Questões de Inglês - Caso genitivo | Genitive case para Concurso

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Q2267407 Inglês
Read the sentence below. The underlined part in the sentence is a specific grammar structure in the English language. Which one?
“We went to Jake’s father’s funeral.”
Choose the CORRECT answer. 
Q2184931 Inglês
Text: The importance of the PowerPoint as a classroom resource
(Text adapted from Teachers: 5 Tips for Creating Great PowerPoint Presentations, retrieved

   PowerPoint is a resource developed by Microsoft and released initially in 1990. It is mainly used in professional meeting presentations all over the world.
    One of these professions is in educational area: teacher.
    PowerPoint presentation is spread among teachers because it is different from lecturing or teaching with a textbook; it is also a way of sharing content with students.
    To produce a PowerPoint correctly, teachers need to know how to put the slides together, it can be an effective way of reinforcing content to students so that they are better able to retain it. Otherwise, teachers can print and distribute the PowerPoint presentation or post it online, so students can go back and access it as reference material. However, if it is not put together correctly, a PowerPoint presentation can disengage and make students bored.
   To develop PowerPoint presentation is simple and it can also provide a fun time noticed by its characteristics: basic, simple, and not distracting, it can be focused on keywords; for instance, always be sure to include a summary slide of what the presentation is intending to accomplish as well as a table of contents on the different topics that will be covered in the program. The summary slide serves as the main topic and what students should learn after viewing the presentation. Then, at the end of the PowerPoint presentation, teachers should include another summary slide, going over everything that was just covered and, again, highlighting the main point.

Bottom line
    PowerPoint presentations need to have a purpose and the teacher must make sure that the purpose is understood.

Add pictures
    Teachers can reinforce the content with pictures, charts, symbols, and other images. In fact, sometimes it’s better to have more pictures than text in a PowerPoint presentation, because images work to reinforce a content main point.
     Teachers typically will just share it with their classes, so they can pull images straight from the Internet. However, for teachers who are making more public and widespread presentations, copyright law needs to be considered (Brazil Information Access Law nº 12.527; Art. 31; paragraph 3; item II). 

Add video
      Pictures can help to reinforce a main point or support content, as well as videos. Some research affirm that students enjoy watching videos and retain information from them well, especially if the video is engaging, interesting and informative. Teachers can embed videos right from YouTube or from their desktops to complement a PowerPoint presentation.

      Nothing turns off a class like a poorly put together PowerPoint presentation, so teachers should always be sure to do a quick rehearsal before they present it to the class. While testing it, make sure all the images load up on the slides, videos load up properly and audio works, too. Also, it’s important for teachers to make sure that there’s a way to connect their computer, or upload anything that’s storing the PowerPoint presentation, to a larger TV monitor or projector screen so the whole class does not have to huddle around a computer screen to view it. Teachers should also make sure that any text can be read and understood. Be sure that the color scheme is good.

Make it fun
    A PowerPoint presentation can be an innovative way of teaching. It’s a more interesting and engaging way for students to learn than the typical lecture. Teachers should embrace this teaching resource and have fun with it. Throw in some jokes, possibly some funny pictures and be sure to get creative with presentations.

      As we previously noted, the more students enjoy a lecture, presentation, or activity, the more likely they are to retain information. 
One of the alternatives has the genitive case in its structure. Mark it.
Q2184917 Inglês
A questão foi desenvolvida em língua inglesa e/ou língua portuguesa oficial do Brasil. 
From the genitive case, choose the correct alternative.
Q2064501 Inglês

Leia o texto 1 para responder a questão que se segue.


               Nikola Tesla was an engineer and scientist known for designing the alternating-current (AC) electric system, which is the predominant electrical system used across the world today. He also created the "Tesla coil," which is still used in radio technology.

              Born (01) ______ modern day Croatia, Tesla came to the United States in 1884 and briefly worked with Thomas Edison before the two parted ways. He sold several patent rights, including those to his AC machinery, to George Westinghouse.

                   Early Life
                   Tesla was born in Smiljan, Croatia, on July 10, 1856.

                  Tesla was one of five children, including (02) ______ Dane, Angelina, Milka and Marica. Tesla's interest in electrical invention was spurred by his mother, Djuka Mandic, who (03) ______ small household appliances in her spare time while her son was growing up.

Observe a sentença: “Tesla's interest in electrical invention was spurred by his mother”. Diante das assertivas, assinale a alternativa correta em referência ao apóstrofo ‘s:
I. É a contração do verbo to be na 3ª pessoa do singular (he is = he’s). II. Faz parte do caso genitivo ou caso possessivo, ele indica que algo pertence (está associado) a alguém ou a uma coisa. III. É a contração do verbo to have na 3ª pessoa do singular (he has = he’s). 
Q2037141 Inglês

The Amazon Forest

The Amazon is often called the lungs of the earth and produces 20% of the world’s oxygen. For this reason, many people are trying to stop deforestation in the rainforest. Brazil, for example, is working hard to help the rainforest survive.

A few years ago, the Brazilian government put forward a plan called ARPA (Amazon Region Protected Areas). It had the support of many international agencies, including the World Bank, and the German Development Bank, KfW. The main aim was to build new areas of protected rainforest, maintain areas of the rainforest that hadn’t yet been destroyed, and stop deforestation. Deforestation contributes greatly to global warming because carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere when trees get cut down and burned.

One of the first areas to be recognized as part of ARPA was the Tumucumaque Mountains National Park. It is 38,800 km2 and is the same size as Switzerland, a small country in Central Europe. It’s the world’s largest protected tropical national park, and the second largest national park. It is home to certain species of jaguar, eagle, and lizard, which can only survive in the rainforest. Many of these species are under threat from climate change and deforestation.

In order to work in the park, conservationists need a reliable map. However, no map existed, and they didn’t have enough knowledge to make one on their own. They came up with the idea of involving local tribes to help them, combining modern and ancient methods to produce a map. The tribes learned to use global positioning system handsets (GPS), in conjunction with their local knowledge of the area, which included fishing and hunting grounds, and places of historical or mythical importance. Aerial photos were a 20useful aid in the process as well. This method of map-making is now the key to the future of rainforests, in Brazil and the rest of the world too.

Analyze the sentences according to structure and grammar use.
1. The (‘s) in “The Amazon is often called the lungs of the earth and produces 20% of the world’s oxygen.”, is the contraction for the verb to be (is).
2. In “In order to work in the park, conservationists need a reliable map. However, no map existed, and they didn’t have enough knowledge to make one on their own.”, the underlined pronouns refer to ‘conservationists’
3. The phrasal verb ‘cut down’, in the second paragraph, means to reduce the amount.
4. The negative form of “They came up with the idea of involving local tribes to help them, combining modern and ancient methods to produce a map.” is They didn’t come up with the idea of involving local tribes to help them, combining modern and ancient methods to not produce a map.
Choose the alternative which presents the correct sentences.
6: D
7: D
8: C
9: B
10: B