Questões de Concurso Comentadas sobre ensino da língua estrangeira inglesa em inglês

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Q2169481 Inglês
A. Read the following sentences and write true (T) or false (F).
I – Beowulf is a narrative poem and an example from the Old English Literature Period. ( )
II – The Canterbury Tales was written by Geoffrey Chaucer in The Middle Ages. ( )
III – William Shakespeare wrote tragedies, comedies and histories during The Renaissance. ( )
IV – Pride and Prejudice is a set of short stories and was written by Jane Austen. ( )
B. Considering Rainsford’s studies (2014), choose the correct alternative. 
Q2169477 Inglês
Read the following Reading skills and some examples and then check the correct option.
I- “Previewing and predicting. Giving the text a quick once-over to be able to guess what is to come; II- Skimming. Carefully getting the most detailed analysis of a passage or book; III- Guessing the meaning of unknown words from the context. Using such clues as knowledge of word parts, syntax, and relationship patterns”.

Source: Access on March, 20th 2023 
Q2169476 Inglês
A. Read the paragraphs below.
“What is reading? Reading is a conscious and unconscious thinking process. The reader applies many strategies to reconstruct the meaning that the author is assumed to have intended. The reader does this by comparing information in the text to his or her background knowledge and prior experience.” “What is literacy? Literacy is a set of attitudes and beliefs about the ways of using spoken and written language that are acquired in the course of a person’s socialization into a specific cultural context.” “It is important to clarify the relationship between reading and literacy, since research has shown that they are not the same thing. In fact, the definitions and uses of literacy vary culturally, and the cultural contexts of literacy are the underpinnings of the acquisition and use of reading and writing.”
Adapted from: Access on March 20th , 2023

B. Concerning teaching literacies approaches, identify the option that best describe a social literacy activity. 
Q2169474 Inglês
Read the poem I too below to answer QUESTION.

I, Too

Langston Hughes - 1901-1967

I, too, sing America.
I am the darker brother.
They send me to eat in the kitchen
When company comes,
But I laugh,
And eat well,
And grow strong.
I'll be at the table
When company comes.
Nobody'll dare
Say to me,
“Eat in the kitchen,”
They'll see how beautiful I am
And be ashamed —
I, too, am America.

Source: The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes, published by Knopf and Vintage Books. Copyright © 1994 by the Estate of Langston Hughes. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Harold Ober Associates Incorporated.
A. Read the excerpt below and answer the question:
A collocation, as one of the units of formulaic language, is a series of words or terms that cooccur more often than would be expected by chance. In phraseology, a collocation is a type of compositional phraseme, meaning that it can be understood from the words that make it up. This contrasts with an idiom, where the meaning of the whole cannot be inferred from its parts, and may be completely unrelated (WARD, 2007; SCHMITT, 2007; 2012). B. Refer to the poem line “But I laugh, And eat well, And grow strong”. Which is the best definition for the collocation grow strong
Q2169468 Inglês
Read the excerpt of the chapter “Decolonization” from the book Post-Colonial Studies: The Key Concepts below to answer QUESTION.

“Decolonization is the process of revealing and dismantling colonialist power in all its forms. This includes dismantling the hidden aspects of those institutional and cultural forces that had maintained the colonialist power and that remain even after political independence is achieved. Initially, in many places in the colonized world, the process of resistance was conducted in terms or institutions appropriated from the colonizing culture itself. This was only to be expected, since early nationalists had been educated to perceive themselves as potential heirs to European political systems and models of culture. This occurred not only in settler colonies where the white colonial élite was a direct product of the system, but even in colonies of occupation. Macaulay’s infamous 1835 Minute on Indian Education had proposed the deliberate creation in India of just such a class of ‘brown white men’, educated to value European culture above their own. This is the locus classicus of this hegemonic process of control, but there are numerous other examples in the practices of other colonies. […]
As well as direct and indirect economic control, the continuing influence of Eurocentric cultural models privileged the imported over the indigenous: colonial languages over local languages; writing over orality and linguistic culture over inscriptive cultures of other kinds (dance, graphic arts, which had often been designated ‘folk culture’). Against all these occlusions and overwritings of pre-colonial cultural practices, a number of programmes of decolonization have been attempted. Notable among these have been those that seek to revive and revalue local languages. The pressure of the global economy means that élite communication is dominated by the use of the ex-colonial languages, notably the new ‘world language’ of English, whose power derives from its historical use across the largest of the modern empires and from its use by the United States.” (ASHCROFT, et al., 2007, p. 56-57)
A. Read the excerpt from the text and answer the question:
“Decolonization is the process of revealing and dismantling colonialist power in all its forms. This includes dismantling the hidden aspects of those institutional and cultural forces that had maintained the colonialist power and that remain even after political independence is achieved.” (ASHCROFT, et al., 2007, p. 56).
B. Considering this discussion, how could a teacher follow a decolonial approach while teaching English as a Foreign Language? 
Q2163889 Inglês

Julgue o item subsequente. 

 A aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira deve possibilitar o aluno a se envolver nos processos de construir significados nessa língua se torne um ser discursivo no uso de uma língua estrangeira. 
Q2163888 Inglês

Julgue o item subsequente. 

No que diz respeito ao processo avaliativo de língua inglesa, é correto afirmar que a aprendizagem da língua inglesa deve ser avaliada preferencialmente por meio de ferramentas quantitativas, com o objetivo de classificar os alunos e prepará-los para exames. 
Q2163844 Inglês

Julgue o item subsequente. 

Even though it is generally considered obsolete, the Grammar-Translation Method, also called “Classic Method”, is still widely used, especially when the focus is on teaching reading and writing skills. 
Q2163842 Inglês

Julgue o item subsequente. 

According to Vygotsky, the learning process results of the mediation of teachers, peers and parents on the Proximal Development Zone of students. 
Q2143851 Inglês
Learning goals, which are referred to in version 3 of the BNCC as abilities, are intended to list the basic knowledge to be acquired by students, and to serve as a reference for drafting and updating the regional, state and municipal curricula.
Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Available at: [Fragment]. Accessed on: Oct. 10, 2022.
The BNCC abilities listed above are examples of ones which reinforce the use of basic skills and systemic knowledge of the English language. In the English teaching context, it is strongly recommended that English teachers mainly help students 
Q2127436 Inglês

Julgue as frases abaixo.

I.Aprender uma língua estrangeira pode ser uma forma de promover a tolerância e o respeito mútuo entre culturas a partir de uma perspectiva etnocêntrica.

II.Ao falar fluentemente uma língua estrangeira, a pessoa pode construir relacionamentos interpessoais e expandir sua rede global.

III.A língua é um elemento fundamental da identidade cultural de uma pessoa e aprender uma língua estrangeira pode ser uma forma de entrar em contato com uma cultura diferente e compreender suas tradições, valores e modos de pensar.

Está(ão) CORRETA(S) a(s) seguinte(s) proposição(ões).

Q2126234 Inglês
Choose the item which presents a feature which is NOT compatible with the Communicative Approach.
Q2126226 Inglês
In which alternative are the techniques for teaching the four traditional skills presented?
Q2126223 Inglês
In order to become an ESP teacher, it is necessary to:
Q2122692 Inglês
What is true about descriptive English writing?
Q2122691 Inglês
What is it not true about formal letter writing?
Q2122690 Inglês
Choose the option that is not true about English for Specific Purposes (ESP).
Q2122689 Inglês
When it comes to the audio-lingual methodology, it is true to say:
Q2122688 Inglês
What is true about the teaching methodology called the Silent Way?
Q2121452 Inglês
Leia o texto para responder a questão.

        Learning strategies are defined as “specific actions, behaviors, steps, or techniques—such as seeking out conversation partners, or giving one self-encouragement to tackle a difficult language task—used by students to enhance their own learning. When the learner consciously chooses strategies that suit his or her learning style and the L2 task at hand, these strategies become a useful toolkit for active, conscious, and purposeful self-regulation of learning. Learning strategies can be classified into six types; the compensatory strategies, for example, are those that help the learner make up for missing knowledge.

        A given strategy is neither good nor bad; it is neutral until the context of its use is thoroughly considered. What makes a strategy positive and helpful for a given learner? A strategy is useful if the following conditions are present: (a) the strategy relates to the L2 task at hand; (b) the strategy fits the particular student’s learning style preferences to one degree or another; and (c) the student employs the strategy effectivety and links it with other relevant strategies. Strategies that fulfill these conditions “make learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self-directed, more effective, and more transferable to new situations” (Oxford 1990, p. 8). Learning strategies can also enable students to become more independent and lifelong learners.
(Rebecca Oxford. Language Learning Styles and Strategies. Adaptado)
It is an example of a compensatory strategy a good reader would resort to while reading an unknown text:
561: D
562: B
563: E
564: B
565: D
566: C
567: E
568: C
569: C
570: C
571: C
572: C
573: D
574: D
575: C
576: D
577: C
578: B
579: A
580: A