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Ano: 2015 Banca: UECE-CEV Órgão: UECE Prova: UECE-CEV - 2015 - UECE - Vestibular - Língua Inglesa |
Q1279289 Inglês
In the sentence “Both Mr. Calheiros, the head of the Senate, and Mr. Cunha, the head of the lower house, have asserted that they are innocent in connection to the bribery scheme at Petrobras” (lines 138-142), the verbs in the clauses are respectively in the
Ano: 2017 Banca: UDESC Órgão: UDESC Prova: UDESC - 2017 - UDESC - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre (Manhã) |
Q1264140 Inglês

I have a confession. I’m addicted to reality TV. I can’t get enough of it.

Very soon the new series of ITV’s Love Island will be starting and I’m literally counting down the days until it’s on my TV screen. It’s a show that sends single people abroad to live in a luxurious villa in the sun. The audience at home then watches their highs and lows, their arguments and how their relationships and friendships form and fall apart.

Love Island is just the tip of a huge reality TV iceberg. Other popular British programmes (which I also love) include I’m a Celebrity ... Get me Out of Here!, Big Brother and Geordie Shore. All these shows have something in common: people seem to either love them or hate them.

Perhaps we love them so much because they actually use real people instead of characters. Series and films with actors are great to watch but they aren’t real and we’re aware of that. With reality TV we can become more invested and more interested because the ‘characters’ are real and (usually) not acting.

Maybe we love reality TV because the people featured more often than not show the extremes of our society. Shows featuring ‘normal’ people or non-celebrities often include people with intense personalities who are bound to clash. Big Brotherwhich follows the lives of people living in a house together away from the outside world, always includes contestants with a range of personalities. It can be fascinating for us viewers to watch real people who perhaps wouldn’t usually interact with each other as they try to live together.

However, reality TV isn’t popular with everyone. Some people consider it sad to watch it. I’ve often heard people say that if you watch reality TV, it’s a sign that your own life is boring. Why watch someone else’s life when you have your own to live? Why would you want to sit at home and watch someone else arguing about silly things on the TV?

Some people don’t like reality TV because they believe it doesn’t show true reality. The people in these programmes are regularly accused of acting and you often see a phrase flash up somewhere during the opening or closing credits informing that parts are scripted or set up. Viewers can feel cheated that the ‘reality’ they are watching isn’t completely real after all.

Whether you love or hate reality TV, it cannot be denied that this genre has increased in popularity over time, and while I understand it can be set up sometimes, I’m still so excited for Love Island to be back on our screens!

(Accessed on August 14th, 2017) By Megan Blogger
Mark the correct alternative according to the use of the underlined words in the Text.
Ano: 2015 Banca: UECE-CEV Órgão: UECE Prova: UECE-CEV - 2015 - UECE - Língua Inglesa - 2ª Fase - 1º dia |
Q705500 Inglês


    A library tradition is being refashioned to emphasize early literacy and better prepare young children for school, and drawing many new fans in the process.

    Among parents of the under-5 set, spots for story time have become as coveted as seats for a hot Broadway show like “Hamilton.” Lines stretch down the block at some branches, with tickets given out on a first-come-first-served basis because there is not enough room to accommodate all of the children who show up.

    Workers at the 67th Street Library on the Upper East Side of Manhattan turn away at least 10 people from every reading. They have been so overwhelmed by the rush at story time — held in the branch’s largest room, on the third floor — that once the space is full, they close the door and shut down the elevator. “It is so crowded and so popular, it’s insane,” Jacqueline Schector, a librarian, said.

    Story time is drawing capacity crowds at public libraries across New York and across the country at a time when, more than ever, educators are emphasizing the importance of early literacy in preparing children for school and for developing critical thinking skills. The demand crosses economic lines, with parents at all income levels vying to get in.

    Many libraries have refashioned the traditional readings to include enrichment activities such as counting numbers and naming colors, as well as music and dance. And many parents have made story time a fixture in their family routines alongside school pickups and playground outings — and, for those who employ nannies, a nonnegotiable requirement of the job.

    In New York, demand for story time has surged across the city’s three library systems — the New York Public Library, the Brooklyn Public Library, and the Queens Library — and has posed logistical challenges for some branches, particularly those in small or cramped buildings. Citywide, story time attendance rose to 510,367 people in fiscal year 2015, up nearly 28 percent from 399,751 in fiscal 2013.

    “The secret’s out,” said Lucy Yates, 44, an opera coach with two sons who goes to story time at the Fort Washington Library every week.

    Stroller-pushing parents and nannies begin to line up for story time outside some branches an hour before doors open. To prevent overcrowding, tickets are given out at the New Amsterdam and Webster branches, both in Manhattan, the Parkchester branch in the Bronx, and a half-dozen branches in Brooklyn, including in Park Slope, Kensington and Bay Ridge.

    The 67th Street branch keeps adding story times — there are now six a week — and holds sessions outdoors in the summer, when crowds can swell to 200 people.

    In Queens, 41 library branches are scheduled to add weekend hours this month, and many will undoubtedly include weekend story times. As Joanne King, a spokeswoman for the library explained, parents have been begging for them and “every story time is full, every time we have one.”

    Long a library staple, story time has typically been an informal reading to a small group of boys and girls sitting in a circle. Today’s story times involve carefully planned lessons by specially trained librarians that emphasize education as much as entertainment, and often include suggestions for parents and caregivers about how to reinforce what children have learned, library officials said.

    Libraries around the country have expanded story time and other children’s programs in recent years, attracting a new generation of patrons in an age when online offerings sometimes make trips to the book stacks unnecessary. Sari Feldman, president of the American Library Association, said such early-literacy efforts are part of a larger transformation libraries are undergoing to become active learning centers for their communities by offering services like classes in English as a second language, computer skills and career counseling.

    Ms. Feldman said the increased demand for story time was a product, in part, of more than a decade of work by the library association and others to encourage libraries to play a larger role in preparing young children for school. In 2004, as part of that effort, the association developed a curriculum, “Every Child Ready to Read,” that she said is now used by thousands of libraries.

    The New York Public Library is adding 45 children’s librarians to support story time and other programs, some of which are run in partnership with the city government. It has also designated 20 of its 88 neighborhood branches, including the Fort Washington Library, as “enhanced literary sites.” As such, they will double their story time sessions, to an average of four a week, and distribute 15,000 “family literacy kits” that include a book and a schedule of story times.

    “It is clear that reading and being exposed to books early in life are critical factors in student success,” Anthony W. Marx, president of the New York Public Library, said. “The library is playing an increasingly important role in strengthening early literacy in this city, expanding efforts to bring reading to children and their families through quality, free story times, curated literacy programs, after-school programs and more.”

    For its part, the Queens Library plans to expand a “Kick Off to Kindergarten” program that attracted more than 180 families for a series of workshops last year. Library officials said that more than three-quarters of the children who enrolled, many of whom spoke a language other than English at home, developed measurable classroom skills.


In “A library tradition is being refashioned to emphasize early literacy and better prepare young children for school...” the verb tense in the passive voice is
Ano: 2015 Banca: UECE-CEV Órgão: UECE Prova: UECE-CEV - 2015 - UECE - Língua Inglesa - 2ª Fase - 1º dia |
Q705499 Inglês


    A library tradition is being refashioned to emphasize early literacy and better prepare young children for school, and drawing many new fans in the process.

    Among parents of the under-5 set, spots for story time have become as coveted as seats for a hot Broadway show like “Hamilton.” Lines stretch down the block at some branches, with tickets given out on a first-come-first-served basis because there is not enough room to accommodate all of the children who show up.

    Workers at the 67th Street Library on the Upper East Side of Manhattan turn away at least 10 people from every reading. They have been so overwhelmed by the rush at story time — held in the branch’s largest room, on the third floor — that once the space is full, they close the door and shut down the elevator. “It is so crowded and so popular, it’s insane,” Jacqueline Schector, a librarian, said.

    Story time is drawing capacity crowds at public libraries across New York and across the country at a time when, more than ever, educators are emphasizing the importance of early literacy in preparing children for school and for developing critical thinking skills. The demand crosses economic lines, with parents at all income levels vying to get in.

    Many libraries have refashioned the traditional readings to include enrichment activities such as counting numbers and naming colors, as well as music and dance. And many parents have made story time a fixture in their family routines alongside school pickups and playground outings — and, for those who employ nannies, a nonnegotiable requirement of the job.

    In New York, demand for story time has surged across the city’s three library systems — the New York Public Library, the Brooklyn Public Library, and the Queens Library — and has posed logistical challenges for some branches, particularly those in small or cramped buildings. Citywide, story time attendance rose to 510,367 people in fiscal year 2015, up nearly 28 percent from 399,751 in fiscal 2013.

    “The secret’s out,” said Lucy Yates, 44, an opera coach with two sons who goes to story time at the Fort Washington Library every week.

    Stroller-pushing parents and nannies begin to line up for story time outside some branches an hour before doors open. To prevent overcrowding, tickets are given out at the New Amsterdam and Webster branches, both in Manhattan, the Parkchester branch in the Bronx, and a half-dozen branches in Brooklyn, including in Park Slope, Kensington and Bay Ridge.

    The 67th Street branch keeps adding story times — there are now six a week — and holds sessions outdoors in the summer, when crowds can swell to 200 people.

    In Queens, 41 library branches are scheduled to add weekend hours this month, and many will undoubtedly include weekend story times. As Joanne King, a spokeswoman for the library explained, parents have been begging for them and “every story time is full, every time we have one.”

    Long a library staple, story time has typically been an informal reading to a small group of boys and girls sitting in a circle. Today’s story times involve carefully planned lessons by specially trained librarians that emphasize education as much as entertainment, and often include suggestions for parents and caregivers about how to reinforce what children have learned, library officials said.

    Libraries around the country have expanded story time and other children’s programs in recent years, attracting a new generation of patrons in an age when online offerings sometimes make trips to the book stacks unnecessary. Sari Feldman, president of the American Library Association, said such early-literacy efforts are part of a larger transformation libraries are undergoing to become active learning centers for their communities by offering services like classes in English as a second language, computer skills and career counseling.

    Ms. Feldman said the increased demand for story time was a product, in part, of more than a decade of work by the library association and others to encourage libraries to play a larger role in preparing young children for school. In 2004, as part of that effort, the association developed a curriculum, “Every Child Ready to Read,” that she said is now used by thousands of libraries.

    The New York Public Library is adding 45 children’s librarians to support story time and other programs, some of which are run in partnership with the city government. It has also designated 20 of its 88 neighborhood branches, including the Fort Washington Library, as “enhanced literary sites.” As such, they will double their story time sessions, to an average of four a week, and distribute 15,000 “family literacy kits” that include a book and a schedule of story times.

    “It is clear that reading and being exposed to books early in life are critical factors in student success,” Anthony W. Marx, president of the New York Public Library, said. “The library is playing an increasingly important role in strengthening early literacy in this city, expanding efforts to bring reading to children and their families through quality, free story times, curated literacy programs, after-school programs and more.”

    For its part, the Queens Library plans to expand a “Kick Off to Kindergarten” program that attracted more than 180 families for a series of workshops last year. Library officials said that more than three-quarters of the children who enrolled, many of whom spoke a language other than English at home, developed measurable classroom skills.


In “The new York Public Library is adding 45 children's librarians to support story time and other programs...” the two verb forms are, respectively,
Ano: 2014 Banca: UniCEUB Órgão: UniCEUB Prova: UniCEUB - 2014 - UniCEUB - Vestibular - 1º Vestibular |
Q515706 Inglês
A rise in temperature in the semi-arid region of Brazil has left rivers dry and cattle dying of thirst. The search is on for initiatives to combat desertification.

                                                                                                                                          Guardian Professional

The underlined words in the passage represent the
11: B
12: B
13: C
14: D
15: B