.
( Publicado em 21.01.2020. Adaptado)

Sobre Regina Duarte, em relação ao atual governo, é correto afirmar:
Q1681792 Atualidades
O vencedor efetivo da guerra civil no país está mais perto que nunca de retomar o último território em mãos dos rebeldes, um marco que vai selar sua vitória, enquanto agrava o sofrimento da população. Nos últimos três meses, suas forças, apoiadas por ataques aéreos russos, intensificaram o avanço na província, empurrando quase 1 milhão de moradores na direção da fronteira ao [norte do país].
( Publicado em 27.02.2020. Adaptado)

O texto se refere ao conflito
Q1681791 Inglês
    Among the press‘s roles are what are called the “three I’s” – information, interpretation, and interest. Roger Hilsman, a political scientist and State Department official in the John F. Kennedy administration, identified “the gathering and dissemination of information” as a major function of the press. The flow of information through the press [...] is the lifeblood of America’s democratic system.
    Information in press coverage of foreign affairs is almost always accompanied by interpretation. Journalists provide contexts (often called “frames”) in which information is conveyed. “By suggesting the cause and relationships of various events,” the political scientist Doris A. Graber observes, “the media may shape opinions even without telling their audiences what to believe or think. For example, linking civil strife in El Salvador [in the 1980s] to the activities of Soviet and Cuban agents ensured that the American public would view the situation with considerable alarm.” Among policymakers in Washington, Hilsman notes, “the press is not the sole source of interpretation. The president, the secretary of state, the assistant secretaries, American ambassadors, senators, congressmen, academic experts – all are sources of interpretation. But the fact that the press is there every day, day after day, with its interpretations makes it the principal competitor of all the others in interpreting events”.
    The press also can play an important role in stirring interest in an issue both in Washington and among the public. During the Ronald Reagan years media reporting awakened public interest on starvation in Ethiopia, a topic that Americans had shown little interest in prior to the appearance of illustrated stories about dying children in the press and on television. An example from the James Earl Carter years was the debate over whether to deploy enhanced radiation nuclear bombs (also called neutron bombs) in western Europe. The debate began with a story by Walter Pincus in the Washington Post on 6 June 1977. A quotation in the story noted that the bombs would „kill people“ while „leaving buildings and tanks standing.“ Once the story was framed in this negative way – on television and radio as well as in newspapers and magazines – the administration was not able to gain public and congressional support for deploying the new weapon. The unfolding of this story illustrates a frequent pattern in foreign policy: print journalists often bring stories to public attention, after which they are covered by other print and electronic reporters.

( The-Press-The-press-s-many-roles.html. Acesso em 22.02.2020)
No trecho “Once the story was framed in this negative way – on television and radio as well as in newspapers and magazines – ...“, a expressão em destaque indica
Q1681790 Inglês
    Among the press‘s roles are what are called the “three I’s” – information, interpretation, and interest. Roger Hilsman, a political scientist and State Department official in the John F. Kennedy administration, identified “the gathering and dissemination of information” as a major function of the press. The flow of information through the press [...] is the lifeblood of America’s democratic system.
    Information in press coverage of foreign affairs is almost always accompanied by interpretation. Journalists provide contexts (often called “frames”) in which information is conveyed. “By suggesting the cause and relationships of various events,” the political scientist Doris A. Graber observes, “the media may shape opinions even without telling their audiences what to believe or think. For example, linking civil strife in El Salvador [in the 1980s] to the activities of Soviet and Cuban agents ensured that the American public would view the situation with considerable alarm.” Among policymakers in Washington, Hilsman notes, “the press is not the sole source of interpretation. The president, the secretary of state, the assistant secretaries, American ambassadors, senators, congressmen, academic experts – all are sources of interpretation. But the fact that the press is there every day, day after day, with its interpretations makes it the principal competitor of all the others in interpreting events”.
    The press also can play an important role in stirring interest in an issue both in Washington and among the public. During the Ronald Reagan years media reporting awakened public interest on starvation in Ethiopia, a topic that Americans had shown little interest in prior to the appearance of illustrated stories about dying children in the press and on television. An example from the James Earl Carter years was the debate over whether to deploy enhanced radiation nuclear bombs (also called neutron bombs) in western Europe. The debate began with a story by Walter Pincus in the Washington Post on 6 June 1977. A quotation in the story noted that the bombs would „kill people“ while „leaving buildings and tanks standing.“ Once the story was framed in this negative way – on television and radio as well as in newspapers and magazines – the administration was not able to gain public and congressional support for deploying the new weapon. The unfolding of this story illustrates a frequent pattern in foreign policy: print journalists often bring stories to public attention, after which they are covered by other print and electronic reporters.

( The-Press-The-press-s-many-roles.html. Acesso em 22.02.2020)
According to the third paragraph,
Q1681789 Inglês
    Among the press‘s roles are what are called the “three I’s” – information, interpretation, and interest. Roger Hilsman, a political scientist and State Department official in the John F. Kennedy administration, identified “the gathering and dissemination of information” as a major function of the press. The flow of information through the press [...] is the lifeblood of America’s democratic system.
    Information in press coverage of foreign affairs is almost always accompanied by interpretation. Journalists provide contexts (often called “frames”) in which information is conveyed. “By suggesting the cause and relationships of various events,” the political scientist Doris A. Graber observes, “the media may shape opinions even without telling their audiences what to believe or think. For example, linking civil strife in El Salvador [in the 1980s] to the activities of Soviet and Cuban agents ensured that the American public would view the situation with considerable alarm.” Among policymakers in Washington, Hilsman notes, “the press is not the sole source of interpretation. The president, the secretary of state, the assistant secretaries, American ambassadors, senators, congressmen, academic experts – all are sources of interpretation. But the fact that the press is there every day, day after day, with its interpretations makes it the principal competitor of all the others in interpreting events”.
    The press also can play an important role in stirring interest in an issue both in Washington and among the public. During the Ronald Reagan years media reporting awakened public interest on starvation in Ethiopia, a topic that Americans had shown little interest in prior to the appearance of illustrated stories about dying children in the press and on television. An example from the James Earl Carter years was the debate over whether to deploy enhanced radiation nuclear bombs (also called neutron bombs) in western Europe. The debate began with a story by Walter Pincus in the Washington Post on 6 June 1977. A quotation in the story noted that the bombs would „kill people“ while „leaving buildings and tanks standing.“ Once the story was framed in this negative way – on television and radio as well as in newspapers and magazines – the administration was not able to gain public and congressional support for deploying the new weapon. The unfolding of this story illustrates a frequent pattern in foreign policy: print journalists often bring stories to public attention, after which they are covered by other print and electronic reporters.

( The-Press-The-press-s-many-roles.html. Acesso em 22.02.2020)
No segundo parágrafo, a palavra destacada no trecho – the press is not the sole source of interpretation – pode ser substituída, sem alteração de sentido, por:
Q1681788 Inglês
    Among the press‘s roles are what are called the “three I’s” – information, interpretation, and interest. Roger Hilsman, a political scientist and State Department official in the John F. Kennedy administration, identified “the gathering and dissemination of information” as a major function of the press. The flow of information through the press [...] is the lifeblood of America’s democratic system.
    Information in press coverage of foreign affairs is almost always accompanied by interpretation. Journalists provide contexts (often called “frames”) in which information is conveyed. “By suggesting the cause and relationships of various events,” the political scientist Doris A. Graber observes, “the media may shape opinions even without telling their audiences what to believe or think. For example, linking civil strife in El Salvador [in the 1980s] to the activities of Soviet and Cuban agents ensured that the American public would view the situation with considerable alarm.” Among policymakers in Washington, Hilsman notes, “the press is not the sole source of interpretation. The president, the secretary of state, the assistant secretaries, American ambassadors, senators, congressmen, academic experts – all are sources of interpretation. But the fact that the press is there every day, day after day, with its interpretations makes it the principal competitor of all the others in interpreting events”.
    The press also can play an important role in stirring interest in an issue both in Washington and among the public. During the Ronald Reagan years media reporting awakened public interest on starvation in Ethiopia, a topic that Americans had shown little interest in prior to the appearance of illustrated stories about dying children in the press and on television. An example from the James Earl Carter years was the debate over whether to deploy enhanced radiation nuclear bombs (also called neutron bombs) in western Europe. The debate began with a story by Walter Pincus in the Washington Post on 6 June 1977. A quotation in the story noted that the bombs would „kill people“ while „leaving buildings and tanks standing.“ Once the story was framed in this negative way – on television and radio as well as in newspapers and magazines – the administration was not able to gain public and congressional support for deploying the new weapon. The unfolding of this story illustrates a frequent pattern in foreign policy: print journalists often bring stories to public attention, after which they are covered by other print and electronic reporters.

( The-Press-The-press-s-many-roles.html. Acesso em 22.02.2020)
De acordo com o segundo parágrafo, é correto afirmar que, na cobertura que faz de assuntos externos, a imprensa
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