Questões de Concurso Sobre advérbios e conjunções | adverbs and conjunctions em inglês

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Q3184339 Inglês
Considere a seguinte frase em inglês:

"She quickly finished her homework and went to bed."

Sobre as classes gramaticais das palavras na sentença, assinale a alternativa correta:
Q3181985 Inglês
Flipped learning – could it work for you?
Exploring the benefits, challenges and tips for success

By Stephanie Hirschman
October 2, 2023

Flipped learning is very much a buzz word these days, and it’s worth thinking about whether this approach is suitable for your
lessons. It’s quite easy to define: whereas a more traditional model of teaching involves some sort of initial input (for example a
lecture or demonstration) followed by some sort of related output (for example a discussion or experiment) with some homework to follow, in flipped learning, this order is disrupted. Students do their homework before the class meets by watching a recorded lecture or video or reading an article. This enables them to spend the lesson time on activities which make a more significant contribution to their deep understanding and mastery of important ideas, for example, discussion, roleplay or presentations. It sits well within blended learning as the pre-lesson homework is likely to be accessed online, while the class activities are conducted face-to-face.

Why is it important?
Flipped learning makes good use of technology, allowing students to approach the input at their own level. Some may need to view a video several times more than would be possible in a group classroom setting, with frequent pauses and rewinding to ensure that they have recognized the main points. It’s also possible for students to explore other aspects of a topic, either using further links that the teacher provides, or finding other relevant resources to explore on their own. Finally, they can do the work when and where they wish, and even make use of otherwise “dead” time, like waiting for a bus.

How relevant is it for English language teaching (ELT)?

It’s important to recognize that flipped learning was not developed with ELT contexts in mind. In a language lesson, we may find
students reading a text about, say, major infrastructure projects, but this content is merely a vehicle for some other language point like expressing high numbers or making comparisons. During a conventional English lesson, the teacher would be guiding students through the text, encouraging prediction and other strategies and setting achievable reading or listening tasks to check basic understanding, before introducing key language points in a staged presentation. This would be followed by controlled practice and freer production. It’s not easy to see how this pattern of brief but meaningful interactive activities maps onto flipped learning. ELT texts, even at advanced levels, tend to be too short to be worth exploring in depth, unlike a 30-minute lecture or video that students of other subjects may be watching. Of course, it could be argued that the true content of the lesson, ie the language point, could be the subject of flipped learning, with students watching a presentation on this subject before the class meets. However, this removes the language point from an engaging and meaningful context and furthermore, working alone robs students of the opportunity to ask questions and discuss emergent ideas about meaning, which are key elements of communicative learning.

Tips for success
Nonetheless, it is possible to flip an ELT classroom, with some adjustments:

1. Flipped learning would suit certain types of ELT which are heavily content based, like CLIL or Business. Mature students are more likely to have the motivation required to implement this approach sensibly.

2. It makes sense to devote the final stages of a lesson to introducing the content that students will explore independently before the next class meeting. This should include a justification of why the content was chosen, how students should approach it and how they can check their understanding. Providing some comprehension questions is a minimum. If answers aren’t furnished, the next class meeting could open with an activity to discuss and check these.

3. The teacher must provide an easy and reliable way for students to access the content, for example via an online learning system.

4. It’s reasonable to expect that students will require training and a settling-in period, as they come to terms with the demands of the new system. It could even be worth trialing the routine during a face-to-face lesson, with students accessing content on their phones or laptops, and with some reminders about how to approach a reading text (for example skimming and scanning) or how to make good use of technology to ensure effective listening (for example, rewinding, user slower speed settings or making use of a tape script).

5. Because of the investment required in learner training, flipped learning will be tricky to implement in programs with continuous enrolment. It’s far more suitable for a setting with a termly or yearly intake date.

6. Even when the system is up and running, there will probably always be a number of students who have not prepared adequately for the lesson. This will affect how successful follow-up activities are and the teacher needs some strategies in place to address this.

Available in:
Acesso: 17/10/2024
No trecho “However, this removes the language point from an engaging and meaningful context and furthermore, working alone robs students of the opportunity to ask questions…”, o termo em destaque expressa a ideia de:
Q3181984 Inglês
Flipped learning – could it work for you?
Exploring the benefits, challenges and tips for success

By Stephanie Hirschman
October 2, 2023

Flipped learning is very much a buzz word these days, and it’s worth thinking about whether this approach is suitable for your
lessons. It’s quite easy to define: whereas a more traditional model of teaching involves some sort of initial input (for example a
lecture or demonstration) followed by some sort of related output (for example a discussion or experiment) with some homework to follow, in flipped learning, this order is disrupted. Students do their homework before the class meets by watching a recorded lecture or video or reading an article. This enables them to spend the lesson time on activities which make a more significant contribution to their deep understanding and mastery of important ideas, for example, discussion, roleplay or presentations. It sits well within blended learning as the pre-lesson homework is likely to be accessed online, while the class activities are conducted face-to-face.

Why is it important?
Flipped learning makes good use of technology, allowing students to approach the input at their own level. Some may need to view a video several times more than would be possible in a group classroom setting, with frequent pauses and rewinding to ensure that they have recognized the main points. It’s also possible for students to explore other aspects of a topic, either using further links that the teacher provides, or finding other relevant resources to explore on their own. Finally, they can do the work when and where they wish, and even make use of otherwise “dead” time, like waiting for a bus.

How relevant is it for English language teaching (ELT)?

It’s important to recognize that flipped learning was not developed with ELT contexts in mind. In a language lesson, we may find
students reading a text about, say, major infrastructure projects, but this content is merely a vehicle for some other language point like expressing high numbers or making comparisons. During a conventional English lesson, the teacher would be guiding students through the text, encouraging prediction and other strategies and setting achievable reading or listening tasks to check basic understanding, before introducing key language points in a staged presentation. This would be followed by controlled practice and freer production. It’s not easy to see how this pattern of brief but meaningful interactive activities maps onto flipped learning. ELT texts, even at advanced levels, tend to be too short to be worth exploring in depth, unlike a 30-minute lecture or video that students of other subjects may be watching. Of course, it could be argued that the true content of the lesson, ie the language point, could be the subject of flipped learning, with students watching a presentation on this subject before the class meets. However, this removes the language point from an engaging and meaningful context and furthermore, working alone robs students of the opportunity to ask questions and discuss emergent ideas about meaning, which are key elements of communicative learning.

Tips for success
Nonetheless, it is possible to flip an ELT classroom, with some adjustments:

1. Flipped learning would suit certain types of ELT which are heavily content based, like CLIL or Business. Mature students are more likely to have the motivation required to implement this approach sensibly.

2. It makes sense to devote the final stages of a lesson to introducing the content that students will explore independently before the next class meeting. This should include a justification of why the content was chosen, how students should approach it and how they can check their understanding. Providing some comprehension questions is a minimum. If answers aren’t furnished, the next class meeting could open with an activity to discuss and check these.

3. The teacher must provide an easy and reliable way for students to access the content, for example via an online learning system.

4. It’s reasonable to expect that students will require training and a settling-in period, as they come to terms with the demands of the new system. It could even be worth trialing the routine during a face-to-face lesson, with students accessing content on their phones or laptops, and with some reminders about how to approach a reading text (for example skimming and scanning) or how to make good use of technology to ensure effective listening (for example, rewinding, user slower speed settings or making use of a tape script).

5. Because of the investment required in learner training, flipped learning will be tricky to implement in programs with continuous enrolment. It’s far more suitable for a setting with a termly or yearly intake date.

6. Even when the system is up and running, there will probably always be a number of students who have not prepared adequately for the lesson. This will affect how successful follow-up activities are and the teacher needs some strategies in place to address this.

Available in:
Acesso: 17/10/2024
No trecho: “It’s also possible for students to explore other aspects of a topic, either using further links that the teacher provides, or finding other relevant resources to explore on their own.”, o termo em destaque classifica-se como:
Q3181426 Inglês
In following sentence "They enjoyed both the tennis match and the music concert enormously", the word 'enormously' is:
Q3180908 Inglês

Choose the word that best completes the sentence:

“Could you please speak a little more ____, so everyone can understand?” 

Q3175066 Inglês

A língua inglesa, assim como muitas outras, apresenta palavras com sons semelhantes, mas com significados e grafias distintos. A compreensão dessas nuances fonéticas é crucial para a comunicação oral e escrita, evitando equívocos e mal-entendidos.

Complete as lacunas das frases a seguir com a palavra correta, considerando a pronúncia e o contexto:

The___(weather/whether) forecast predicts heavy rain for tomorrow.

She couldn't decide___(which/witch) dress to wear to the party.

The___(principal/principle) of the school gave a speech at the graduation ceremony.

He___(threw/through) the ball to his teammate.

They walked___(passed/past) the bakery and were tempted by the delicious smell of fresh bread.

A sequência correta de preenchimento das lacunas, de cima para baixo, é:

Q3171502 Inglês
Choose the sentence that demonstrates the correct use of “just”.
Q3167553 Inglês



What is the global situation in relation to literacy?

Great progress has been made in literacy with most recent data (UNESCO Institute for Statistics) showing that more than 86 per cent of the world’s population know how to read and write compared to 68 per cent in 1979. Despite this, worldwide at least 754 million adults still cannot read and write, two thirds of them women, and 250 million children are failing to acquire basic literacy skills. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused the worst disruption to education in a century, 617 million children and teenagers had not reached minimum reading levels.

Acquiring literacy is not a one-off act. Beyond its conventional concept as a set of reading, writing and counting skills, literacy is now understood as a means of identification, understanding, interpretation, creation, and communication in an increasingly digital, text-mediated, information-rich and fast-changing world.

Literacy is a continuum of learning and proficiency in reading, writing and using numbers throughout life and is part of a larger set of skills, which include digital skills, media literacy, education for sustainable development and global citizenship as well as jobspecific skills. Literacy skills themselves are expanding and evolving as people engage more and more with information and learning through digital technology.

Literacy is a continuum of learning and proficiency in reading, writing and using numbers throughout life and is part of a larger set of skills, which include digital skills, media literacy, education for sustainable development and global citizenship as well as jobspecific skills. Literacy skills themselves are expanding and evolving as people engage more and more with information and learning through digital technology.

Adapted from

“As well as” in “as well as job-specific skills” (3rd paragraph) indicates
Q3167533 Inglês



Decolonizing English Language Teaching for Brazilian Indigenous Peoples 

In an era of increasing contact between citizens of the diverse nations of the world, the far-reaching impacts of globalization are often linked to the propagation of English as a language for international communication in a variety of settings, including international trade, academic and scientific discourses, and diplomacy, among others. Given its status as an international language, English is also a highly-valued foreign language in Brazil, and its influence represents, at least symbolically, greater access to both national and global markets. As such, federal curricular standards require all students in Brazilian public schools to study English as a foreign language from middle to high school.

These standards also apply to the indigenous populations of Brazil. However, additional federal legislation regulates the ways that English and other subjects must be taught in indigenous communities. The Brazilian Constitution, ratified in 1988, represents a significant landmark in this respect, providing for the inclusion of 'specific, bilingual, differentiated, and intercultural' educational practices within indigenous school settings, thus guaranteeing each indigenous group the right to integrate their traditional knowledge, cultures, and languages into primary and secondary education curricula (Brazil, 1988). 

As such, the question of how to teach English in indigenous settings in a way that values traditional cultures and knowledge in accordance with the specific, differentiated, and intercultural approach mandated by federal legislation must be addressed. The status of English as the language of globalization, along with its long history as an instrument of colonial imperialism, poses an ethical dilemma in the Brazilian indigenous educational context, given that its inclusion in indigenous school curricula presents an implicit risk of recreating and reinforcing neocolonial hierarchies of knowledge production that favor Western perspectives over traditional indigenous systems of knowledge.

In an effort to adapt English language teaching to the needs and demands of indigenous communities, contributions from the fields of postcolonial theory, English language teaching, and sociocultural approaches to language teaching will be connected to current Brazilian laws governing indigenous education. The aim is to investigate the possibilities for the teaching of a decolonized, local English that values traditional indigenous knowledge systems over neocolonial global influences which are often associated with English.

Adapted from:

The word “thus” in “thus guaranteeing” (2nd paragraph) means
Q3161510 Inglês
Word classes in English, such as nouns, verbs, and adjectives, play specific roles in sentence construction and must be correctly identified to ensure grammatical accuracy. Regarding the topic, mark T for true statements and F for false ones.

(__)Adjectives in English are always positioned after the noun they modify.
(__)Adverbs can modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.
(__)Proper nouns in English always start with a capital letter.
(__)Verbs in the infinitive form in English are preceded by the particle to, except in some specific cases.

The correct sequence is:
Q3158178 Inglês
Which adverb is correctly formed from the adjective "quick"?
Q3158168 Inglês
The small exercise that's a powerful mood booster

Counting our blessings is an age-old piece of advice – but it turns out that writing lists of good things that happen to us actually does help improve our mood.
Of all the interventions brought to us by psychological research, I think this is probably my favourite. It's both simple and well-evidenced. And as such, it has become well-known.
There are various names for it – three good things, three blessings or a gratitude list. There are variations too in the exact instructions given, but essentially the exercise involves spending a few moments in the evening reflecting on your day, then writing down three things that went well or that you enjoyed. The final element is to think about why these things felt positive to you. You can choose anything, however small and seemingly inconsequential. Perhaps you bumped into a friend you hadn’t seen for a while? Perhaps you and a colleague laughed about something together. Perhaps you enjoyed your walk home from the station in lovely early evening light.
Alternatively, you could include something much more significant, perhaps even life-changing. Like passing an important exam, or getting a promotion, or hearing that a relative is going to have a baby.
Counting your blessings is of course a very old idea, and exercises of this kind had been used clinically for some time. The initial research investigating whether any of us might use this method in everyday life to improve our wellbeing was published in 2005 by Martin Seligman and Chris Peterson, two major figures in the field of positive psychology.
The study involved 577 people who were randomly assigned to different groups. As a placebo, one group had to write every evening about their early memories from childhood. Other groups were given different interventions to try out. In the arm of the trial that interests us, people were asked to list three things that had gone well that day and what caused them to go well. Over the next few months, the volunteers in all the groups were given scales to measure their happiness.
The results were impressive. Notably, within a month, the people who were assigned the three good things task began to show improvements in their happiness levels as well as a decrease in depressive symptoms – with the positive effects lasting for the six months of the study.
Meanwhile those in the placebo group saw a brief spike in happiness in the first week, but their mood soon returned to baseline, and there was no change at the six month follow up.
One reason that the three good things strategy can work is because it begins to counter the hard-wired tendency we have as humans to register and remember the negative rather than the positive. There's a strong evolutionary reason why we think this way: it's vital for our survival. So, we hardly notice if a small cat is following us up the street, but if it was a lion we certainly would. Our brains are primed for danger in order to keep us safe. Which is fine, except that in a world of war and suffering, hatred and division – all of which we can instantly access on our phones – this negativity bias can overwhelm us.
An important element of the three good things exercise is that it helps us to focus on the positive in a concrete way. And although I've been suggesting it's an end-ofthe-day exercise, its real strength lies in the fact that the impact soon begins to spread through the day. You find yourself searching out good things to add to your list from the moment you get up. (Whenever I get my favourite seat at the front of the top deck of the bus I think to myself, that's one for my list. How lucky!) And before you know it you are training yourself not only to look out for threats, but for good things too.

Fonte: Hammond, Claudia. The small exercise that's a
powerful mood booster. BBC, 2024. Disponível em: Adaptado
Which of the following word can be used as a synonym of the adverb. “seemingly” in the text?
Q3153135 Inglês
Consider the following text:

How to Make a Cup of Green Tea

To prepare a cup of green tea, follow these steps. First, boil water to about 80°C (176°F); avoid using boiling water as it can make the tea taste bitter. Place a green tea bag or one teaspoon of loose green tea leaves into a cup. Pour the hot water over the tea and let it steep for 2 to 3 minutes. Do not steep for too long, as this can affect the flavor. After steeping, remove the tea bag or strain the leaves. Finally, enjoy your tea plain or add a touch of honey if you prefer a bit of sweetness.

Select the alternative that correctly identifies the linguistic features present in the text.
Q3148918 Inglês
In the sentence "He speaks quite clearly despite his accent," the word "quite" functions as an adverb to modify:
Q3147582 Inglês
        Gabriele Tinti’s Hungry Ghosts is a cycle of 51 poems written in collaboration with the photographer Roger Ballen, whose photographic negatives are reproduced in the book. The images are mostly terrifying, in keeping with the otherworldly inclination of the poems. This bilingual edition includes Tinti’s original Italian poems with English translations by David Graham, interspersed with Greek lines taken from inscriptions found on archaeological objects and from ancient Greek texts.

         The book is inspired by the Petavatthu, a Theravada Buddhist scripture that includes stories about the realm of the “hungry ghosts,” a category of supernatural beings ubiquitous in East and South Asian religions, with section headings such as “Abandoned Ghosts,” “Protectors,” “Guardians,” and “Hungry Ghosts.” T he poems are quite short and try to emulate the obscure, esoteric quality of scriptural language, though they struggle, at times, under the weight of too many venerable references drawn from both Buddhist and Greek traditions.

Internet:<> (adapted).

About the linguistic and lexical features of the preceding text, judge the following item.  

The word “though” (last sentence of the second paragraph) is used to introduce a concessive clause.

Q3147581 Inglês
        Gabriele Tinti’s Hungry Ghosts is a cycle of 51 poems written in collaboration with the photographer Roger Ballen, whose photographic negatives are reproduced in the book. The images are mostly terrifying, in keeping with the otherworldly inclination of the poems. This bilingual edition includes Tinti’s original Italian poems with English translations by David Graham, interspersed with Greek lines taken from inscriptions found on archaeological objects and from ancient Greek texts.

         The book is inspired by the Petavatthu, a Theravada Buddhist scripture that includes stories about the realm of the “hungry ghosts,” a category of supernatural beings ubiquitous in East and South Asian religions, with section headings such as “Abandoned Ghosts,” “Protectors,” “Guardians,” and “Hungry Ghosts.” T he poems are quite short and try to emulate the obscure, esoteric quality of scriptural language, though they struggle, at times, under the weight of too many venerable references drawn from both Buddhist and Greek traditions.

Internet:<> (adapted).

About the linguistic and lexical features of the preceding text, judge the following item.  

In the sentence “The poems are quite short” (last sentence of the second paragraph), “quite” is a degree adverb modifying the adjective “short”.

Q3143787 Inglês
Which of the following words is an adverb?
Q3139406 Inglês

Complete a frase com a forma correta do advérbio:

"She sings ___________ than her sister."

Q3129909 Inglês

Choose the option that best fits the context:

"The new law requires companies to ensure that their products are ______ safe and eco-friendly." 

Q3126037 Inglês
In the line “And looked down one as far as I could,” from TEXT I, the word "as" is functioning as: 
1: C
2: B
3: D
4: E
5: C
6: D
7: A
8: E
9: E
10: C
11: C
12: C
13: A
14: C
15: C
16: C
17: A
18: C
19: C
20: E