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Q1806576 Noções de Informática

Julgue o próximo item, relativo à segurança da informação.

Fazer backups regularmente é uma das formas de proteger arquivos em caso de ataque de ransomware, uma vez que isso possibilita restabelecer o acesso aos dados que existiam antes do ataque.

Q1806575 Noções de Informática

Julgue o próximo item, relativo à segurança da informação.

Além de bloquearem acessos indevidos aos arquivos e ao computador, as soluções de firewall atuais, como o Microsoft Defender Firewall, presente no Windows 10, também realizam backup de arquivos críticos do sistema operacional.

Q1806574 Noções de Informática

Acerca do Microsoft Office, julgue o item seguinte.

Considere que um usuário tenha digitado, no Excel 2016, a tabela ilustrada a seguir. Nessa situação hipotética, se esse usuário digitar a fórmula =CONT.VALORES(B1:B4) na célula B5, o resultado será 4.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Q1806573 Noções de Informática

Acerca do Microsoft Office, julgue o item seguinte.

Embora se possa criar, no Word 2016, um sumário com entradas que indiquem os números das páginas dos títulos em um documento, não é possível que esses números sejam atualizados de forma automática caso o usuário faça alterações de conteúdo que afetem a paginação do texto.

Q1806572 Noções de Informática

Acerca de redes de computadores, julgue o item a seguir.

Tanto o Mozilla Firefox quanto o Microsoft Edge, em suas versões mais recentes, permitem a adição de recursos (features) chamados cookies, que consistem em complementos que o usuário pode instalar de modo a personalizar sua experiência de navegação, tais como bloqueadores de anúncios.

Q1806571 Noções de Informática

Acerca de redes de computadores, julgue o item a seguir.

Tanto o Google Chrome quanto o Mozilla Firefox, em suas versões mais recentes, permitem, por meio de suas configurações, sincronizar favoritos, extensões, senhas e outras informações em vários dispositivos.

Q1806569 Noções de Informática

Julgue o próximo item, relativos a noções de sistema operacional.

Caso um usuário possua permissão de execução em um arquivo binário arquivoA, em sua pasta /home/usuario, ele poderá executar esse tipo de arquivo sem necessariamente afetar a integridade do sistema operacional, ainda que não possua direitos administrativos de root.

Q1806568 Noções de Informática

Julgue o próximo item, relativos a noções de sistema operacional.

No Windows 10, é possível organizar arquivos e pastas em bibliotecas, que consistem em contêineres virtuais para o conteúdo dos usuários no computador local.

Q1806567 Noções de Informática

Julgue o próximo item, relativos a noções de sistema operacional.

Situação hipotética: Um usuário relata que seu computador está muito lento devido à grande quantidade de programas em execução que estão sobrecarregando o processador e a memória RAM. Assertiva: Nesse caso, para visualizar quais são os aplicativos em aberto que estão sendo executados tanto no primeiro plano quanto no segundo plano, bem como ordená-los de acordo com o consumo de CPU, esse usuário deve utilizar o utilitário nativo do Windows 10 denominado visualizador de eventos.

Q1806566 Inglês

First study of all Amazon greenhouse gases suggests the

damaged forest is now worsening climate change

    The Amazon rainforest is most likely now a net contributor to warming of the planet, according to a first-of-its-kind analysis from more than 30 scientists.

    For years, researchers have expressed concern that rising temperatures, drought, and deforestation are reducing the capacity of the world’s largest rainforest to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and help offset emissions from fossil-fuel burning. Recent studies have even suggested that some portions of the tropical landscape already may release more carbon than they store.

    But the inhaling and exhaling of CO2 is just one way this damp jungle, the most species-rich on Earth, influences the global climate. Activities in the Amazon, both natural and human-caused, can shift the rainforest’s contribution in significant ways, warming the air directly or releasing other greenhouse gases that do.

    Yet no team had ever tried to assess the cumulative impact of these processes, even as the region is being rapidly transformed. The research estimates that atmospheric warming from all of these sources combined now appears to swamp the forest’s natural cooling effect.

    The damage, however, can still be reversed. Halting global emissions from coal, oil, and natural gas would help restore balance, but curbing Amazon deforestation is a must, along with reducing dam building and increasing efforts to replant trees. Continuing to clear land at current rates appears certain to make warming worse for the entire world.

Internet:<> (adapted). 

Based on the text above, judge the follow item.

It can be inferred from the text that the Amazon rainforest is the only responsible for all recent changes in global climate.

Q1806565 Inglês

First study of all Amazon greenhouse gases suggests the

damaged forest is now worsening climate change

    The Amazon rainforest is most likely now a net contributor to warming of the planet, according to a first-of-its-kind analysis from more than 30 scientists.

    For years, researchers have expressed concern that rising temperatures, drought, and deforestation are reducing the capacity of the world’s largest rainforest to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and help offset emissions from fossil-fuel burning. Recent studies have even suggested that some portions of the tropical landscape already may release more carbon than they store.

    But the inhaling and exhaling of CO2 is just one way this damp jungle, the most species-rich on Earth, influences the global climate. Activities in the Amazon, both natural and human-caused, can shift the rainforest’s contribution in significant ways, warming the air directly or releasing other greenhouse gases that do.

    Yet no team had ever tried to assess the cumulative impact of these processes, even as the region is being rapidly transformed. The research estimates that atmospheric warming from all of these sources combined now appears to swamp the forest’s natural cooling effect.

    The damage, however, can still be reversed. Halting global emissions from coal, oil, and natural gas would help restore balance, but curbing Amazon deforestation is a must, along with reducing dam building and increasing efforts to replant trees. Continuing to clear land at current rates appears certain to make warming worse for the entire world.

Internet:<> (adapted). 

Based on the text above, judge the follow item.

It can be concluded from the last paragraph that it is necessary to curb Amazon deforestation.

Q1806564 Inglês

First study of all Amazon greenhouse gases suggests the

damaged forest is now worsening climate change

    The Amazon rainforest is most likely now a net contributor to warming of the planet, according to a first-of-its-kind analysis from more than 30 scientists.

    For years, researchers have expressed concern that rising temperatures, drought, and deforestation are reducing the capacity of the world’s largest rainforest to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and help offset emissions from fossil-fuel burning. Recent studies have even suggested that some portions of the tropical landscape already may release more carbon than they store.

    But the inhaling and exhaling of CO2 is just one way this damp jungle, the most species-rich on Earth, influences the global climate. Activities in the Amazon, both natural and human-caused, can shift the rainforest’s contribution in significant ways, warming the air directly or releasing other greenhouse gases that do.

    Yet no team had ever tried to assess the cumulative impact of these processes, even as the region is being rapidly transformed. The research estimates that atmospheric warming from all of these sources combined now appears to swamp the forest’s natural cooling effect.

    The damage, however, can still be reversed. Halting global emissions from coal, oil, and natural gas would help restore balance, but curbing Amazon deforestation is a must, along with reducing dam building and increasing efforts to replant trees. Continuing to clear land at current rates appears certain to make warming worse for the entire world.

Internet:<> (adapted). 

Based on the text above, judge the follow item.

The terms “inhaling” and “exhaling” (third paragraph) are verbs that express the idea that the action is happening now.

Q1806563 Inglês

First study of all Amazon greenhouse gases suggests the

damaged forest is now worsening climate change

    The Amazon rainforest is most likely now a net contributor to warming of the planet, according to a first-of-its-kind analysis from more than 30 scientists.

    For years, researchers have expressed concern that rising temperatures, drought, and deforestation are reducing the capacity of the world’s largest rainforest to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and help offset emissions from fossil-fuel burning. Recent studies have even suggested that some portions of the tropical landscape already may release more carbon than they store.

    But the inhaling and exhaling of CO2 is just one way this damp jungle, the most species-rich on Earth, influences the global climate. Activities in the Amazon, both natural and human-caused, can shift the rainforest’s contribution in significant ways, warming the air directly or releasing other greenhouse gases that do.

    Yet no team had ever tried to assess the cumulative impact of these processes, even as the region is being rapidly transformed. The research estimates that atmospheric warming from all of these sources combined now appears to swamp the forest’s natural cooling effect.

    The damage, however, can still be reversed. Halting global emissions from coal, oil, and natural gas would help restore balance, but curbing Amazon deforestation is a must, along with reducing dam building and increasing efforts to replant trees. Continuing to clear land at current rates appears certain to make warming worse for the entire world.

Internet:<> (adapted). 

Based on the text above, judge the follow item.

According to the last paragraph, the only way of reversing climate changes is by replanting trees in the Amazon rainforest.

Q1806562 Inglês

First study of all Amazon greenhouse gases suggests the

damaged forest is now worsening climate change

    The Amazon rainforest is most likely now a net contributor to warming of the planet, according to a first-of-its-kind analysis from more than 30 scientists.

    For years, researchers have expressed concern that rising temperatures, drought, and deforestation are reducing the capacity of the world’s largest rainforest to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and help offset emissions from fossil-fuel burning. Recent studies have even suggested that some portions of the tropical landscape already may release more carbon than they store.

    But the inhaling and exhaling of CO2 is just one way this damp jungle, the most species-rich on Earth, influences the global climate. Activities in the Amazon, both natural and human-caused, can shift the rainforest’s contribution in significant ways, warming the air directly or releasing other greenhouse gases that do.

    Yet no team had ever tried to assess the cumulative impact of these processes, even as the region is being rapidly transformed. The research estimates that atmospheric warming from all of these sources combined now appears to swamp the forest’s natural cooling effect.

    The damage, however, can still be reversed. Halting global emissions from coal, oil, and natural gas would help restore balance, but curbing Amazon deforestation is a must, along with reducing dam building and increasing efforts to replant trees. Continuing to clear land at current rates appears certain to make warming worse for the entire world.

Internet:<> (adapted). 

Based on the text above, judge the follow item.

The words “however” and “but” (fifth paragraph) are both used to introduce a statement that contrasts with something that has been said before.

Q1806561 Inglês

First study of all Amazon greenhouse gases suggests the

damaged forest is now worsening climate change

    The Amazon rainforest is most likely now a net contributor to warming of the planet, according to a first-of-its-kind analysis from more than 30 scientists.

    For years, researchers have expressed concern that rising temperatures, drought, and deforestation are reducing the capacity of the world’s largest rainforest to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and help offset emissions from fossil-fuel burning. Recent studies have even suggested that some portions of the tropical landscape already may release more carbon than they store.

    But the inhaling and exhaling of CO2 is just one way this damp jungle, the most species-rich on Earth, influences the global climate. Activities in the Amazon, both natural and human-caused, can shift the rainforest’s contribution in significant ways, warming the air directly or releasing other greenhouse gases that do.

    Yet no team had ever tried to assess the cumulative impact of these processes, even as the region is being rapidly transformed. The research estimates that atmospheric warming from all of these sources combined now appears to swamp the forest’s natural cooling effect.

    The damage, however, can still be reversed. Halting global emissions from coal, oil, and natural gas would help restore balance, but curbing Amazon deforestation is a must, along with reducing dam building and increasing efforts to replant trees. Continuing to clear land at current rates appears certain to make warming worse for the entire world.

Internet:<> (adapted). 

Based on the text above, judge the follow item.

In the last sentence of the second paragraph, the pronoun “they” refers to “some portions of the tropical landscape”.

Q1806560 Inglês

First study of all Amazon greenhouse gases suggests the

damaged forest is now worsening climate change

    The Amazon rainforest is most likely now a net contributor to warming of the planet, according to a first-of-its-kind analysis from more than 30 scientists.

    For years, researchers have expressed concern that rising temperatures, drought, and deforestation are reducing the capacity of the world’s largest rainforest to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and help offset emissions from fossil-fuel burning. Recent studies have even suggested that some portions of the tropical landscape already may release more carbon than they store.

    But the inhaling and exhaling of CO2 is just one way this damp jungle, the most species-rich on Earth, influences the global climate. Activities in the Amazon, both natural and human-caused, can shift the rainforest’s contribution in significant ways, warming the air directly or releasing other greenhouse gases that do.

    Yet no team had ever tried to assess the cumulative impact of these processes, even as the region is being rapidly transformed. The research estimates that atmospheric warming from all of these sources combined now appears to swamp the forest’s natural cooling effect.

    The damage, however, can still be reversed. Halting global emissions from coal, oil, and natural gas would help restore balance, but curbing Amazon deforestation is a must, along with reducing dam building and increasing efforts to replant trees. Continuing to clear land at current rates appears certain to make warming worse for the entire world.

Internet:<> (adapted). 

Based on the text above, judge the follow item.

According to the third paragraph, the Amazon rainforest has the largest variety of living species on the planet.

Q1806559 Inglês

First study of all Amazon greenhouse gases suggests the

damaged forest is now worsening climate change

    The Amazon rainforest is most likely now a net contributor to warming of the planet, according to a first-of-its-kind analysis from more than 30 scientists.

    For years, researchers have expressed concern that rising temperatures, drought, and deforestation are reducing the capacity of the world’s largest rainforest to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and help offset emissions from fossil-fuel burning. Recent studies have even suggested that some portions of the tropical landscape already may release more carbon than they store.

    But the inhaling and exhaling of CO2 is just one way this damp jungle, the most species-rich on Earth, influences the global climate. Activities in the Amazon, both natural and human-caused, can shift the rainforest’s contribution in significant ways, warming the air directly or releasing other greenhouse gases that do.

    Yet no team had ever tried to assess the cumulative impact of these processes, even as the region is being rapidly transformed. The research estimates that atmospheric warming from all of these sources combined now appears to swamp the forest’s natural cooling effect.

    The damage, however, can still be reversed. Halting global emissions from coal, oil, and natural gas would help restore balance, but curbing Amazon deforestation is a must, along with reducing dam building and increasing efforts to replant trees. Continuing to clear land at current rates appears certain to make warming worse for the entire world.

Internet:<> (adapted). 

Based on the text above, judge the follow item.

The term “the tropical landscape” (second paragraph) refers to the Amazon rainforest.

Q1806558 Inglês

First study of all Amazon greenhouse gases suggests the

damaged forest is now worsening climate change

    The Amazon rainforest is most likely now a net contributor to warming of the planet, according to a first-of-its-kind analysis from more than 30 scientists.

    For years, researchers have expressed concern that rising temperatures, drought, and deforestation are reducing the capacity of the world’s largest rainforest to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and help offset emissions from fossil-fuel burning. Recent studies have even suggested that some portions of the tropical landscape already may release more carbon than they store.

    But the inhaling and exhaling of CO2 is just one way this damp jungle, the most species-rich on Earth, influences the global climate. Activities in the Amazon, both natural and human-caused, can shift the rainforest’s contribution in significant ways, warming the air directly or releasing other greenhouse gases that do.

    Yet no team had ever tried to assess the cumulative impact of these processes, even as the region is being rapidly transformed. The research estimates that atmospheric warming from all of these sources combined now appears to swamp the forest’s natural cooling effect.

    The damage, however, can still be reversed. Halting global emissions from coal, oil, and natural gas would help restore balance, but curbing Amazon deforestation is a must, along with reducing dam building and increasing efforts to replant trees. Continuing to clear land at current rates appears certain to make warming worse for the entire world.

Internet:<> (adapted). 

Based on the text above, judge the follow item.

According to the second paragraph, rising temperatures, drought and deforestation stopped being the cause of global warming and have been no longer something to worry about.

Q1806557 Inglês

First study of all Amazon greenhouse gases suggests the

damaged forest is now worsening climate change

    The Amazon rainforest is most likely now a net contributor to warming of the planet, according to a first-of-its-kind analysis from more than 30 scientists.

    For years, researchers have expressed concern that rising temperatures, drought, and deforestation are reducing the capacity of the world’s largest rainforest to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and help offset emissions from fossil-fuel burning. Recent studies have even suggested that some portions of the tropical landscape already may release more carbon than they store.

    But the inhaling and exhaling of CO2 is just one way this damp jungle, the most species-rich on Earth, influences the global climate. Activities in the Amazon, both natural and human-caused, can shift the rainforest’s contribution in significant ways, warming the air directly or releasing other greenhouse gases that do.

    Yet no team had ever tried to assess the cumulative impact of these processes, even as the region is being rapidly transformed. The research estimates that atmospheric warming from all of these sources combined now appears to swamp the forest’s natural cooling effect.

    The damage, however, can still be reversed. Halting global emissions from coal, oil, and natural gas would help restore balance, but curbing Amazon deforestation is a must, along with reducing dam building and increasing efforts to replant trees. Continuing to clear land at current rates appears certain to make warming worse for the entire world.

Internet:<> (adapted). 

Based on the text above, judge the follow item.

It is the first time an analysis showing that the Amazon rainforest is also contributing to global warming has been made.

Q1806556 Português

Texto 2A2-I

    O termo “refugiado ambiental” é utilizado para se referir às pessoas que fogem de onde vivem, em razão de problemas como seca, erosão dos solos, desertificação, inundações, desmatamento, mudanças climáticas, entre outros. A migração causada por eventos climáticos não é nova, mas tende a intensificar-se. O tema é bastante atual, mas, na obra Vidas Secas, o escritor Graciliano Ramos já tratava, embora com outras palavras, dos refugiados do clima do semiárido brasileiro.

    Vidas Secas não é um romance de seca, no entanto. A centralidade dessa obra literária está em um “ano bom”, ou seja, um ano de chuvas na caatinga. O sétimo capítulo, localizado bem no centro da obra, composta por 13 capítulos, é intitulado “Inverno”, o que remete ao período de chuvas na região. Essa visão contraria certa leitura superficial da obra.

    Graciliano Ramos acreditava em um mundo com mais justiça social e menos desigualdades no Nordeste, para o que era necessário transformar o modelo de sociedade extremamente perverso que caracterizava as relações sociais no meio rural.

    Ao mostrar a vida da uma família de sertanejos durante um ano de “inverno”, com relativa segurança e estabilidade, o escritor alagoano questionou as relações sociais excludentes e tensivas, que impediam essa família de viver com mais estabilidade no Nordeste brasileiro.

    Na obra, quando a família ocupou uma fazenda abandonada, no fim de uma seca, o vaqueiro parecia satisfeito. Mas suas esperanças esmoreceram, pois as chuvas vieram e, com elas, também o proprietário da fazenda, sob o domínio do qual o vaqueiro passou a viver, sendo humilhado, enganado, animalizado.

    Somente com muita insistência, Fabiano conseguiu ficar trabalhando ali como vaqueiro. Moraria com a família pouco “mais de um ano” numa “casa velha” da fazenda.

     Para o escritor de Vidas Secas, a opressão à família de Fabiano era causada por questões sociais, não pela seca. Caso tivesse acesso à terra e à água, a família conseguiria obter o sustento, como resultado do seu esforço e trabalho.

     A condição climática natural da caatinga era instrumentalizada pelos latifundiários para a exploração de uma população extremamente vulnerável à seca, como era o caso da família de Fabiano e sinhá Vitória.

     A concentração fundiária era, e continua sendo, uma das formas mais perversas de impedir a autonomia dos pequenos produtores rurais do semiárido brasileiro. O romance denuncia a realidade social dos sertanejos pobres que viviam no Nordeste da época, cujo cotidiano era marcado pela opressão, humilhação, miséria, espoliação econômica e extremas privações, sobretudo nos períodos de seca.

Internet: <>  (com adaptações)

No que se refere aos aspectos linguísticos do texto 2A2-I, julgue o item que se segue.

Quanto à tipologia textual, o texto é classificado como expositivo-argumentativo, pois apresenta conceitos e argumentos em defesa de uma leitura específica do romance Vidas Secas.

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