Questões de Concurso Sobre formação de palavras (prefixos e sufixos) | word formation (prefix and suffix) em inglês

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Q3122146 Inglês

INSTRUCTION: Read the following text to answer question. 

When life feels chaotic, less is more

    When the feeling of pandemonium takes over, our instinct is often to try to regain control through sweeping personal change. We’ll jump in with grand plans to overhaul our routines, transform our homes, or tackle every to-do we’ve neglected. But inevitably, when the enthusiasm fades, anxiety spirals further, or real life gets in the way, our plans fall apart.

    This cycle of starting big and stalling out leaves people feeling more discouraged than before. When we’re overwhelmed, our mental bandwidth is limited, and ambitious plans become just one more thing to manage. That’s where the magic of micro wins comes in. They might not look impressive or overtly ambitious, but they provide a sense of accomplishment, momentum (even pride?), and gradually shift our environment and mindset, especially during times of mass madness.


Accessed on November 13, 2024. [Adapted fragment]

Analyze the hypothetical situation below.
“Instinct” is replaced by its adjective form that means “behaving or reacting naturally and without thinking” in the sentence: “(...) our instinct is often to try to regain control through sweeping personal change.”
Considering only the word itself and disregarding the change in meaning of the sentence, the correct spelling of the adjective will be: 
Q3122140 Inglês

INSTRUCTION: Read the following text to answer question.

Do Leveled Books Have Any Place in the Classroom?

    “The little turtle can see the grass. The little turtle can see the trees. The little turtle can see the flowers”. These are the opening lines to one popular reading program’s leveled books: short, predictable texts designed for beginning readers. The patterned sentence structure – centered on the phrase “the little turtle can see" – invites students to rely on repetition and context clues to identify words they can’t sound out.

    Leveled books have been a staple in early elementary reading instruction for more than two decades. But as the “science of reading” movement has spread, leveled books have come under fire. Initially, they encourage students to guess at words rather than use their phonics skills, researchers say, which can prevent children from mapping the letter-sound connections that allow them to become fluent readers.

    A second problem is how they sort students into levels. Studies have shown that leveling systems are frequently inaccurate. These systems are usually created by the books’ publishers, which purport to match students with books that have a just-right alignment with their reading comprehension abilities.

    In classrooms that are switching to a science of reading approach, educators are now wary of leveled books, because of the damage that they did, said Wiley Blevins, an educational consultant. In his opinion, when children are still learning the code of written language, it is required a “tight connection” between the letter-sound correspondences they’re learning and the text they’re reading, so that they have opportunities to practice. But leveled texts can’t do this job. Blevins said that the textdifficulty levels also don’t offer much practical use because they don’t tell educators what skills students still need to master – which doesn’t necessarily mean kids can’t ever pick up these books. 

    But what are leveled texts anyway? In many of the most popular reading programs of the last decade, leveled readers were some of the main texts that children worked with. Teachers used books for instruction, grouping students by their level and assigning them reading strategies to practice in the text. They have also been used for assessment since teachers listened to students read these books aloud, keeping a running record of their errors. 

    Publishers claimed that the text-leveling system could match students with books that were just right for their abilities – challenging enough to help them practice new skills, but not so challenging as to be frustrating or inaccessible. This idea is based on outdated theories about how children learn. Studies show that students can read books that are above their level with teacher and peer-provided support. They also indicate that restricting students to text at lower reading levels can actually widen achievement gaps.

    However, other research has found that the leveling system isn’t even that accurate. A 2014 study showed that data from leveling assessments correctly predicted students’ reading ability only about 50 percent of the time.

    The big problem with these books, though, is that they don’t help students develop their decoding skills, that is, their ability to sound out words by connecting letters to spoken sounds, said Kari Kurto, the National Science of Reading Project director at The Reading League – a group that advocates for evidence-based reading policy and classroom practice. Kurto complemented by saying that many of the words in these books aren’t written with constrained sound-spelling patterns, so “there’s no other strategy that a kid can use other than guessing,” Kurto said.

    With all of this being said, one question pops up: how teachers can repurpose leveled readers?

    As some districts have shifted their reading instructional practice, they have moved from leveled to decodable text – books written to give students practice with the letter-sound correspondences that they are learning in phonics lessons. However, decodable books shouldn’t be the only books that students ever see because at some point they will have to move on to more complex literature, said Blevins. In his point of view, teachers shouldn’t worry about matching students with a particular level, but rather see if they can find books that include some phonics patterns children know.

    But can leveled texts build background knowledge? Some educators have repurposed leveled texts in a different way, using them to help students develop content knowledge about a subject. Research shows that students’ background knowledge is a key component of their reading comprehension ability.

    According to Kurto, having more books available that might tap into kids’ different interests is valuable. Still, she draws the attention to the fact that many leveled books are written with simple themes and basic vocabulary and syntax. She said, “a lot of the leveled texts are just a little fluffy. If all [students are] getting beyond decodable text is leveled text, then it’s likely that they’re not being exposed to high-quality language and language structures.”

    Although the debate about this matter is extensive and opinions are diverse, one thing is worth keeping in mind: what students read in class really matters.

    Source: Accessed on November 13, 2024. [Adapted]

Analyze the excerpt below.

“These systems are usually created by the books’ publishers, which purport to match students with books (…)”.
As regards it, mark the following statements as (C) if Correct, or (I) if Incorrect.
( ) “Purport” is a verb that means “to claim to be or do a particular thing when this claim may not be true”.
( ) If “oddly” replaces “usually”, the meaning of the sentence will remain the same.
( ) In the word “created”, -ed is a bound morpheme.

The statements are, from up to down, respectively: 
Q3083612 Inglês

Word formation refers to the processes employed to create new words with resources already available within a language enabling its users to enhance lexicon and discourse possibilities. Concerning the words listed, proper content is met in:



salad dressing




black eye

hot dog



Q3077536 Inglês
A palavra destacada em “He has to book a hotel room in London”, é formada pelo processo chamado de:
Q3076874 Inglês

Read Text II and answer question 

University Degree Sill Best Way into Good Job 

        How do you get a good job? It might literally be a milliondollar question. And researchers from Georgetown University in the US have an answer: the best way is still to get a college education, even if you're a little late. That's their simple answer – one they came up with after looking at US government data for more than 8,000 Americans who were born in the early 1980s. They found that getting a bachelor's degree by the age of 26 gave people a 56% chance of getting a good job by the age of 30. For their study, the researchers defined a "good job" as one paying at least $ 38,000 for workers under the age of 45.

        According to The Wall Street Journal, the research didn't focus on people who went straight to college after finishing high school because they already have a high chance of getting a good job. Instead, it looked at different pathways that people who didn't go straight to college after high school could take to increase their chances of getting a good job. For example, even just beginning a bachelor's degree by age 22 increased the likelihood of getting a good job by 16 percentage points, according to the report. But despite this evidence, according to a separate Wall Street Journal survey, more than half of people don't feel that doing a four-year degree is worth the cost, because students may finish without specific job skills and with a large amount of debt.

        According to US News, in the academic year that ended in the summer of 2023, the average cost of going to an American university for a year started at about $ 10,000 for a public university, and went as high as almost $ 40,000 for a private school. And Zach Mabel, one of the authors of the Georgetown report, admits that although a university education is likely to be beneficial, for financial reasons "the risk of pursuing higher education is higher than it's ever been."


Choose the CORRECT alternative in which all three words have a suffix. 
Q3071299 Inglês
As palavras a seguir são derivadas do mesmo substantivo, exceto:
Q3070407 Inglês

Text IV

Diversity and Inclusive Teaching

    Teaching to engage diversity, to include all learners, and to seek equity is essential for preparing civically engaged adults and for creating a campus and society that recognizes the contributions of all people. Teaching for diversity refers to acknowledging a range of differences in the classroom. Teaching for inclusion signifies embracing difference. Teaching for equity allows the differences to transform the way we think, teach, learn and act such that all experiences and ways of being are handled with fairness and justice. These ideas complement each other and enhance educational opportunities for all students when simultaneously engaged. […]

    Inclusive teaching strategies are intended to ensure that all students feel supported such that they freely learn and explore new ideas, feel safe to express their views in a civil manner, and are respected as individuals and members of groups. Intentionally incorporating inclusive teaching strategies helps students view themselves as people who belong to the community of learners in a classroom and university.

Adapted from

The word “fairness”(2nd paragraph) is formed by:
Q3070397 Inglês

Text III

Q48_55.png (408×211)


The suffix in “exceedingly” has the same function as in:
Q3062892 Inglês

“The professional of Teaching English as a Foreign Language”

Author: Anderson Francisco Guimarães Maia

The word “professionalism” (line 7)

I. has one bound and two free morphemes. II. has one free and two bound morphemes. III. is a countable concrete noun.

The following statement(s) is/are true
Q3062891 Inglês

“The professional of Teaching English as a Foreign Language”

Author: Anderson Francisco Guimarães Maia

The item that contains one bound and two free morphemes is
Q3062012 Inglês
Leia o texto a seguir:

      Learning Portuguese-English cognates is a great way to build vocabulary fast! It’s basically using what you already know to get a jump-start.
      Cognates are simply words that are very similar in both languages, usually due to a common root.
      Below, you can explore some of the typical spelling patterns for English → Portuguese cognates, with examples for each one. Remember that these patterns do not apply every time. But they are a convenient way to help you notice more cognates as you continue to learn English!
      Observe os padrões de sufixo abaixo e complete as lacunas indicadas.
ph → f
Ex: telephone → telefone
tion → -ção
Ex: nation → nação
ty → ____________
Ex: society → ____________
fy → ____________
Ex: identify → ____________

Practice Portuguese. Portuguese-English Cognates. Practice Portuguese, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 jul. 2024. Adaptado.

Em sequência, os termos que completam corretamente essas lacunas são: 
Q3062005 Inglês
Leia a tabela a seguir:

39.png (408×726)
Model teaching. Reading Comprehension Strategy Tools. Model teaching, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 jul. 2024. Adaptado.

Em uma atividade de leitura do texto “Bigger Isn’t Always Better: Narrow Traffic Lanes Make Cities Safer”, os alunos tiveram dificuldade de interpretação do último período por não saberem o sentido do termo ‘narrower’. Sobre isso, analise as estratégias:

I. Procurar a definição do termo em um dicionário inglêsportuguês.
II. Procurar por dicas na imagem que acompanha o artigo.
III. Identificar o sentido dos termos ‘bigger’ e ‘wider’.
IV. Identificar a classe gramatical do termo e o sentido do sufixo -er.

Com base na tabela fornecida, para que os alunos possam entender o sentido do termo (‘narrower’) pelo contexto, o professor deve orientar que eles adotem as seguintes estratégias: 
Q3061988 Inglês
Leia o texto a seguir.
      Affixes consist of one or more letters that are added to the beginning or end of a word, which can be:
      prefixes: when they are added to the beginning of words. For example: ir, in meaning not (irregular; incapable); -
      suffixes: when they are added to the end of words. For example: ed, er meaning past of regular verbs and person that does (walked; writer).

ZANATTA, Melissa Marchiani Palone et al. Teaching Reading Techniques and Strategies English Language. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 jul. 2024. Adaptado.

O conhecimento sobre formação de palavras pode ser bastante útil no aprendizado da língua inglesa. Para que um estudante depreenda corretamente o sentido da palavra undeniably, é preciso que, além do radical, ele reconheça nela a presença de 
Q3060355 Inglês
Analyze the following sentence morphologically and identify the word that contains both a prefix and a suffix: "The unthinkable decision was remarkably unpopular."
Q3055786 Inglês

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder a questão. 

HVAC Contractors Need to Adapt to Repair Market 

Repair or replace is a question homeowners often need to answer, and it greatly impacts an HVAC contractor's business. During COVID, the residential HVAC industry saw a replacement market boom. But in 2023 and now the beginning of 2024, there has been a shift to a repair market that HVAC contractors need to be aware of as they run their businesses.

According to numbers from the Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI), shipments of unitary air conditioners and heat pumps were down 16.7% in 2023, compared to 2022. Gas furnaces were down 23%.

"The replacement market is performing worse when you strip out new construction," said industry leader Matt Michel. "Housing starts were down around 5%, according to the St. Louis Federal Reserve, so the replacement market for unitary air conditioners and heat pumps was down in the low 20s."

Distributors are seeing similar numbers, according to the Heating, Air-conditioning, & Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI).

"We definitely are seeing a shift here. And that shift has actually been visible for some time," said Tim Fisher, HARDI director of market intelligence.

HARDI receives data from FieldEdge on the invoice and quote trends exhibited by their users. Invoices reflect work that has been completed, whereas quotes reflect potential future work and are most often provided for new system installations. HARDI has found that, over time, the ratio of new invoices to new quotes is a useful indicator of whether a market is trending more toward repair than replace and vice versa.

The numbers show the annual growth rate bottomed out in the spring of 2022 but remained negative through most of the year, indicating that replacement trends were broadly higher in 2022 than in 2021. That figure increased through 2023, peaking in May but generally remaining positive for most of the year. While the three-month growth rate has slowed in recent months — an encouraging sign — they don't expect much of a negative drift in 2024, meaning that repair versus replace trends will broadly remain similar to where they were in 2023.

So why is this change happening? It can't be attributed to any single factor but rather a combination of items. Certainly, higher costs of both HVAC systems and housing in general play a role.

"Adapting to the economy is something contractors need to do. We can't just assume people are going to reach into their pocket and replace," said ACCA CEO Bart James. "Contractors need to help customers get through the current need. People are slowing down on their spending. People are worried about what is coming and how they are preparing for it. Wages and other things are not keeping up with how fast prices are going up."

James said reading the numbers shows there is a shift in the home improvement market.

"Just look at the Walmart and Home Depot quarterly projections. Walmart did well with more visits but had smaller purchases, while Home Depot did not hit their numbers. That tells you that people are handling investments into housing differently. That will catch up with HVAC, too. "Contractors need to prepare by making investments in their team to meet the needs of the customer. And that need is not always a replacement option but also can be a repair option," James continued. 

The sluggish home resale market is another reason for the shift towards a repair market. "Home improvement spending, in aggregate, tends to follow existing home sales totals nationally," Fisher said. "People invest more in their homes prior to selling to boost its value, and new homeowners spend more in their first year of moving than homeowners who stay put. This has major implications for HVAC replacement demand, which, historically, peaks when existing home sales are at their highest and falls off when existing home sales decline. 

"Both the 3-month and 12-month growth rates bottomed out earlier in 2023, and while still negative, have slowed significantly," he continued. "We believe that home sale totals are at or nearing their trough, and over the duration of 2024 should steadily improve and finish at or ahead of 2023 totals."

The final reason is the cyclical nature of HVAC. It reflects the shipment cliff from 15 years ago, when the industry contracted 40% after peak shipments in 2005. Contractors cannot replace what was never installed.

How do HVAC contractors deal with this shift? Michel believes they should embrace the repair market.

"The money is better in replacements," he said. "It always has been and always will be. However, margins are better in service. For the next couple of years, anyway, contractors should focus on building up their service business and making money on it."

Since service involves more labor, and labor carries more overhead than equipment and material, keeping a close watch on overhead expenses is a must.

"Contractors need to build the service base, watch your marketing expenses drop, and down the road, the replacement margins and close rates to a satisfied service base will rise," Michel said. "Once we get past the shipment cliff, the replacement market will begin a decade-long run with every year being better than the year before it. We know this because it's what happened in the past, and when it comes to replacements, the past truly is a prologue."

Contractors in most parts of the country are already feeling the pinch of a slower market, and their experiences in 2024 are unlikely to be much different from their experiences in 2023 though rebounds from the milder temperatures we saw during peak months last year would go a long way in improving demand in 2024.

HARDI advises contractors should consider the following six tactics in '24:

  •       •Offer financing options: Any homeowner considering a new system is likely going to feel some sticker shock if it's been a few years since they
  • last bought a system. Financing a new system helps to alleviate that shock, making the big sticker prices much more palatable monthly payments.
  •       •Protect margins: Work to ensure that your pricing for jobs is consistent with market trends, and attempt to pass through as much of the higher system costs as possible. Likewise, now is a critical time to manage operating expenses closely. Together, good cost  management and smart pricing can help protect business margins in 2024. 
  •      •Educate homeowners: Many homeowners may not fully understand the long-term benefits of replacing their HVAC system versus frequent repairs. Offer educational materials, such as blog posts, videos, or pamphlets, explaining the advantages of a new system 
  • in terms of energy efficiency, lower maintenance costs, and improved IAQ. Also, be sure to make clear to your customers which incentives they may qualify for through IRA or other state-level rebate/incentive programs. 
  •     •Focus on value proposition: Emphasize the value proposition of a new HVAC system, highlighting its reliability, longevity, and performance. Help homeowners understand that investing in a replacement now can save  them money and hassle in the long run. 
  •     •Offer maintenance packages: Create maintenance packages that bundle regular servicing with discounts on repairs or replacements. This can encourage homeowners to invest in preventive maintenance and build a long-term relationship with your company. 
  •    •Diversify services: Explore diversifying your services beyond just HVAC installations and repairs. For example, you could offer IAQ assessments, smart thermostat installations, or energy audits to provide additional value to homeowners and generate new revenue streams. apt-to-repair-market

Based on the provided text, analyze the morphological structure of the word "replacement" and select the correct alternative that describes its structure:
Q3052134 Inglês
Word formation concerns the processes that allow us to create new words with grammatical resources already available within a language. As to the words listed, we find proper content in:
Q3052115 Inglês
In order to promote improvement of linguistic knowledge, an 8th grade teacher selected a set of words, extracted from a previously studied text, aiming at guiding students’ perceptions. With regard to the referred words, the criterion that justifies the teacher’s word choice is:
Q3046790 Inglês
Julgue o item a seguir.

Suffixation is a derivation process in which an affix is added to the beginning and end of an existing word.
Q3040185 Inglês



Available at: -are-moving-beyond-sustainability-welcome-to-the-age-ofregeneration/. Retrieved on: Jun 14, 2024. Adapted.

In the sentence of paragraph 1 “Regeneration goes beyond sustainability by creating a deeper and wider socioeconomic impact.”, the words “deeper” and “wider” are formed by the addition of a suffix. The same suffix is found in  
Q2754385 Inglês

Instruction: Answer questions 31 to 35 based on the following text.

German student invents own language

  1. Fynn Schlemminger _____ exactly what he wanted to do for his A-levels special project:
  2. create a language from scratch. And that’s exactly what he did. The invented language is
  3. called Garadálava, and, according to its creator, it is unique. “The premise of creating
  4. Garadálava was to make it unlike any spoken language. I came up with a phonology people
  5. usually interpret as harsh or pointed, featuring some guttural sounds and a very unmelodious
  6. tone,” he explained.
  7. All languages are, to a point, constructed because they went through corrections and
  8. reforms over time. However, there is one main difference according to a professor of linguistics
  9. at Wellesley College. Angela Carpenter, who has been teaching a course on invented languages
  10. since 2010, said the main difference is that “an invented language originates in someone's
  11. mind and is developed and expanded upon mostly by that person. A natural language ______
  12. within a speech community, usually from another language, dialect or creole, over a period of
  13. time.”
  14. When Schlemminger began working on Garadálava, he started with a sketch, an idea of
  15. how the language should sound and feel like.
  16. “You begin with the more superficial things, the shape of the language so to speak, some
  17. basic words, a sound inventory, sentence order. After that you simply go into more detail and
  18. mostly rotate between making up words and grammar rules, until you are done,” he said to
  19. Euronews. To him, the experience of creating a language was not unlike making a sculpture,
  20. creating a work of art.
  21. “Inventing a language is a very creative process that also requires knowledge of linguistic
  22. structures to make it a viable language. Having to create your own language really ______
  23. you to understand linguistic structure and the complex nature of language communication,”
  24. explained Carpenter.

Fonte: adaptado de

Analyse the following statements about word formation.

I. ‘unmelodious’ (l.05) and ‘viable’ (l.22) are formed by suffixation.

II. Both ‘mostly’ (l.11) and ‘simply’ (l.17) are formed by only adding the suffix –ly.

III. The suffix –ly only forms adverbs.

Which ones are INCORRECT?

1: C
2: A
3: C
4: C
5: C
6: C
7: C
8: C
9: A
10: D
11: B
12: B
13: B
14: A
15: C
16: C
17: B
18: E
19: D
20: E