Questões de Concurso
Sobre determinantes e quantificadores | determiners and quantifiers em inglês
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Maya Angelou (1928-2014) had a broad and distinguished career both inside and outside the literary realm. She is most famous for her work as a poet, memoirist, and civil rights activist, working with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. She also worked in entertainment as a singer, a dancer, an actor, and a director. Her poetry was inspired and informed by her life and work, and this personal connection made her poems profound and powerful. Over the course of a career spanning the 1960s to her death in 2014, she captured, provoked, inspired, and ultimately transformed American people and culture.
Internet: <> (adapted).
About the preceding text, its linguistic features and the meanings it conveys, as well as the reading strategies that apply to it, judge the item that follow.
“Her”, in “Her poetry”, and “this”, in “this personal connection”, are examples of determiners used in the text.
As questão diz respeito ao texto. Leia-o atentamente antes de respondê-la.
The word ‘few’ (line 22) with the function of quantifier, it is classified as:
Atenção! Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão.
Over the past few decades, South Korean culture has gained popularity worldwide. Since the 1990s, government-led cultural policies have transitioned from focusing on economic strategy to national branding and soft power and have had a positive impact on the domestic ecosystem of cultural industry and contributed to promoting South Korea abroad. There are three aspects contributing to the development of South Korean soft power—the successful history with economic development and democratization, the development of creative content that led to global competitiveness due to the compressed growth experience and the limited domestic market, and the development of digital technology, especially the change in the media environment. However, this increased soft power is still limited as a tool to handle problems facing South Korea, mainly because of the nation’s geopolitical situation. South Korea should pay more attention to active participation in specific global agendas— especially in development and cooperation, emerging technology, and human rights issues. As a beneficiary of the existing liberal international order, South Korea achieved a prosperous economy and democracy. This aspect provides a cornerstone upon which to build South Korean cultural resources and promote them beyond its borders. South Korea should contribute creating public goods through its active engagement and leadership on various global agendas. This dedication to the international community ultimately benefits South Korea in the long run.
KIM, Minsung. The Growth of South Korean Soft Power and Its Geopolitical Implications. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 ago. 2024. Adaptado.
I. ‘government-led’ é um exemplo de um substantivo composto.
II. Em ‘cultural policies’, ‘cultural’ qualifica o termo ‘policies’.
III. ‘policies’ pode ser considerado um falso cognato.
IV. ‘government-led’ qualifica o termo ‘cultural’.
Estão corretas as afirmações:
Determiners are words that modify nouns but cannot be used alone.
I. Carla always pretends to care.
II. I can’t stand his comments, they’re full of all types of prejudice.
III. It’s an important topic to discuss.
IV. How much times do we have to go over this project?
Mark these statements as True (T) or False (F).
( ) “Care” and “stand” are regular verbs in sentences I and II, respectively.
( ) “Go over” is a phrasal verb in sentence IV.
( ) Even though “pretend”, “important” and “prejudice” are similar in spelling to words in Portuguese, they are all false cognates.
( ) In sentences II and IV, the use of quantifiers is correct.
The statements are, in the order presented, respectively:

Music Enabling Cognitive Work
(Avaliable in: ASHLEY, R. and TIMMERS, R. (Editors) The Routledge Companion to Music Cognition. New York:
Routledge, 2017 – text adapted specially for this test).
He might drive down my street.
Another Brick In The Wall (Pink Floyd)
We don't need no education
We don't need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teachers, leave them kids alone
Hey! Teacher! Leave them kids alone!
All in all, it's just another brick in the wall
All in all, you're just another brick in the wall
(Adapted from: Accessed on October 31 , 2019).