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Q1086667 Inglês


“It must be fairly obvious from the discussion in the foregoing paragraphs that the very concept of ‘World Englishes’ throws a number of challenges at all those of us who are in one way or another involved in it. For ELT professionals all over the world, it means, among other things, having to take a fresh look at many of the things that have been taken for granted for long.

Consider, for instance, the following. World English is not the mother-tongue of anyone – and this includes even those who used to rejoice in their status as the ‘native-speakers’ of their own varieties of English. This is so because World English is a language that is in the making and, from the looks of it is bound to remain so for the foreseeable future. Incidentally, any temptation to consider World English a pidgin would be totally misguided in that it is not a make-shift language, nor one that is progressing towards a full-fledged language in its own right. Nor, for that matter, is it gathering a new generation of native speakers. Rather, it is resistant to the very terminology that the linguists resort to in describing conventional ‘natural’ languages.”

RAJAGOPALAN, K. The identity of "World English”: New Challenges in Language and Literature. Belo Horizonte: FALE/UFMG, 2009, p.104. 

The word “SO” is used anaphorically in two instances in the excerpt: “This is so because World English is a language that is in the making and, from the looks of it is bound to remain so for the foreseeable future.” They were used to refer respectively to the fact that
Q1086665 Inglês


“Despite the contemporary calling of the speech/textual genre conceptions to deal with privations in the educational system (ROJO, 2008), the treatment given to genre, especially in theories operating with the notion of textual genre, has mainly focused on genre’s stable characteristics and on the development of competencies/capacities that lead to the comprehension and production of the oral and written genres circulating in the social world.

One of the implications of this kind of treatment for the literacy practices at school has considerably often been the genre displacement from micro and macrolinguistic contexts that interact in meaning construction to abstractly focus on the stable characteristics defining news, comics, recipes, editorial, blogs etc. Another, and maybe more serious, unfolding is that since it doesn’t look at how genres mingle and hybridize with other genres and semiosis in processes of constant (re)designing meanings, such a treatment can end up contributing to the mere (re)production of genres legitimized by school, leaving little or no space at all for the innovations and destabilization that mingling and transgression processes print to texts in contemporaneity and, as a consequence, for a critical position in relation to meanings constructed in the margins of what school validates as acceptable literacy practices.”

OLIVEIRA, M. B. F.; SZUNDI, P. T. C. Multiliteracies Practices at School: for a responsive education to contemporaneity.

                                   Bakhtiniana, São Paulo, v. 9, n. 2, Jul./Dec. 2014, p. 206,207.

In the excerpt “the treatment given to genre, especially in theories operating with the notion of textual genre, has mainly focused on genre’s stable characteristics”, the present perfect tense has been used to express the idea that the treatment given to genre
Q1086662 Inglês

Consider the excerpt “It’s to the organization’s credit that it’s saying that it shouldn’t be tolerated”.

The subjunctive mood has been correctly used to rephrase it in all the sentences, EXCEPT

Q1080431 Inglês

Leia a tira em quadrinhos e analise as afirmativas abaixo.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

I. No primeiro quadrinho Hagar consultou o velho sábio para saber sobre o segredo da felicidade.

II. No segundo quadrinho as palavras that e me se referem, respectivamente, ao “velho sábio” e a “Hagar”.

III. As palavras do velho sábio no último quadrinho são de que é melhor dar que receber.

Assinale a alternativa correta.

Q1068708 Inglês

Leia o texto a seguir para responder a questão.

Learning and Teaching

    What is learning and what is teaching and how do they interact? Consider again some traditional definitions. A search in contemporary dictionaries reveals that learning is “acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or a skill by study, experience, or instruction.” A more specialized definition might read as follows: “Learning is a relatively permanent change in a behavioral tendency and is the result of reinforced practice” (Kimble and Garmezy 1963:133). Similarly, teaching, which is implied in the first definition of learning, may be defined as “showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand.” How awkward these definitions are! Isn’t it rather curious that learned lexicographers cannot devise more precise scientific definitions? More than perhaps anything else, such definitions reflect the difficulty of defining complex concepts like learning and teaching.

    These concepts can also give way to a number of subfields within the discipline of psychology: acquisition processes, perception memory (storage) systems, recall, conscious and subconscious learning, learning styles and strategies, theories of forgetting, reinforcement, the role of practice. Very quickly the concept of learning becomes every bit as complex as the concept of language. Yet the second language learner brings all these and more variables into play in the learning of a second language.

    Teaching cannot be defined apart from learning. Nathan Gage (1964:269) noted that “to satisfy the practical demands of education, theories of learning must be ‘stood on their head’ so as to yield theories of teaching.” Teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learner to learn, setting the conditions for learning. Your understanding of how the learner learns will determine your philosophy of education, your teaching style, your approach, methods, and classroom techniques. If, like B. F. Skinner, you look at learning as a process of operant conditioning through a carefully paced program of reinforcement, you will teach accordingly. If you view second language learning basically as a deductive rather than an inductive process, you will probably choose to present copious rules and paradigms to your students rather than let them “discover” those rules inductively. An extended definition—or theory—of teaching will spell out governing principles for choosing certain methods and techniques. A theory of teaching, in harmony with your integrated understanding of the learner and of the subject matter to be learned, will point the way to successful procedures on a given day for given learners under the various constraints of the particular context of learning.

(Principles of language learning and teaching, H. Douglas Brown. Adaptado)

On the last sentence of the second paragraph – Yet the second language learner brings all these and more variables into play in the learning of a second language. – the adverb yet could be correctly replaced, with no change in the sense of the paragraph, by
126: A
127: C
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