Questões de Concurso Comentadas sobre adjetivos | adjectives em inglês

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Q2003704 Inglês
Considering parts of speech, it is possible to say that the underlined words in "My teacher seems very nice" are: 
Q1998024 Inglês

Read the following text and answer question.

Importance of Aquaculture 

Aquaculture involves the art, science and business of breeding aquatic animals and plants in fresh or marine waters for human use. It also extends to the marketing of such organisms in a controlled environment. It is a kind of agriculture, and therefore, it requires inputs such as clean water and nutrients. It also requires storage for harvested produce, transportation and marketing facilities.

Inputs often depend on the species that are farmed. Species lower on the aquatic food chain usually require less input, as they feed on microorganisms and are fine in just clean water. More inputs like fish or fishmeal, cereals, or grains are required, as we get higher on the food chain with species like salmon or tuna.

All over the world, the demand for seafood has increased because people have learned that seafood as part of regular diets are healthier and help fight cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and many other major illnesses.

Aquaculture will add to wild seafood, and make it _______ and accessible to all.

Aquaculture business provides tax and royalty revenue to local governments. Besides, there is also potential revenue from exports. 

(Adapted from: Access: 01/25/2018)

The best way to complete the sentence “Aquaculture will add to wild seafood, and make it _______ and accessible to all” is 
Q1998020 Inglês

Read the following text and answer question.

Importance of Aquaculture 

Aquaculture involves the art, science and business of breeding aquatic animals and plants in fresh or marine waters for human use. It also extends to the marketing of such organisms in a controlled environment. It is a kind of agriculture, and therefore, it requires inputs such as clean water and nutrients. It also requires storage for harvested produce, transportation and marketing facilities.

Inputs often depend on the species that are farmed. Species lower on the aquatic food chain usually require less input, as they feed on microorganisms and are fine in just clean water. More inputs like fish or fishmeal, cereals, or grains are required, as we get higher on the food chain with species like salmon or tuna.

All over the world, the demand for seafood has increased because people have learned that seafood as part of regular diets are healthier and help fight cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and many other major illnesses.

Aquaculture will add to wild seafood, and make it _______ and accessible to all.

Aquaculture business provides tax and royalty revenue to local governments. Besides, there is also potential revenue from exports. 

(Adapted from: Access: 01/25/2018)

The word marketing in “It also extends to the marketing of such organisms in a controlled environment” functions as 
Q1998015 Inglês

Read the following text and answer question.

Introduction to global food loss and food waste

Food losses and food waste are quickly becoming a top global issue, because while there are millions of families with children starving, others are living in abundance, with many others carelessly throwing food away. Many of us have wasted food in one way or the other, but the real food losses and waste matter is ______ than just consumer food waste.

From farming fields and storage places, through transportation, processing, market places, down to consumption places such as homes, schools, restaurants and workplaces, more than half of all food produced globally go to waste. This is a tragedy!

In developing countries, it takes a lot of man-power to produce food. In more advanced countries, machines and technology are used, but the drain on energy, destruction of vegetative lands, the use of chemicals and ______ impact on the environment are phenomenal. Putting all that together, it is clear that a major problem has emerged and we are all in a position to help in one way or the other.

(Adapted from: Access: 01/23/2018) 

The best word to fill in this gap “but the real food losses and waste matter is _____ than just consumer food waste” is
Q1975112 Inglês
Text for the item from.

What are trees? Internet: <> (adapted).
According to the text, judge the item from.  

In line 7, “broad-leaved” is not an adjective. 
Q1975085 Inglês
Text for the item from.

The Disease of Being Busy.
Internet: <> (adapted).
Based on the text, judge the item from.

In the first paragraph, “exacerbated” and “overwhelmed” are both adjectives and refer to how the author feels about people being so busy. 
Q1967458 Inglês

According to the text, judge the item.

The terms “easier” (line 10) and “further” (line 8) belong to the same word class: they are both examples of adjectives.

Q1967217 Inglês
Text for the item from.

Paridhi Agrawal & Pradnya Nikhade. Artificial Intelligence in Dentistry: Past, Present, and Future. Cureus, v. 14, n.º 7, 2022 (adapted).
According to the text, judge the item.

The term “its” (line 1) is a possessive adjective and refers to Artificial Intelligence (line 1). 
Q1959946 Inglês

Text for the item.

Internet: <> (adapted). 

According to the text, judge the item. 

The word “best” (line 3) is the superlative of the adjective good

Q1957559 Inglês
“Obesity is still rising among American adults, despite more than a decade of public-awareness campaigns and other efforts to get people to watch their weight, and women have now overtaken men in the obese category, new government research shows.” According to the text, overtaken is in what tense? 
Q1946555 Inglês
The following sentence from the text has three hyphenated compound words, “These could be comprehensionchecking tasks or note-taking tasks, or you could establish forums to enable peer interaction around the content. Asking students to create something, like a role-play or short piece of writing, can be a great way for students to show what they have understood.”
Considering the underlined words, they are classified as, respectively,
Q1929808 Inglês

Analyse the statements below about the excerpt “I think that actually made it easier for us. We always write the quickest when we have a story or we're writing about something that's happened.” (l. 14-15).

I. “Easier” is a comparative form of the adjective “easy”, and it is written this way because the spelling rule for short adjectives ending in consonant + y is to drop the y and add ier.

II. “Quickest” is a comparative form of the adverb “quick”, and it is written this way because the spelling rule for short adverbs in general is to add est.

III. If “easier” were replaced by a long adjective like “beautiful,” its comparative form would be “more beautiful”.

Which statements are correct?

Q1913772 Inglês
Read the following text:
“In Japan, they call themmanga’; in Latin America, ‘histotietas’; in Italy, ‘fumetti’; in Brazil, ‘história em quadrinhos’; and in the U.S., ‘comics’.”; ” All of Mexico’s comic titles together.

The words in bold are respectively:
Q1877318 Inglês
The sentence below presents the idea of:

     “The church is very old. It’s the oldest Building in the town”
(Essential grammar in use: a self-study reference and practice book for elementar students of English. New York: Cambridge Press, 1990, p. 168.)
Choose the correct answer:
Q1877316 Inglês
The sentence below presents the idea of:

“Riding a horse is not as easy as Riding a motor cycle.”
THOMSON, A. J., MARTINET, A. V. A pratical english gramar. New York: Oxford. 1995, p. 39)

Choose the correct answer:
Q1877297 Inglês
Leia as orações abaixo e identifique as palavras destacadas em cada uma delas:

I. I met someone who said he knew you;
II. The noise that hem ade woke everybody up.
III. I saw something in the paper which would interest you.

Assinale a alternativa que classifica as palavras em destaque:
Q1877295 Inglês
Leia o texto abaixo:

     “My Family       My name is Tomas and I have a big family, I have 3 sisters, Andrea, Samantha and Jennifer. I also have 2 brothers, John and Peter. I am the youngest of my family I am 9 years old my sister Andrea is the oldest! , she is 27 years old. We all love to study and to play soccer. My sister Samantha is the smartest girl in her class and I am the fastest boy in my soccer team, but My brother Peter is the slowest. John is the smallest person in our family, he is really short!! But I still really love my great family!.”
( ?id=4953)

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o superlativo.
Q1858191 Inglês

Instruction: answer based on the following text.

(Available in: – text adapted specially for this test).

Consider the following statements about the word “senior” (l. 01):

I. It can be an adjective.
II. It can be a noun.
III. It could be replaced by “old” in the text.

Which are correct?
Q1855674 Inglês
Taking into account the following text, judge the subsequent item.

Perspectives on modern data analytics

By Eric Knorr - Editor in Chief, CIO | APR 12, 2021 3:00 AM PDT

Some things don't change, even during a pandemic. Consistent with previous years, in CIO’s 2021 State of the CIO survey, a plurality of the 1,062 IT leaders surveyed chose “data/business analytics” as the No.1 tech initiative expected to drive IT investment.
Unfortunately, analytics initiatives seldom do nearly as well when it comes to stakeholder satisfaction.
Last year, CIO contributor Mary K. Pratt offered an excellent analysis of why data analytics initiatives still fail, including poor-quality or siloed data, vague rather than targeted business objectives, and clunky one-size-fits-all feature sets. But a number of fresh approaches and technologies are making these pratfalls less likely.
New technology invariably incurs new risks. No advancement has had more momentous impact on analytics than machine learning – from automating data prep to detecting meaningful patterns in data – but it also adds an unforeseen hazard. As CSO Senior Writer Lucian Constantin explains in "How data poisoning attacks corrupt machine learning models," deliberately skewed data injected by malicious hackers can tilt models toward some nefarious goal. The result could be, say, manipulated product recommendations, or even the ability for hackers to infer confidential underlying data.
In the end, the secret to successful analytics is not in choosing and implementing the perfect technology, but in cultivating a broad understanding that pervasive analytics yields better decisions and superior outcomes. Usually, you can iron out technology kinks or requirements misunderstandings. But if you can't change the mindset, few will use the beautiful analytics machine you just built.

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Acesso em: 15 out. 2021. 
The adjective “pervasive” in pervasive analytics could be replaced by the adjective “extensive” without a change in meaning in the aforementioned context.
Q1854096 Inglês
    General observation suggests that it is those who start to learn English after their school years who are most likely to have serious difficulties in acquiring intelligible pronunciation, with the degree of difficulty increasing markedly with age. This difficulty has nothing to do with intelligence or level of education, or even with knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary.
    Of course, there is no simple answer to why pronunciation is so difficult to learn — indeed, there is a whole range of theoretical perspectives on the question. What is generally accepted among psycholinguists and phonologists who specialized in this area is that the difficulty in learning to pronounce a foreign language is cognitive rather than physical, and that it has something to do with the way “raw sound” is categorized or conceptualized in using speech.
    Many learners of English as a second language have major difficulties with English pronunciation even after years of learning the language. This often results in them facing difficulties in areas such as finding employment. Up to a certain proficiency standard, the fault which most severely impairs the communication process in EFL/ESL learners is pronunciation, not vocabulary or grammar.

A. Gilakjani and M. Ahmadi. Why is Pronunciation So Difficult to Learn? In: English Language Teaching, Vol. 4, No. 3. Richmond Hill: Canadian Center of Science and Education, 2011 (adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the following item.

The fragment “most likely” (first paragraph) is an example of the superlative form.

181: D
182: E
183: A
184: B
185: E
186: E
187: C
188: C
189: C
190: C
191: E
192: D
193: E
194: A
195: C
196: C
197: C
198: E
199: C
200: C