Questões de Concurso
Comentadas sobre ensino da língua estrangeira inglesa em inglês
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The adverb in “We are trying to give them an opportunity to show their personality, rather than just showing how they perform in an interview” can be replaced, without change in meaning, by
According to the sentence “Cats have 276 distinct facial expressions, a discovery that turns on its head the popular belief that our pet felines are aloof and just not that into us”
(, the word in bold is
A aquisição da língua é vista como aquisição de regras, não como formação de hábito; os alunos são responsáveis por seu aprendizado; a perfeição na pronúncia é vista como irreal; a linguagem escrita (reading/writing) é tão importante quando a oral (listening/speaking); os professores devem ter boa proficiência geral na língua. A que abordagem se refere o texto?
Qual dos fatores abaixo NÃO deve ser levado em conta para escolha do melhor método de ensino da língua para uma determinada turma.
O texto abaixo refere-se a que tipo de abordagem no ensino de línguas?
Há um maior entendimento de que a língua consiste em léxicos gramaticais. A evidência da linguagem do computador e da análise do discurso influenciam o planejamento do conteúdo do curso; é reconhecida a supremacia da oralidade à escrita; os erros são reconhecidos como processo da aprendizagem; a tarefa e o processo são mais importantes do que o exercício e o produto da língua.
Acerca dos métodos e abordagens no ensino de língua inglesa, assinale aquele que apresenta o método mais antigo:
Assinale a alternativa correta:
Marque a alternativa que não contém um verbo irregular:
The actor gave a wonderful performance. A palavra é destaque é um:
Consider the situation below and analyze the following sentences:
Sarah has a daughter. Her name is Martha, and she is ten years old. Every day she goes to school. She stays there from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. She’s at school now. Today Martha’s mother wants to speak to her daughter’s teacher. So she has gone to the school to see her. She’s at the school now.
I. We say Martha “goes to school” and “is at school” because we are not thinking of a specific school.
II. We say Martha’s mother “has gone to the school” and “is at the school” because we refer to a specific building (Martha’s school).
III. We say Martha’s mother “has gone to the school” and “is at the school” because we refer to one of many schools (Martha’s school).
Which ones are correct?
Analyze the following sentences:
I. They’re in the kitchen making coffee.
II. Having found a hotel, we looked for somewhere to eat.
III. Feeling tired, I went to bed early.
Which of the following alternatives is correct?
Consider the following situation:
Last week I saw a friend of mine at the bus stop on my way home. She was waiting for the bus. So, I can say:
Consider the following situation and mark the correct alternative.
This morning my father got up at 7 a.m., had a shower, had breakfast and afterwards went to work. More precisely at 8:30 a.m. he got into the car and drove off. I saw it. So, I can say:
Consider the following situation:
“Last summer Paul and Sarah went on vacation to the beach. It rained a lot, but they had a good time.”
Choose the alternative that CAN’T be replaced with “... but they had a good time”:
In which of the sentences “have to” isn’t usually replaced with “must”? Choose the correct option.
In the sentence “I was so tired I could sleep for twenty hours” what the speaker infers is that:
Analyze the following statements about the sentence “I _______ come and see you tomorrow”:
I. If we fill in the gap with “can” it means something is possible or somebody has the ability to do it.
II. If we fill in the gap with “may” it means there’s a probability of something to happen.
III. If we fill in the gap with “should” it means it is a good or the right thing to do.
Which one are correct?
Analyze the following statements about the sentence “The fire spread quickly, but fortunately everyone was able to escape”:
I. We can replace “was able to escape” with “managed to escape”.
II. We can replace “was able to escape” with “could escape”.
III. We can replace “was able” with “succeded in” followed by “escaping”.
Which ones are correct?
Analyze the following statements about the sentence “They have lived in London for twenty years”:
I. They moved to London twenty years ago.
II. They moved to London in 2003.
III. They moved to London twenty years ago, but now they live in Cambridge.
Which ones are correct?
Analyze the following sentence: “Yesterday evening I left work at 6 p.m. and went straight home. When I arrived home last night my parents had had dinner and were watching a movie”. Choose the alternative that IS NOT correct.