Questões de Concurso
Comentadas sobre ensino da língua estrangeira inglesa em inglês
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Communicative competence is the ability of the language
user to produce and comprehend texts suitable for
achieving desired meaning effects in specific and
concrete situations of communicative interaction. It is a
very important concept to have when studying english
due to the somewhat confusing phrasing for non-native
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The Municipal Law nº 5.156/23 of Guaranhuns states that
the Specialist English Teacher will act exclusively to the
Primary School students.
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The brazilian progressist pedagogical tendency may have
a more social-critical bias that encourage the subject to
use the teached contents as a tool of transformation for
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The aim of learning a foreign language is not supposed to
encourage the student to actively participate in the
process of meaning-making within that language, the
learning of the words meaning is enough.
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For educators in Human Rights, Diversity is a historical,
cultural, social, and political construction of differences,
and is not limited to the quality of what is different from a
biological or natural standpoint. Making it much more
than just a set of differences.
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Nowadays, the organization of the school curriculum is
fragmented and hierarchical, meaning each discipline is
taught separately, and those considered more important
than others receive more time for explanation within the
school context.
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The textual inference can be seen as a form of
interpretation of the central theme of a text or book, but it
is essential for the reader to have previous knowledge of
this theme to be able to fully comprehend the message of
the text/book.
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The learning of Instrumental English will not become
useful even with dedication, due to its situational uses,
being applied mostly for specific professional areas and
not seen as a way of learning english as a whole
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In english Inflectional suffixes follow regular patterns and
are added to words in a consistent manner, while
derivational suffixes have the ability to change the
meaning of the base word, frequently leading to a related
yet distinct idea.
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According to Annex of Law No. 5.156/2023, the total
number of positions for specialist teachers in the areas of
Mathematics, Portuguese Language, Science, History,
Physical Education, English Language, and Geography is
sixty six.
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The school planning must be practical, and should focus
mostly on getting through the school subjects in the most
efficient way instead of coordinating the whole processes
of organization, functioning and pedagogical proposition
of the school, since it is too time consuming.
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According to the Guidelines and Bases Law of Education– Federal Law nº 9.394/1996 and its amendments, it is
only the teachers responsibility to zeal for the students
attendency to classes.
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The Communicative Teaching Method for foreign
languages emphasizes on learning using interaction at
the aiming language, using errors as something positive,
a proof of the students effort to learn.
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It is ensured by the Guidelines and Bases Law of
Education – Federal Law nº 9.394/1996 and its
amendments that there must be a guarantee to the
quality of education even in the gratuitous public
established schools, as well of the appretiation of the
public school servants.
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In terms of the assessment process in English language
learning, it is correct to assert that the learning of English
should preferably be evaluated through qualitative tools,
aiming to prepare students for exams.
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The Brazilian Inclusion Law nº 13.146/2015 states that
private educational institutions are obliged to secure
every right of people with disabilities, but are also able to
charge higher monetary values from the families.
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According to the National Common Curricular Base there
are three groups of general competencies that must be
present in the educational enviroment: personal/social,
cognitive and communicative.
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The Comprehensive Education is a contemporary
proposition of schooling focused on the formation of
more independent and critical citizens, which makes it
unable to include all.
Choose the alternative that presents an active learning strategy.
Choose the alternative that contains some examples of teaching methods and strategies.