Questões de Inglês - Discurso direto e indireto | Reported speech para Concurso

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Q1694812 Inglês
Analyze the following sentences regarding the verb tenses and direct or reported speech. Choose the alternative that best describes them and in the correct order:
i. None of them were, leaving global biodiversity in a parlous state, the statement says. (line 4) ii. Thompson said Scotland was set to meet nine of the Aichi goals. (line 34)
Q1692533 Inglês

Mr. Floyd had big plans for life nearly 30 years ago. His death in police custody is powering a movement against police brutality and racial injustice.

HOUSTON — It was the last day of 11th grade at Jack Yates High School in Houston, nearly three decades ago. A group of close friends, on their way home, were contemplating what senior year and beyond would bring. They were black teenagers on the precipice of manhood. What, they asked one another, did they want to do with their lives?

 “George turned to me and said, ‘I want to touch the world,’” said Jonathan Veal, 45, recalling the aspiration of one of the young men — a tall, gregarious star athlete named George Floyd whom he had met in the school cafeteria on the first day of sixth grade. To their 17-year-old minds, touching the world maybe meant the N.B.A. or the N.F.L.

“It was one of the first moments I remembered after learning what happened to him,” Mr. Veal said. “He could not have imagined that this is the tragic way people would know his name.”

The world now knows George Perry Floyd Jr. through his final harrowing moments, as he begged for air, his face wedged for nearly nine minutes between a city street and a police officer’s knee.
“I want to touch the world,”
How can we change the sentence above into indirect speech?
Q1685783 Inglês
Read the text below to answer the question:


    An enormous iceberg that is heading toward the island of South Georgia in the southern Atlantic Ocean has broken up into three large chunks. Scientists from NASA have been tracking the berg - dubbed A68a - for several weeks. It actually calved from the Larsen C ice shelf in 2017 and has been floating northwards ever since. In recent weeks, a fast-moving stream of water known as the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front has put the chunks on a trajectory that means they could run aground off the coast of South Georgia. Scientists say the three fragments are roughly 2,600 square kilometres in size. The submerged part of one chunk is 106 metres at its thickest point.
     The sheer bulk of the three iceberg chunks poses a serious threat to the wildlife of South Georgia. There could be an environmental catastrophe waiting to happen. If the three mini icebergs collide with the seabed, they could obstruct penguins and seals from foraging for fish. They could also block the route between penguin colonies and their feeding grounds during the breeding season. Scientists worry the underside of the fragments could grind the seabed near South Georgia and disrupt delicate underwater ecosystems. This could be exacerbated by the introduction of a mass of fresh water to the ecosystems as the stationary fragments melt over the summer months.
Available at: Accessed on January 5th 2021.
The sentence: Scientists say the three fragments are roughly 2,600 square kilometres in size._ in the Direct Speech is:
Q1677695 Inglês
Quando transformamos um discurso direto (direct speech) que está no tempo verbal simple present para discurso indireto (indirect speech), o tempo verbal a ser utilizado deve ser o simple past, como no exemplo a seguir:
Mary said, I study every day. (simple presente) Mary said she studied every day. (simple past) Nesse contexto, quando o tempo verbal do discurso direto for simple future, ao transformarmos para discurso indireto, o tempo verbal a ser utilizado deve ser:
Q1676482 Inglês
The stranger said: How long is the film? In the Reported Speech the previous sentence is:
26: A
27: D
28: B
29: A
30: A