Questões de Inglês - Advérbios de: lugar, modo, tempo e freqüência | Adverbs of: place, manner, time and frequency para Concurso

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Q2323119 Inglês
Technology And Innovation:
The Gateway To Development For Guyanese?

     We live in vulnerable energy times. The energy crisis, climate change and energy transition are all shaking and shaping the global future. “The energy realities of the world remind us that oil and gas will be here for decades to pivot a just, affordable and secure energy transition,” as John Hess, CEO of Hess Corporation, mentioned during the International Energy Conference and Expo in Guyana in February 2023.

2       As someone said, vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation and technology is the driving force behind progressive changes. Nevertheless, how can Guyana play a vital role in reordering energy security? “By embedding innovation earlier in the process, Guyana can skip several steps and avoid what most economies went through” this idea was emphasized several times during the same conference. “If we integrate innovation into Guyana’s process today, there might be some accelerated success.”

3      Guyana can play an essential role in balancing the global energy supply and demand markets and address the energy crisis by becoming a top crude oil producer globally. The goal is to become competitive in the global oil and gas market and this can be achieved by attracting and establishing partnerships with companies that can bring increased efficiency and productivity to the local oil and gas operations, from exploration and production to storage and transportation. For Guyana, this means that improvements in regulations, a transparent, secure and competitive environment for foreign investment, and incentives from the government can serve as catalysts for technology and innovation.

    Collaborating with universities and creating a business innovation hub mentality for young entrepreneurs with government support, like loan guarantees, grants, and tax credits, will also spur the industry.

5       Innovative technology will play a critical role in climate change. The oil and gas sector must reduce its emissions by at least 3.4 gigatons of CO2 equivalent a year by 2050 – a 90 % reduction in current emissions. Guyana today can become a world leader in setting a benchmark around flaring and it’s possible for the country to achieve zero-flare objective, because “from day one the right solutions and the right technologies were properly planned and properly positioned in order to enable the extraction and the production with almost zero carbon footprint”, as the Emissions Director at Schlumberger vocalized about a year ago.

     Innovations and technologies are key to the energy transition, from floating wind farms to solar photovoltaic farm developments, waste-to-fuel projects and green hydrogen, shaping Guyana’s energy transition and future. All this requires not only massive financial support but an innovationoriented and technology-friendly environment, with a strong emphasis on education, training and research. Nevertheless, the decision in Guyana on what technologies to adopt and how much to innovate will have a big impact on results over the long term and the government should base it on a clear vision and roadmap.

Available at:
-caribbean-news/. Retrieved on: April 26, 2023. Adapted.
In the fragment of paragraph 5 “Innovative technology will play a critical role in climate change”, the verb form will indicates
Q2321409 Inglês
Na língua inglesa, palavras repetidas não têm importância no texto, sendo sempre cognatas e, frequentemente, são palavras sem conteúdo e significado, como conectivos e advérbios.
Q2316893 Inglês

Julgue o item subsequente. 

Adverbs of manner, such as “quickly” or “carefully,” provide information about how an action is performed. Understanding the placement of these adverbs in a sentence is crucial for conveying precise details about the manner in which an activity occurs. 

Q2297187 Inglês

Mistakes help you learn
Maija Kozlova
May 19, 2021

It is not uncommon for English language lessons to favour communication over accuracy: real life is nothing like a classroom! In real-life situations, when you make a mistake in the language you are learning, context provides ample information as to what the intended message is. In fact, most of the time, impeccable accuracy is not needed at all! “Don’t worry about making mistakes,” I used to tell my English language students. “Communicating is the most important thing!”

While making mistakes when trying to master a language might seem counter-intuitive, letting learners freely communicate and negotiate meaning is key to success. A learner who communicates a lot while making a few mistakes is much more likely to develop confidence for dealing with real-life situations than a learner who communicates very little because they’re afraid of making any. In communicative language teaching, for example, the teacher is tasked with both encouraging the learner to express themselves and with providing corrective feedback in a way that is not obstructive to communication. 

This means that if a learner says, “I go swimming last night,” it is much more effective to respond with, “Oh, that’s nice, you went swimming. What did you do after?” rather than, “No! You went swimming! Use past simple for past events!” – the former encourages the learner to continue their narrative while the latter is much more likely to make the learner stop in their tracks, re-evaluate the context, and think twice before expressing themselves again in the future, for the fear of making a mistake again. Teachers need to be careful not to parrot back everything the students say in this manner, of course, but the technique can be an effective method of acknowledging the content of a student’s response, while also providing feedback on accuracy.

The importance of the freedom to make mistakes in language learning is also supported by research in psychology, which suggests that learners who try a task without having mastered it completely experience improved retention of new information. A similar experiment in the context of language learning also indicates that the process of making mistakes activates a greater network of related knowledge in the brain, which leads to superior learning outcomes.

It is believed that the key to help learners feel relaxed and ready for communicating freely in the classroom is authenticity. This means that there should be both a real communicative need for a learner to speak and the authentic reaction from those around to what the learner has said.

Here are a few ways of how such authentic communicative interactions can be practiced in the classroom: 

• surround learners with the English language – encourage them to speak to you and each other in English;

• don’t worry about diverging from topics that are not strictly covered in your lesson plan;

• model communication by telling your students stories and anecdotes about your own life and encourage them to do the same;

• let your learners have fun with English – give them colloquial expressions to try and ask them to share some expressions

; • do not overcorrect – make a note of errors and cover it in subsequent lessons;

• avoid the temptation to turn what was intended as speaking practice into a full-on grammar lesson.

While easier said than done, especially when the outcome of an exam is at stake, it is worth remembering that people that our learners might come to interact with outside of the classroom are driven by the natural desire to understand the people they communicate with. This is especially powerful when practiced in the context of a classroom. They set the learners up for success in real-life communication. In other words, when communication is the goal, mistakes are secondary, and that’s real life, isn’t it?

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No último parágrafo do texto, a definição correta para o advérbio especially é:
Ano: 2003 Banca: FCC Órgão: CVM Prova: FCC - 2003 - CVM - Inspetor |
Q2244809 Inglês

The hard cell

Thanks to politics, stem cell research in the United States is suffering. But not so in Sweden, which is poised to capture what could be the biggest new market to hit biotech in a decade.

By Stephan Herrera

February 13, 2003

New York, January 1, 2006:

Sweden announces that one of its biotechnology companies is the first in the world to enter clinical trials with a new drug that could cure Alzheimer's disease. Four years ago this type of research was all but stopped in the United States by political and ethical questions − which is ...61... Sweden now seems in the best position to capture a $25 billion market.

        Any day now, the U.S. Congress is expected to pass a sweeping new law that could dramatically inhibit researchers from working with stem cells taken from human embryos. Such cells, which can be used to grow a whole host of new cells and organs, could fundamentally change the way we treat heretofore intractable maladies like Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, cancer, stroke, liver failure, and heart disease. The only problem is that these cells by definition are derived from human embryos, many of which are cloned or come from unused fetuses collected at fertility clinics. The argument, from a certain segment of the American political spectrum, is that ...62... methods are morally wrong. They are ...63... a form of abortion or an activity that could eventually lead to human cloning.

             Those working in stem cell research say the short-term effect of the legislation will be to further chill all forms of scientific inquiry and commercialization efforts in the field. Entrepreneurs and investors are already eschewing such research − in large part because of the additional uncertainty and risk that politics introduce.

         Of the nearly 50 private stem cell companies in the United States, only a handful are still viable. Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, Sweden has avoided many of the political and ethical quagmires surrounding this type of research. It currently has 40 private stem cell companies, a number that's growing. Sweden's leading research universities have 32 percent of the world's stem cell inventory, close on the heels of the United States' 35 percent.

          Sweden, say analysts, is now in the best position to capture a worldwide market for drugs based on stem cell therapies that could grow to $25 billion in the next three to five years − nearly equal to the whole biotech industry at present. This estimate doesn't even address the market for stem cells capable of repairing damaged vital organs like the brain, heart, and kidneys. If the United States offers an object lesson of what can happen when scientific inquiry and investment capital fall victim to politics, Sweden and its leading stem cell startup, NeuroNova, offer the opposite example. How odd that the United States, which for generations has been the envy of the world for its progressive views of science and commercialization, should now have a biomedical climate chillier than a Swedish winter.

         One company feeling a lot of pain is StemCells, which at first glance seems to have it all: founding scientists include Stanford's Dr. Weissman and Fred Gage of the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California. An equally well-regarded expert in the treatment of Alzheimer's, Dr. Gage spent five years in Sweden as a researcher and now sits on a national committee on stem cell research there. The firm's chairman is Roger Perlmutter, Amgen's head of research.

       Yet over the past two years, none of management's efforts to help investors and even critics reconsider the stem cell field have worked. At press time, the stock was thinly traded and sitting in the neighborhood of 50 cents. With less than $15 million in cash, the company likely won't exist at this time next year. (CEO Martin McGlynn, who joined the firm in January 2001, would not talk to Red Herring, despite repeated efforts.)       

      Some observers on Wall Street are asking, If StemCells can't make it, who can? Geron, the only other publicly held stem cell firm to speak of, is in a fix, too. The company's stock price is also moribund, at $3.85 per share. Thanks to some capital infusions a few years ago, when money came easy, Geron still has $40 million on hand, but by the end of next year, that too will likely be gone. Once a media darling, Geron focuses on diagnostic tests and drugs derived from stem cells, a strategy that's not going well. For the nine months ended last September, revenue fell 68 percent to $955,000 and net loss widened 18 percent to $26.7 million. The company's financials were also hit hard after it terminated an agreement with Pharmacia and acquired research technology from Lynx Therapeutics, which Geron bought in a desperate attempt to be seen as something more than just a stem cell company.

     The situation is quite different, however, for Sweden's NeuroNova, which has 30 academic partners and a staff of 20. NeuroNova is working on ways to inject stem cells into the human brain to trigger a process called neurogenesis (the growth of new neural cells), which could combat diseases like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and even schizophrenia.

      If NeuroNova is the first to develop a drug capable of treating one of several central nervous system disorders − by far the most lucrative after heart disease products − it will have done so not because it raised more money or got more media buzz than the rest. It will have succeeded because the science is solid, and academe, government, and the investment community are supportive. Meanwhile, the United States will look on with envy and wonder how it, a country known for its entrepreneurial innovation, ever got so short-sighted.

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The underlined adverb now refers to year
16: B
17: E
18: C
19: A
20: D