Questões Militares de Inglês - Passado simples | Simple past

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Q862188 Inglês
Choose the alternative that is NOT in the Simple Past:
Q848691 Inglês
Choose the best verbal form to have the text completed correctly:
Q846085 Inglês

      This news is about an 84-year-old woman from the UK. Her name is Ursula and she left school in 1944 unable to read. She had no time to learn to read because she had to look after her ill parents.

      Ursula felt sad that she could not read the papers or books like other people. She decided to learn to read now, in her 80s. She hopes that she can inspire other people to read too.

What is the main verb tense used in the text? Choose the correct verb tense.
Q839531 Inglês

Which option correctly completes the text below?

The Rosetta Stone

"Egyptian hieroglyphic ________________ undeciphered until the 19th century. Members of Napoleon’s Egyptian expedition of 1799________________a black basalt stone, ______________ 114 x 72 cm, at Rashid (Rosetta). The stone ___________ with three different scripts: hieroglyphic, the derived demotic script,_________________ everyday purposes, and Greek. (...)”

(CRYSTAL, David. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, 3rd edition, Cambridge University Press, 2010.)

Q839229 Inglês

Which option completes the paragraph below correctly?


Scientists _______ for the objectivity, but that ______ they don't have a sense of humour. When DrVazrickNatari______the white tufts capping the head of a new species of moth he ______around Baja California, one person______to mind: Donald J Trump. Explaining why he ______Neopalpadonaidtrumpi for the organism in 2017, Natari said: The specific epithet______because of the resemblance of the scales on the frons (head) of the moth to Mr. Trump’s hairstyle’.

(Adapted from http: / / blog.oxforddicttonaries. com)

36: A
37: A
38: A
39: A
40: C