Questões da Prova Marinha - 2016 - EFOMM - Oficial da Marinha Mercante - Primeiro Dia

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Q691530 Inglês

Which sequence of verbs completes the sentences below?

I- The house ______ much more attractive by the new owners.

II- John ______ as a sort of clown.

III- Politics ______ the art of the possible.

IV- Nobody understood why she ______ their engagement.

V- She’s worried about ______ careful enough with her translation.

Q691529 Inglês
All the sentences below are correct, EXCEPT:
Q691528 Inglês
In line 57, “Lingua Franca” is:
Q691527 Inglês
In line 65, “(...) they have added extra forms to cope with the needs of their users (...)”, the phrasal verb in bold is closest in meaning to:
Q691526 Inglês

Which option can NOT be inferred from the text?

A pidgin language is:

36: B
37: D
38: A
39: E
40: B