Questões de Concurso De 2018

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Q2752691 Português

Um artigo de um jornal chinês, em meados de 1986, descreveu a prisão de um cidadão francês pelos policiais chineses, em plena Praça Tiananmen, em Pequim. Ele estava descontrolado, berrando e fazendo gestos ofensivos aos transeuntes ao redor. As autoridades chinesas processaram-no e enviaram-no de volta ao seu país de origem. Ao chegar em Paris, seu diagnóstico foi síndrome de esgotamento nervoso. Internado numa clínica de repouso, ele levou alguns meses antes de se recuperar e ser liberado. Esse homem se chamava Jacques Pierre. Tinha sido enviado à China, como executivo da Petrofuture International, para negociar um contrato de aproximadamente US$ 500 milhões, e a implementação de uma refinaria petroquímica na China. No dia anterior de sua crise nervosa e deportação para a França, ele estava festejando o difícil acordo do seu negócio. Sem dúvida, o tempo que passou negociando com os chineses foi difícil, tenso e muito confuso. Estava sozinho numa terra de costumes diferentes e de pessoas e relacionamentos totalmente imprevisíveis, usando táticas negociais totalmente inesperadas e desconhecidas. Mas, enfim, o contrato foi finalmente assinado com grandes expectativas de bons lucros para a empresa representada por ele. Mais feliz estava ele por achar que nunca mais teria de voltar para negociar com as maneiras estranhas e enervantes dos chineses. No entanto, havia mais uma pequena nuvem no horizonte. Um senhor chamado Li, um alto funcionário do Ministério das Relações Econômicas e Comerciais do Exterior, telefonou-lhe para marcar uma reunião logo à tarde no seu hotel. Jacques começou a sentir um ódio feroz contra tudo que era de origem chinesa. Os negociadores, a comida, o país, os hotéis e a vida miserável e indeterminada que levava em Pequim. Certa vez, um banqueiro francês o aconselhou: “Na China, você deve saber quando parar ou irá perder tudo, incluindo sua sanidade mental e física”. (CHUNG, Tom. Negociando com a China. São Paulo: Novo Século, 2005, p. 16).

O verbo “descrever”, utilizado na segunda linha do texto, possui forma:

Q2752690 Português

Um artigo de um jornal chinês, em meados de 1986, descreveu a prisão de um cidadão francês pelos policiais chineses, em plena Praça Tiananmen, em Pequim. Ele estava descontrolado, berrando e fazendo gestos ofensivos aos transeuntes ao redor. As autoridades chinesas processaram-no e enviaram-no de volta ao seu país de origem. Ao chegar em Paris, seu diagnóstico foi síndrome de esgotamento nervoso. Internado numa clínica de repouso, ele levou alguns meses antes de se recuperar e ser liberado. Esse homem se chamava Jacques Pierre. Tinha sido enviado à China, como executivo da Petrofuture International, para negociar um contrato de aproximadamente US$ 500 milhões, e a implementação de uma refinaria petroquímica na China. No dia anterior de sua crise nervosa e deportação para a França, ele estava festejando o difícil acordo do seu negócio. Sem dúvida, o tempo que passou negociando com os chineses foi difícil, tenso e muito confuso. Estava sozinho numa terra de costumes diferentes e de pessoas e relacionamentos totalmente imprevisíveis, usando táticas negociais totalmente inesperadas e desconhecidas. Mas, enfim, o contrato foi finalmente assinado com grandes expectativas de bons lucros para a empresa representada por ele. Mais feliz estava ele por achar que nunca mais teria de voltar para negociar com as maneiras estranhas e enervantes dos chineses. No entanto, havia mais uma pequena nuvem no horizonte. Um senhor chamado Li, um alto funcionário do Ministério das Relações Econômicas e Comerciais do Exterior, telefonou-lhe para marcar uma reunião logo à tarde no seu hotel. Jacques começou a sentir um ódio feroz contra tudo que era de origem chinesa. Os negociadores, a comida, o país, os hotéis e a vida miserável e indeterminada que levava em Pequim. Certa vez, um banqueiro francês o aconselhou: “Na China, você deve saber quando parar ou irá perder tudo, incluindo sua sanidade mental e física”. (CHUNG, Tom. Negociando com a China. São Paulo: Novo Século, 2005, p. 16).

Segundo o autor do texto:

Q2752669 Química

Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA:

Q2752668 Química

Considerando-se o uso da balança de precisão em laboratórios, pode-se afirmar que:

Q2752665 Química

Analise as assertivas abaixo, relacionadas ao controle de estoque de materiais utilizados no laboratório:

I. Sempre observar o princípio de que o primeiro item a entrar deve ser o último item a sair do estoque.

II. Exames de rotina devem ter seus reagentes checados de maneira mais intensiva para garantir que não haja falta de insumos no estoque do laboratório.

III. Laboratórios de médio e grande porte necessitam de softwares para a gerência de seus estoques com precisão.

Com base nessas assertivas, podemos afirmar que:

Q2752664 Química

Em relação aos produtos utilizados para desinfecção de materiais de laboratório, podemos afirmar que:

Q2752663 Química

São exemplos de produtos químicos inflamáveis comumente presentes em reagentes de laboratórios:

Q2752661 Química

A imagem abaixo representa esquematicamente um microscópio óptico:

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Com base nessa imagem, podemos afirmar que a fonte de luz, o condensador e a ocular do microscópio estão representadas, respectivamente, pelos números:

Q2752660 Química

Sobre a vidraria utilizada em laboratório, assinale a alternativa CORRETA:

Q2752657 Química

Considerando-se os protocolos de limpeza, desinfecção e esterilização de materiais de laboratório, é INCORRETO afirmar que:

Q2752656 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho

Sobre a segurança no trabalho, analise as seguintes assertivas:

I. A segurança no trabalho visa minimizar acidentes e doenças ocupacionais, de forma a proteger o trabalhador.

II. A regulamentação sobre resíduos potencialmente perigosos em saúde está relacionada à segurança no trabalho.

III. O gerenciamento de ações em saúde e segurança é uma forma de executar a segurança no trabalho.

Considerando as assertivas apresentadas acima, é CORRETO afirmar que:

Q2752655 Química

Sobre os materiais de uso cotidiano no laboratório, assinale a alternativa CORRETA:

Q2752622 Inglês

Text for the questions from 38 to 50.

Sound Advice for Language Learners

1 A recent issue of a language learning magazine has

consulted a number of experts in the field of second

language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for

4 those considering a language course. Ask yourself some

basic questions, they suggest. Did you enjoy studying

languages at school, for example? Can you really afford the

7 time to learn a language?

First and foremost, you have to be realistic in your

goals. If you fail to set achievable aims you are likely to give

10 up. Besides, it is worth knowing that the most expensive

courses are not necessarily the best. You should also bear in

mind that the quicker you learn a language the more quickly

13 you forget it. Sue Miller, a French teacher, attempted to

teach herself German by enrolling on a crash course.

Already fluent in three languages, her chances of making

16 progress were high. Two years on she hardly remembers

anything. “I should have chosen a regular course in order to

have more time for practice and consolidation.”

19 Sue’s comment is certainly a good piece of advice.

Internet: <www.flo‐> (adapted).

The adjective “Sound” in the title means

Q2752621 Inglês

Text for the questions from 38 to 50.

Sound Advice for Language Learners

1 A recent issue of a language learning magazine has

consulted a number of experts in the field of second

language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for

4 those considering a language course. Ask yourself some

basic questions, they suggest. Did you enjoy studying

languages at school, for example? Can you really afford the

7 time to learn a language?

First and foremost, you have to be realistic in your

goals. If you fail to set achievable aims you are likely to give

10 up. Besides, it is worth knowing that the most expensive

courses are not necessarily the best. You should also bear in

mind that the quicker you learn a language the more quickly

13 you forget it. Sue Miller, a French teacher, attempted to

teach herself German by enrolling on a crash course.

Already fluent in three languages, her chances of making

16 progress were high. Two years on she hardly remembers

anything. “I should have chosen a regular course in order to

have more time for practice and consolidation.”

19 Sue’s comment is certainly a good piece of advice.

Internet: <www.flo‐> (adapted).

In “I should have chosen a regular course” (line 17), we have an example of past modal with “should”. Identify the sentence which is not correct according to this pattern.

Q2752620 Inglês

Text for the questions from 38 to 50.

Sound Advice for Language Learners

1 A recent issue of a language learning magazine has

consulted a number of experts in the field of second

language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for

4 those considering a language course. Ask yourself some

basic questions, they suggest. Did you enjoy studying

languages at school, for example? Can you really afford the

7 time to learn a language?

First and foremost, you have to be realistic in your

goals. If you fail to set achievable aims you are likely to give

10 up. Besides, it is worth knowing that the most expensive

courses are not necessarily the best. You should also bear in

mind that the quicker you learn a language the more quickly

13 you forget it. Sue Miller, a French teacher, attempted to

teach herself German by enrolling on a crash course.

Already fluent in three languages, her chances of making

16 progress were high. Two years on she hardly remembers

anything. “I should have chosen a regular course in order to

have more time for practice and consolidation.”

19 Sue’s comment is certainly a good piece of advice.

Internet: <www.flo‐> (adapted).

In “a good piece of advice” (line 19), the expression “a piece of” is used to make the noun “advice” countable. With which word from the options below, “a piece of” can also be used?

Q2752619 Inglês

Text for the questions from 38 to 50.

Sound Advice for Language Learners

1 A recent issue of a language learning magazine has

consulted a number of experts in the field of second

language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for

4 those considering a language course. Ask yourself some

basic questions, they suggest. Did you enjoy studying

languages at school, for example? Can you really afford the

7 time to learn a language?

First and foremost, you have to be realistic in your

goals. If you fail to set achievable aims you are likely to give

10 up. Besides, it is worth knowing that the most expensive

courses are not necessarily the best. You should also bear in

mind that the quicker you learn a language the more quickly

13 you forget it. Sue Miller, a French teacher, attempted to

teach herself German by enrolling on a crash course.

Already fluent in three languages, her chances of making

16 progress were high. Two years on she hardly remembers

anything. “I should have chosen a regular course in order to

have more time for practice and consolidation.”

19 Sue’s comment is certainly a good piece of advice.

Internet: <www.flo‐> (adapted).

The verb “attempted” (line 13) means

Q2752618 Inglês

Text for the questions from 38 to 50.

Sound Advice for Language Learners

1 A recent issue of a language learning magazine has

consulted a number of experts in the field of second

language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for

4 those considering a language course. Ask yourself some

basic questions, they suggest. Did you enjoy studying

languages at school, for example? Can you really afford the

7 time to learn a language?

First and foremost, you have to be realistic in your

goals. If you fail to set achievable aims you are likely to give

10 up. Besides, it is worth knowing that the most expensive

courses are not necessarily the best. You should also bear in

mind that the quicker you learn a language the more quickly

13 you forget it. Sue Miller, a French teacher, attempted to

teach herself German by enrolling on a crash course.

Already fluent in three languages, her chances of making

16 progress were high. Two years on she hardly remembers

anything. “I should have chosen a regular course in order to

have more time for practice and consolidation.”

19 Sue’s comment is certainly a good piece of advice.

Internet: <www.flo‐> (adapted).

Which statement about Sue Miller is correct according to paragraph 2?

Q2752617 Inglês

Text for the questions from 38 to 50.

Sound Advice for Language Learners

1 A recent issue of a language learning magazine has

consulted a number of experts in the field of second

language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for

4 those considering a language course. Ask yourself some

basic questions, they suggest. Did you enjoy studying

languages at school, for example? Can you really afford the

7 time to learn a language?

First and foremost, you have to be realistic in your

goals. If you fail to set achievable aims you are likely to give

10 up. Besides, it is worth knowing that the most expensive

courses are not necessarily the best. You should also bear in

mind that the quicker you learn a language the more quickly

13 you forget it. Sue Miller, a French teacher, attempted to

teach herself German by enrolling on a crash course.

Already fluent in three languages, her chances of making

16 progress were high. Two years on she hardly remembers

anything. “I should have chosen a regular course in order to

have more time for practice and consolidation.”

19 Sue’s comment is certainly a good piece of advice.

Internet: <www.flo‐> (adapted).

The words “necessarily” (line 11), “quickly” (line 12), “certainly” (line 19) are adverbs. Which word from the options below is not?

Q2752616 Inglês

Text for the questions from 38 to 50.

Sound Advice for Language Learners

1 A recent issue of a language learning magazine has

consulted a number of experts in the field of second

language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for

4 those considering a language course. Ask yourself some

basic questions, they suggest. Did you enjoy studying

languages at school, for example? Can you really afford the

7 time to learn a language?

First and foremost, you have to be realistic in your

goals. If you fail to set achievable aims you are likely to give

10 up. Besides, it is worth knowing that the most expensive

courses are not necessarily the best. You should also bear in

mind that the quicker you learn a language the more quickly

13 you forget it. Sue Miller, a French teacher, attempted to

teach herself German by enrolling on a crash course.

Already fluent in three languages, her chances of making

16 progress were high. Two years on she hardly remembers

anything. “I should have chosen a regular course in order to

have more time for practice and consolidation.”

19 Sue’s comment is certainly a good piece of advice.

Internet: <www.flo‐> (adapted).

“have to” in “you have to be realistic in your goals” (lines 8 and 9) is used to express

Q2752615 Inglês

Text for the questions from 38 to 50.

Sound Advice for Language Learners

1 A recent issue of a language learning magazine has

consulted a number of experts in the field of second

language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for

4 those considering a language course. Ask yourself some

basic questions, they suggest. Did you enjoy studying

languages at school, for example? Can you really afford the

7 time to learn a language?

First and foremost, you have to be realistic in your

goals. If you fail to set achievable aims you are likely to give

10 up. Besides, it is worth knowing that the most expensive

courses are not necessarily the best. You should also bear in

mind that the quicker you learn a language the more quickly

13 you forget it. Sue Miller, a French teacher, attempted to

teach herself German by enrolling on a crash course.

Already fluent in three languages, her chances of making

16 progress were high. Two years on she hardly remembers

anything. “I should have chosen a regular course in order to

have more time for practice and consolidation.”

19 Sue’s comment is certainly a good piece of advice.

Internet: <www.flo‐> (adapted).

Identify the word that does not rhyme with “bear” (line 11)?

3961: A
3962: C
3963: D
3964: B
3965: C
3966: A
3967: B
3968: A
3969: B
3970: B
3971: A
3972: C
3973: E
3974: D
3975: B
3976: C
3977: E
3978: D
3979: A
3980: B