Questões de Concurso
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I. The definite article "the" is used with both countable and uncountable nouns whenever the noun is specific in context.
II. Prepositions such as "in," "on," and "at" follow strict and unchanging rules for use with expressions of time and place.
III. Connectors like "however" and "nevertheless" introduce contrasting ideas but differ in their degree of formality and intensity.
IV. Adverbs in English often end in "-ly" and can modify verbs, adjectives, or even other adverbs, depending on the context.

Fill in the blanks with the correct article (a, an, or the).
"After ___ long day at work, I decided to read ___ interesting book I found at ___ bookstore."
Select the alternative that uses the article incorrectly.
I.The use of articles in the text helps to clarify the distinctions between specific entities, such as "the non-English mother-tongue world" and "a stable image of English".
II.The noun "power" is used in the text as a countable noun, indicating multiple types of power in different contexts.
III.The noun "language" is treated as both countable and uncountable, depending on the context in which it is used.
Choose the correct alternative based on the statements:
List 1: You can’t borrow the my book. List 2: Do you think it’s going to rain? List 3: My uncle is an ambulance driver. List 4: I fortunately work in a united group.
The lists in which the use of articles is correct are:
1. Kate has been talking to a customer who has just come into the shop.
2. She went to the zoo, but she didn’t see the monkeys there. She hates the monkeys.
3. People don’t write X letters nowadays. They write X emails. But I haven’t written an email for ages.
4. Jerry works in an university in the center of X London.
Select the option that presents the correct sentences.
Considering the lexical-grammatical aspects of the English language, evaluate the following item.
It is correct to use "a" before words that start with a vowel sound, as in "a apple."
I. Julia eats a aple every morning.
II. Paula’s uncle is a teacher.
III. I love the my job.
Choose the CORRECT answer.
A. People who owned ______ (a / an) MP3 player ______ (was / were) considered popular back in the day.
B. Henrique no longer works ______ (on / in) Saturdays.
C. I ______ (do / don’t) know this song.
D. We’ve ______ (come /came) across as ______ (a / an) united group.
In the order presented, the gaps are correctly and respectively filled by:
As regards the sentence
“After analyzing the my profile, they told me I was not suitable ___ the management position”
choose the CORRECT answer.
About the indefinite articles “an/a”, mark the option which it is NOT properly used
Google as well as Yahoo, Microsoft and AOL among
others are gearing up to keep a much closer eye on all of us,
so that within five years these and other firms will routinely
track our movements, friends, interests, purchases and
5 correspondence – then make money by helping marketers
take advantage of the information.
These companies' brash plans are pushing us toward a
thorny choice that will determine the future of computing.
Google and other Web-oriented, information-service giants are
10 determined to build a breathtaking array of services based on
your personal information, and they're betting you'll be willing
to share it with them in order for you to reap the benefits. But
if we cooperate and let them in on the details of our lives, we'll
lose much of our privacy, and possibly a lot more.
15 A privacy backlash, however, would stifle these potentially
revolutionary services before they get off the ground – and
leave the computer industry's biggest plans for growth in
tatters. That may be just what some people want. The U.S.
Congress is considering four bills that would make it illegal to
20 collect and share information online or through cell phones
about people without clearer warning and permission. These
sorts of restrictions are already in effect throughout much of
Europe, thanks in part to European Union directives on privacy
and electronic communications passed in 2002 and 2003.
25 The good news is that there's no reason to choose
between technology and privacy. New technologies are
emerging that can doctor our data so that companies know
just enough about us to ply us with customized services, while
preventing them from getting a clear picture of our private
lives. The question is again one of trust: in this case, whether
people will come to trust the companies that are trying to build
these new technologies.
(abridged from Next Frontiers in Newsweek, April 3, 2006)
Complete the following passage with the right prepositions in the right order:
Some 25 million surveillance cameras are already _____ place _____ stores and public spaces in the U.S. alone, and new ones are coming online _____ the rate of 2 million a year. _____ fact it's difficult to walk down the street without being photographed _____ several different angles.
(adapted from Next Frontiers in Newsweek, April3, 2006)
Google as well as Yahoo, Microsoft and AOL among
others are gearing up to keep a much closer eye on all of us,
so that within five years these and other firms will routinely
track our movements, friends, interests, purchases and
5 correspondence – then make money by helping marketers
take advantage of the information.
These companies' brash plans are pushing us toward a
thorny choice that will determine the future of computing.
Google and other Web-oriented, information-service giants are
10 determined to build a breathtaking array of services based on
your personal information, and they're betting you'll be willing
to share it with them in order for you to reap the benefits. But
if we cooperate and let them in on the details of our lives, we'll
lose much of our privacy, and possibly a lot more.
15 A privacy backlash, however, would stifle these potentially
revolutionary services before they get off the ground – and
leave the computer industry's biggest plans for growth in
tatters. That may be just what some people want. The U.S.
Congress is considering four bills that would make it illegal to
20 collect and share information online or through cell phones
about people without clearer warning and permission. These
sorts of restrictions are already in effect throughout much of
Europe, thanks in part to European Union directives on privacy
and electronic communications passed in 2002 and 2003.
25 The good news is that there's no reason to choose
between technology and privacy. New technologies are
emerging that can doctor our data so that companies know
just enough about us to ply us with customized services, while
preventing them from getting a clear picture of our private
lives. The question is again one of trust: in this case, whether
people will come to trust the companies that are trying to build
these new technologies.
(abridged from Next Frontiers in Newsweek, April 3, 2006)
Mark the one item which contains the best passive alternative for we'll lose much of our privacy (lines 13-14):
Look at some verbs which describe changes in a market and choose the right alternative for their 'past' and 'past participle' forms.
Increase rise fall