Questões de Concurso
Comentadas sobre ensino da língua estrangeira inglesa em inglês
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Which of the following was NOT a significant impact of the Industrial Revolution on England?
Read the text below to answer the question.
"Conceptions of English language teaching and learning are diverse and influenced by different theoretical perspectives. Some of the current trends in English language teaching include communicative language teaching, task-based language teaching, and content-based instruction. Communicative language teaching emphasizes the use of language for communication rather than focusing solely on grammar and vocabulary. Task-based language teaching involves engaging students in meaningful tasks that require the use of language, while content-based instruction integrates language learning with subject matter instruction."
Richards, J. C., & Rodgers, T. S. (2014). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching.
Cambridge University Press.
Read the text below to answer the question.
"Conceptions of English language teaching and learning are diverse and influenced by different theoretical perspectives. Some of the current trends in English language teaching include communicative language teaching, task-based language teaching, and content-based instruction. Communicative language teaching emphasizes the use of language for communication rather than focusing solely on grammar and vocabulary. Task-based language teaching involves engaging students in meaningful tasks that require the use of language, while content-based instruction integrates language learning with subject matter instruction."
Richards, J. C., & Rodgers, T. S. (2014). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching.
Cambridge University Press.
Read the text below to answer the question.
"Conceptions of English language teaching and learning are diverse and influenced by different theoretical perspectives. Some of the current trends in English language teaching include communicative language teaching, task-based language teaching, and content-based instruction. Communicative language teaching emphasizes the use of language for communication rather than focusing solely on grammar and vocabulary. Task-based language teaching involves engaging students in meaningful tasks that require the use of language, while content-based instruction integrates language learning with subject matter instruction."
Richards, J. C., & Rodgers, T. S. (2014). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching.
Cambridge University Press.
Which of the following options correctly describes the role of interculturality and interdisciplinarity in the teaching of English as a foreign language?
Which of the following reading techniques can be used to identify specific information in a text?
A abordagem comunicativa para o ensino de línguas enfatiza a importância de usar a língua para comunicação em situações autênticas. Em que consiste a abordagem comunicativa?
1. Emphasizing social interaction. 2. Asking students to memorize. 3. Building on previous knowledge. 4. Providing repetition exercises. 5. Copying facial expressions. 6. Interacting with students.
The skills which are typical of a constructivist class are, respectively,
To be in line with the BNCC, if teaching Dear Baobab to elementary school children, teachers should
( ) World Englishes is a concept that recognizes and validates different varieties of the English language. ( ) A new variety of English depends on changes on the lexical level alone. ( ) Languages are dynamic and may vary to satisfy the needs of users.
The statements are, respectively,
( ) English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) and as a Foreign Language (EFL) present different perspectives. ( ) In an ELF context, learners look up to native language speakers as models. ( ) Research in the area of ELF has involved areas other than pedagogical settings.
The statements are, respectively:
1.(__)Studying a foreign language makes it possible to understand nuances of the local culture, such as idiomatic expressions and ways of thinking, in addition to facilitating communication.
2.(__)By learning a language, we can access literature, films, music, and other cultural productions in their original form, without relying on translations or interpretations.
3.(__)When we learn a language, we are just learning how to communicate with people who speak that language.
The CORRECT sequence is:
Um(a) professor(a) de Língua Inglesa do Ensino Fundamental, em uma reunião de professores, faz a seguinte colocação: "Segundo a Lei nº 9.394/96, o Ensino Fundamental obrigatório, com duração de 9 (nove) anos, iniciando-se aos 6 (seis) anos de idade, terá por objetivo a formação básica do cidadão, mediante o desenvolvimento da capacidade de aprender, tendo como meios básicos o pleno domínio da leitura, da escrita e do cálculo; compreensão do ambiente natural e social, do sistema político, da tecnologia, das artes e dos valores em que se fundamenta a sociedade; o desenvolvimento da capacidade de aprendizagem, tendo em vista a aquisição de conhecimentos e habilidades e a formação de atitudes e valores; e o fortalecimento dos vínculos de família, dos laços de solidariedade humana e de tolerância recíproca em que se assenta a vida social".
Podemos afirmar que a fala do(a) professor(a) está:
(THORNBURY, 2005, p. 91-92)
Considering Thornbury’s (a very famous applied linguistics in the early 2000s) quotation, put the numbers 1 – 5 in the correct place in the following lesson plan:
1. To enable students to use past tenses accurately and put events in order in simple narratives.
2. Students listen to the model story, then, in groups, plan and write their own stories.
3. Use gestures to remind students to use past tenses.
4. To follow on from work on past tenses and to prepare for the storytelling project.
5. To make sure that board writing is clear and readable.
Choose the CORRECT sequence.