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Comentadas sobre interpretação de texto | reading comprehension em inglês
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Thick black smoke curling out of smokestacks, horrible-tasting chemicals in your drinking water, pesticides in your food - these are examples of pollution. Pollution is any contamination of the environment which causes harm to the environment or the inhabitants of the environment. There are many kinds of pollution, and there are many pollutants. Some obvious kinds of pollution are pollution of the air, soil, and water. Some less obvious, or less salient kinds of pollution are radioactive, noise, light pollution, and green-house gasses.
Air pollution can be caused by particles, liquids, or gases that make the air harmful to breathe. There are two main types of air pollution: primary and secondary. Primary pollutants enter the air directly, like smoke from factories and car exhaust. Secondary pollutants are chemicals that mix together to pollute the air, like mixtures of emissions, or waste output, from vehicles and factory smoke that change to form more dangerous pollutants in the air and sunlight.
Soil pollution can be caused by pesticides, leakage..........................chemical tanks, oil spills, and other chemicals..........................get into the soil by dumping or accidental contamination. Soil pollution can also cause water pollution.............................underground water becomes contaminated by with the polluted soil.
Water pollution can be caused by waste products, sewage, oil spills, and litter in streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans. Some scientists believe that water pollution is the largest cause of death and disease in the world, causing about 14,000 deaths in the world each day.
Radioactive pollution can be caused by leaks or spills of radioactive materials. These materials can come from medical sources, nuclear power plants, or laboratories which handle radioactive materials. Air, soil, and water can be polluted by radioactivity. It can cause damage to animals, both internally and externally, by eating, drinking, or touching it. It can cause birth defects and genetic problems. It can cause certain cancers and other deadly diseases.
Noise pollution can be caused by vehicle, aircraft, and industrial noise. It can also be caused by military or experimental sonar. Noise has health effects on people and animals. In people, it can cause high blood pressure, heart problems, sleep disturbances, and hearing problems. In animals, it can cause communication, reproductive, and navigation problems – they have difficulty finding their direction. Sonar has even caused whales to beach themselves because they respond to the sonar as if it were another whale.
Light pollution can be caused by advertising signs, stadium and city lighting, and other artificial lighting (like the light caused by night traffic). Artificial lighting has health effects on humans and animals. In people, it can cause high blood pressure and affect sleeping and waking rhythms and immunity. It might be a factor in some cancers, such as breast cancer. In animals, it can affect sleeping and waking rhythms, navigation, and reproduction.
In addition, greenhouse gases have caused a warming effect on the earth’s climate. The greenhouse gases are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and ozone. They are naturally–occurring gases in the atmosphere, but human activity has increased their concentration in the atmosphere. For example, the levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere have risen due to the burning of fossil fuels. The effect is a rise in global temperatures. The higher temperatures cause the melting of glaciers, a rise in the water level of oceans, and the disruption of both land and marine life, including that of humans. Although carbon dioxide is necessary for plants to survive, it is also considered to be a kind of pollution because high levels of carbon dioxide have caused the oceans to become more acidic.
It is not possible for anyone to predict the exact timing and effects of global pollution and global climate change brought about by pollution. There is general agreement by scientists that the global climate will continue to change, that the intensity of weather effects will continue to increase, and that some species of animals will become extinct. There is also general agreement, or consensus, that humans need to take steps to reduce emissions of waste products and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, make adaptations to the changes that are occurring, and figure out ways of reversing the trends of pollution and global warming.
Based on the text, which alternative contains the correct effect of artificial light pollution?
Thick black smoke curling out of smokestacks, horrible-tasting chemicals in your drinking water, pesticides in your food - these are examples of pollution. Pollution is any contamination of the environment which causes harm to the environment or the inhabitants of the environment. There are many kinds of pollution, and there are many pollutants. Some obvious kinds of pollution are pollution of the air, soil, and water. Some less obvious, or less salient kinds of pollution are radioactive, noise, light pollution, and green-house gasses.
Air pollution can be caused by particles, liquids, or gases that make the air harmful to breathe. There are two main types of air pollution: primary and secondary. Primary pollutants enter the air directly, like smoke from factories and car exhaust. Secondary pollutants are chemicals that mix together to pollute the air, like mixtures of emissions, or waste output, from vehicles and factory smoke that change to form more dangerous pollutants in the air and sunlight.
Soil pollution can be caused by pesticides, leakage..........................chemical tanks, oil spills, and other chemicals..........................get into the soil by dumping or accidental contamination. Soil pollution can also cause water pollution.............................underground water becomes contaminated by with the polluted soil.
Water pollution can be caused by waste products, sewage, oil spills, and litter in streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans. Some scientists believe that water pollution is the largest cause of death and disease in the world, causing about 14,000 deaths in the world each day.
Radioactive pollution can be caused by leaks or spills of radioactive materials. These materials can come from medical sources, nuclear power plants, or laboratories which handle radioactive materials. Air, soil, and water can be polluted by radioactivity. It can cause damage to animals, both internally and externally, by eating, drinking, or touching it. It can cause birth defects and genetic problems. It can cause certain cancers and other deadly diseases.
Noise pollution can be caused by vehicle, aircraft, and industrial noise. It can also be caused by military or experimental sonar. Noise has health effects on people and animals. In people, it can cause high blood pressure, heart problems, sleep disturbances, and hearing problems. In animals, it can cause communication, reproductive, and navigation problems – they have difficulty finding their direction. Sonar has even caused whales to beach themselves because they respond to the sonar as if it were another whale.
Light pollution can be caused by advertising signs, stadium and city lighting, and other artificial lighting (like the light caused by night traffic). Artificial lighting has health effects on humans and animals. In people, it can cause high blood pressure and affect sleeping and waking rhythms and immunity. It might be a factor in some cancers, such as breast cancer. In animals, it can affect sleeping and waking rhythms, navigation, and reproduction.
In addition, greenhouse gases have caused a warming effect on the earth’s climate. The greenhouse gases are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and ozone. They are naturally–occurring gases in the atmosphere, but human activity has increased their concentration in the atmosphere. For example, the levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere have risen due to the burning of fossil fuels. The effect is a rise in global temperatures. The higher temperatures cause the melting of glaciers, a rise in the water level of oceans, and the disruption of both land and marine life, including that of humans. Although carbon dioxide is necessary for plants to survive, it is also considered to be a kind of pollution because high levels of carbon dioxide have caused the oceans to become more acidic.
It is not possible for anyone to predict the exact timing and effects of global pollution and global climate change brought about by pollution. There is general agreement by scientists that the global climate will continue to change, that the intensity of weather effects will continue to increase, and that some species of animals will become extinct. There is also general agreement, or consensus, that humans need to take steps to reduce emissions of waste products and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, make adaptations to the changes that are occurring, and figure out ways of reversing the trends of pollution and global warming.
According to the text, we can infer that:
Thick black smoke curling out of smokestacks, horrible-tasting chemicals in your drinking water, pesticides in your food - these are examples of pollution. Pollution is any contamination of the environment which causes harm to the environment or the inhabitants of the environment. There are many kinds of pollution, and there are many pollutants. Some obvious kinds of pollution are pollution of the air, soil, and water. Some less obvious, or less salient kinds of pollution are radioactive, noise, light pollution, and green-house gasses.
Air pollution can be caused by particles, liquids, or gases that make the air harmful to breathe. There are two main types of air pollution: primary and secondary. Primary pollutants enter the air directly, like smoke from factories and car exhaust. Secondary pollutants are chemicals that mix together to pollute the air, like mixtures of emissions, or waste output, from vehicles and factory smoke that change to form more dangerous pollutants in the air and sunlight.
Soil pollution can be caused by pesticides, leakage..........................chemical tanks, oil spills, and other chemicals..........................get into the soil by dumping or accidental contamination. Soil pollution can also cause water pollution.............................underground water becomes contaminated by with the polluted soil.
Water pollution can be caused by waste products, sewage, oil spills, and litter in streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans. Some scientists believe that water pollution is the largest cause of death and disease in the world, causing about 14,000 deaths in the world each day.
Radioactive pollution can be caused by leaks or spills of radioactive materials. These materials can come from medical sources, nuclear power plants, or laboratories which handle radioactive materials. Air, soil, and water can be polluted by radioactivity. It can cause damage to animals, both internally and externally, by eating, drinking, or touching it. It can cause birth defects and genetic problems. It can cause certain cancers and other deadly diseases.
Noise pollution can be caused by vehicle, aircraft, and industrial noise. It can also be caused by military or experimental sonar. Noise has health effects on people and animals. In people, it can cause high blood pressure, heart problems, sleep disturbances, and hearing problems. In animals, it can cause communication, reproductive, and navigation problems – they have difficulty finding their direction. Sonar has even caused whales to beach themselves because they respond to the sonar as if it were another whale.
Light pollution can be caused by advertising signs, stadium and city lighting, and other artificial lighting (like the light caused by night traffic). Artificial lighting has health effects on humans and animals. In people, it can cause high blood pressure and affect sleeping and waking rhythms and immunity. It might be a factor in some cancers, such as breast cancer. In animals, it can affect sleeping and waking rhythms, navigation, and reproduction.
In addition, greenhouse gases have caused a warming effect on the earth’s climate. The greenhouse gases are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and ozone. They are naturally–occurring gases in the atmosphere, but human activity has increased their concentration in the atmosphere. For example, the levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere have risen due to the burning of fossil fuels. The effect is a rise in global temperatures. The higher temperatures cause the melting of glaciers, a rise in the water level of oceans, and the disruption of both land and marine life, including that of humans. Although carbon dioxide is necessary for plants to survive, it is also considered to be a kind of pollution because high levels of carbon dioxide have caused the oceans to become more acidic.
It is not possible for anyone to predict the exact timing and effects of global pollution and global climate change brought about by pollution. There is general agreement by scientists that the global climate will continue to change, that the intensity of weather effects will continue to increase, and that some species of animals will become extinct. There is also general agreement, or consensus, that humans need to take steps to reduce emissions of waste products and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, make adaptations to the changes that are occurring, and figure out ways of reversing the trends of pollution and global warming.
According to the text, the kind of pollution that is thought to cause the most death and disease is:
Read the text and answer the question.
Academic internationalisation policies have been a trend since the late 20th century at HEIs all over the world. This process is an important step towards transforming education, research and extension, training professionals with multicultural attitudes and global thinking and has grown in scope, scale and value, emerging as a rapidly evolving process. This process can help develop students' international and intercultural knowledge, competences and values - through improved teaching and learning, international mobility, and a curriculum that includes comparative, international and intercultural elements. Comparative, international and intercultural elements to ensure that students are better prepared to live and work in a more interconnected world. Furthermore, internationalisation seeks to improve the quality of teaching and research for all students and staff and to make a significant contribution to society.
(OLIVEIRA, F. B. Percepções de Discentes de uma Universidade Pública Paranaense sobre o Inglês Como Meio de Instrução. 133 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras) Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Maringá - Pr).
Analyze the assertions below based on the text:
I. Internationalisation only takes place in English-speaking countries.
II. This process can improve the quality of education.
III. Internationalization has been a trend over the last 20 years.
Choose the correct answer:
Read this text to answer questions 24, 25 and 26.
In today's dynamic job market, various skills are highly valued by employers, such as effective communication, problem-solving, and adaptability. As well, technical proficiency is often a prerequisite for many positions. It is crucial for individuals to continuously enhance their skills, whether through formal education or self-directed learning. As the professional landscape evolves, staying abreast of industry trends and emerging technologies is essential. It's not only about acquiring new knowledge but also applying it in real-world scenarios. Embracing a diverse skill set, such as both soft skills and technical expertise, can significantly enhance one's employability. As well, cultivating a proactive and collaborative mindset is instrumental in navigating the challenges of the contemporary workplace.
Choose the alternative that reflects the idea of the text.
Read this text to answer questions 22 and 23.
There are many health benefits of owning a pet. They can increase opportunities to exercise, get outside, and socialize. Pets can help manage loneliness and depression by giving us companionship. People who have pets have a lower risk of developing heart problems than those without pets, according to researchers at the Baker Medical Research Institute in Melbourne, Australia, who found that pet owners have lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels across the board regardless of their smoking habits, diet, body mass index or income level
(Adapted from:
According to the text, choose the correct alternative that reflects the main idea of the text.
O trecho da música deve ser analisado para responder as perguntas a seguir
The war was lost
The treaty signed
I was not caught
I crossed the line
I was not caught
Though many tried
I live among you, well-disguised
I had to leave my life behind
I dug some graves
You'll never find the story's told
With facts and lies
I had a name but never mind
O personagem da canção:
O trecho da música deve ser analisado para responder as perguntas a seguir
The war was lost
The treaty signed
I was not caught
I crossed the line
I was not caught
Though many tried
I live among you, well-disguised
I had to leave my life behind
I dug some graves
You'll never find the story's told
With facts and lies
I had a name but never mind
É possível identificar o personagem da canção:
...I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. / have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.
A ideia central do texto é:
Scientists study the world’s oldest person
- After being bewildered by the “super grandmother’s” great health at 116 years old,
- scientists are studying Maria Branyas, the world’s oldest person, in an attempt to unearth the
- secret to a long life. Mr. Branyas was born __ San Francisco __ 1907, and __ the age of eight,
- she moved __ Catalonia, Spain, where her family was originally from. Ms. Branyas, known to her
- X followers as the “Super Catalan Grandma”, has lived in the region ever since and has resided
- in the same nursing home, Residència Santa María del Tura, for the last 22 years.
- She has agreed to undergo scientific testing, which researchers hope will further their
- understanding of certain illnesses associated with old age, such as neurodegenerative or
- cardiovascular diseases. Despite her age, Ms. Branyas has no health complications other than
- mobility issues and hearing (she suffered permanent hearing loss when she was a child). She also
- still has a great memory: “She has a completely lucid head,” scientist Manel Esteller told ABC, a
- Spanish outlet. “She remembers with impressive clarity episodes of her when she was only four
- years old, and she does not present any cardiovascular disease, common in elderly people.”
- Esteller, who studies genetics and how it applies to health conditions, became curious about how
- Ms. Branyas’ genetic makeup might affect her aging. After a long talk with Ms. Branyas, Mr.
- Esteller believes there must be more to her longevity than meets the eye.
- The remarkable woman has not had an easy life; she survived an earthquake while she
- was in the US, a major fire, both world wars, the Spanish Civil War, the Spanish Flu pandemic,
- and more recently, COVID-19 in 2020. Despite the various pandemics, wars, and family losses
- she has endured, her longevity has made scientists question what her secret could be. “We know
- Maria’s chronological age, 116 years, but we must determine her biological age,” Esteller said to
- ABC, believing that “she is much younger” physically. The scientist has taken biological samples
- of saliva, blood, and urine from Ms. Branyas, which are thought to be the “longest-lived” biological
- samples and have great scientific value, Josep Carreras, the head of a leukemia research institute,
- said to ABC. The samples will be compared with the 116-year-old’s middle daughter, who is 79
- years old.
- Ms. Branyas often has been asked what her secret is to her long life, and she uses her X
- account to post her advice for others. She attributed her longevity to “order, tranquillity, good
- connection with family and friends, contact with nature, emotional stability, no worries, no
- regrets, lots of positivity, and staying away from toxic people”. However, she also credits a great
- amount of luck. “It is clear that there is a genetic component because there are several members
- of her family who are over 90 years old,” said Esteller. The rare biological samples will assess her
- genes, which will hopefully advance the research of drugs that could help diseases associated
- with age and cancer. As for Ms. Branyas, she said on her X account that she is “very happy she
- can be useful for research and progress”.
(Available in: – text especially adapted for this test).
Which of the following statements about Ms. Branyas is INCORRECT?
Instruction: answer questions 31 to 40 based on the following text. The highlights throughout the text are cited in the questions.
- ______ Carnival is ____ festival celebrated in _____countries of Catholic tradition, often
- with public parades of playful, imaginative wagons typically called "floats, masking, jokes and
- feasts”.
- Etymology
- The word carnival comes from the Latin "carnem levare" (=eliminate meat) and
- originally indicated the banquet that was held on the last day of Carnival (Mardi Gras),
- immediately before Lent, the period of fasting and abstinence when Christians would abstain
- _____ meat. The first evidence of the use of the word "carnevale" (or "carnevalo") are the texts
- of minstrel Matazone da Caligano of the late 13th century and writer Giovanni Sercambi around
- 1400.
- Carnival period
- In Catholic countries, traditionally Carnival begins on the Septuagesima Sunday (70
- days to Easter, it was the first of the nine Sundays before the Holy Week in the Gregorian
- calendar), and in the Roman rite ends on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, which marks the
- beginning of Lent. The climax is usually from Thursday until Tuesday, the last day of Carnival.
- Being connected with Easter which is a moveable feast, the final dates of Carnival vary each
- year, though in some places it may begin already on 17th January. Since Catholic Easter is on
- the Sunday after the 17first full moon of spring, therefore from 22 March to 25 April, and since
- there are 46 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter, then in non-leap years the last day of
- Carnival, Mardi Gras, can fall any time within February 3 to March 9.
- In the Ambrosian rite, which is followed in the Archdiocese of Milan and in some
- neighboring dioceses, Lent begins with the first Sunday of Lent, therefore the last day of
- Carnival is on Saturday, four days later than the Mardi Gras in other areas of Italy.
- Carnival in antiquity
- Although present in the Catholic tradition, Carnival has its origins in much older
- celebrations, such as the Greek Dionysian festivals ("Anthesteria") or the Roman "Saturnalia".
- During these ancient rites a temporary dissolution of the social obligations and hierarchies took
- place in favor of chaos, jokes and even debauchery. From a historical and religious point of
- view Carnival represented, therefore, a period of renewal, when chaos replaced the established
- order, but once festive period was over, a new or the old order re-emerged for another cycle
- until the next carnival.
- In Babylon, shortly after the vernal equinox the process of the foundation of the cosmos
- was re-enacted, described with the myth of the struggle of Marduk, the savior-god with Tiamat
- the dragon, which ended with the victory of the former. During these ceremonies a procession
- was held in which the forces of chaos were allegorically represented fighting the recreation of
- the universe, that is the myth of the death and resurrection of Marduk, the savior. In the parade
- there was a ship on wheels where the deities Moon and Sun were carried along a large avenue
- - a symbol of the Zodiac - to the sanctuary of Babylon, symbol of the earth. This period was
- accompanied by an unbridled freedom and a reversal of social order and morality.
- In the Roman world the feast in honor of the Egyptian goddess Isis involved the presence
- of masked groups, as told by Lucius Apuleius in the Metamorphoses (Book XI). Among the
- Romans the end of the old year was represented by a man covered with goat skins, carried in
- procession, hit with sticks and called Mamurius Veturius.
- Carnival is therefore a moment in a mythic cycle, it is the movement of spirits between
- heaven, earth and the underworld. In the spring, when the earth begins to show its power,
- Carnival opens a passage between the earth and the underworld, whose souls must be honored
- and for a short period the living lend them their bodies wearing masks. Masks therefore have
- often an apotropaic meaning, as the wearer takes on the features of the spirit represented.
- In the 15th and 16th centuries, the Medici in Florence organized large masked carts
- called "Trionfi" accompanied by carnival songs and dances one, the "Trionfo di Bacco e Arianna"
- also written by Lorenzo the Magnificent. In Rome under the Popes horse races took place and
- a called the "race of moccoletti" where runners bearing lit candles tried to blow out each other's
- candles.
(Available at: – text especially adapted for this test).
The sentence “Masks therefore have often an apotropaic meaning” (lines 47-48) can be rewritten with no significative changes in meaning as in:
Instruction: answer questions 31 to 40 based on the following text. The highlights throughout the text are cited in the questions.
- ______ Carnival is ____ festival celebrated in _____countries of Catholic tradition, often
- with public parades of playful, imaginative wagons typically called "floats, masking, jokes and
- feasts”.
- Etymology
- The word carnival comes from the Latin "carnem levare" (=eliminate meat) and
- originally indicated the banquet that was held on the last day of Carnival (Mardi Gras),
- immediately before Lent, the period of fasting and abstinence when Christians would abstain
- _____ meat. The first evidence of the use of the word "carnevale" (or "carnevalo") are the texts
- of minstrel Matazone da Caligano of the late 13th century and writer Giovanni Sercambi around
- 1400.
- Carnival period
- In Catholic countries, traditionally Carnival begins on the Septuagesima Sunday (70
- days to Easter, it was the first of the nine Sundays before the Holy Week in the Gregorian
- calendar), and in the Roman rite ends on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, which marks the
- beginning of Lent. The climax is usually from Thursday until Tuesday, the last day of Carnival.
- Being connected with Easter which is a moveable feast, the final dates of Carnival vary each
- year, though in some places it may begin already on 17th January. Since Catholic Easter is on
- the Sunday after the 17first full moon of spring, therefore from 22 March to 25 April, and since
- there are 46 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter, then in non-leap years the last day of
- Carnival, Mardi Gras, can fall any time within February 3 to March 9.
- In the Ambrosian rite, which is followed in the Archdiocese of Milan and in some
- neighboring dioceses, Lent begins with the first Sunday of Lent, therefore the last day of
- Carnival is on Saturday, four days later than the Mardi Gras in other areas of Italy.
- Carnival in antiquity
- Although present in the Catholic tradition, Carnival has its origins in much older
- celebrations, such as the Greek Dionysian festivals ("Anthesteria") or the Roman "Saturnalia".
- During these ancient rites a temporary dissolution of the social obligations and hierarchies took
- place in favor of chaos, jokes and even debauchery. From a historical and religious point of
- view Carnival represented, therefore, a period of renewal, when chaos replaced the established
- order, but once festive period was over, a new or the old order re-emerged for another cycle
- until the next carnival.
- In Babylon, shortly after the vernal equinox the process of the foundation of the cosmos
- was re-enacted, described with the myth of the struggle of Marduk, the savior-god with Tiamat
- the dragon, which ended with the victory of the former. During these ceremonies a procession
- was held in which the forces of chaos were allegorically represented fighting the recreation of
- the universe, that is the myth of the death and resurrection of Marduk, the savior. In the parade
- there was a ship on wheels where the deities Moon and Sun were carried along a large avenue
- - a symbol of the Zodiac - to the sanctuary of Babylon, symbol of the earth. This period was
- accompanied by an unbridled freedom and a reversal of social order and morality.
- In the Roman world the feast in honor of the Egyptian goddess Isis involved the presence
- of masked groups, as told by Lucius Apuleius in the Metamorphoses (Book XI). Among the
- Romans the end of the old year was represented by a man covered with goat skins, carried in
- procession, hit with sticks and called Mamurius Veturius.
- Carnival is therefore a moment in a mythic cycle, it is the movement of spirits between
- heaven, earth and the underworld. In the spring, when the earth begins to show its power,
- Carnival opens a passage between the earth and the underworld, whose souls must be honored
- and for a short period the living lend them their bodies wearing masks. Masks therefore have
- often an apotropaic meaning, as the wearer takes on the features of the spirit represented.
- In the 15th and 16th centuries, the Medici in Florence organized large masked carts
- called "Trionfi" accompanied by carnival songs and dances one, the "Trionfo di Bacco e Arianna"
- also written by Lorenzo the Magnificent. In Rome under the Popes horse races took place and
- a called the "race of moccoletti" where runners bearing lit candles tried to blow out each other's
- candles.
(Available at: – text especially adapted for this test).
Analyze the following statements about the article:
I. Carnival is a festival with religious roots celebrated in countries of Catholic tradition.
II. The etymology of the word carnival, from the Latin carnem levare refers to the pagan Roman tradition of abstaining from meat in Lent.
III. Carnival has its origins in pagan festivals, and it was related to the temporary dissolution of social hierarchies and cycles of nature.
Which ones are correct?
Instruction: answer questions 31 to 40 based on the following text. The highlights throughout the text are cited in the questions.
- ______ Carnival is ____ festival celebrated in _____countries of Catholic tradition, often
- with public parades of playful, imaginative wagons typically called "floats, masking, jokes and
- feasts”.
- Etymology
- The word carnival comes from the Latin "carnem levare" (=eliminate meat) and
- originally indicated the banquet that was held on the last day of Carnival (Mardi Gras),
- immediately before Lent, the period of fasting and abstinence when Christians would abstain
- _____ meat. The first evidence of the use of the word "carnevale" (or "carnevalo") are the texts
- of minstrel Matazone da Caligano of the late 13th century and writer Giovanni Sercambi around
- 1400.
- Carnival period
- In Catholic countries, traditionally Carnival begins on the Septuagesima Sunday (70
- days to Easter, it was the first of the nine Sundays before the Holy Week in the Gregorian
- calendar), and in the Roman rite ends on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, which marks the
- beginning of Lent. The climax is usually from Thursday until Tuesday, the last day of Carnival.
- Being connected with Easter which is a moveable feast, the final dates of Carnival vary each
- year, though in some places it may begin already on 17th January. Since Catholic Easter is on
- the Sunday after the 17first full moon of spring, therefore from 22 March to 25 April, and since
- there are 46 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter, then in non-leap years the last day of
- Carnival, Mardi Gras, can fall any time within February 3 to March 9.
- In the Ambrosian rite, which is followed in the Archdiocese of Milan and in some
- neighboring dioceses, Lent begins with the first Sunday of Lent, therefore the last day of
- Carnival is on Saturday, four days later than the Mardi Gras in other areas of Italy.
- Carnival in antiquity
- Although present in the Catholic tradition, Carnival has its origins in much older
- celebrations, such as the Greek Dionysian festivals ("Anthesteria") or the Roman "Saturnalia".
- During these ancient rites a temporary dissolution of the social obligations and hierarchies took
- place in favor of chaos, jokes and even debauchery. From a historical and religious point of
- view Carnival represented, therefore, a period of renewal, when chaos replaced the established
- order, but once festive period was over, a new or the old order re-emerged for another cycle
- until the next carnival.
- In Babylon, shortly after the vernal equinox the process of the foundation of the cosmos
- was re-enacted, described with the myth of the struggle of Marduk, the savior-god with Tiamat
- the dragon, which ended with the victory of the former. During these ceremonies a procession
- was held in which the forces of chaos were allegorically represented fighting the recreation of
- the universe, that is the myth of the death and resurrection of Marduk, the savior. In the parade
- there was a ship on wheels where the deities Moon and Sun were carried along a large avenue
- - a symbol of the Zodiac - to the sanctuary of Babylon, symbol of the earth. This period was
- accompanied by an unbridled freedom and a reversal of social order and morality.
- In the Roman world the feast in honor of the Egyptian goddess Isis involved the presence
- of masked groups, as told by Lucius Apuleius in the Metamorphoses (Book XI). Among the
- Romans the end of the old year was represented by a man covered with goat skins, carried in
- procession, hit with sticks and called Mamurius Veturius.
- Carnival is therefore a moment in a mythic cycle, it is the movement of spirits between
- heaven, earth and the underworld. In the spring, when the earth begins to show its power,
- Carnival opens a passage between the earth and the underworld, whose souls must be honored
- and for a short period the living lend them their bodies wearing masks. Masks therefore have
- often an apotropaic meaning, as the wearer takes on the features of the spirit represented.
- In the 15th and 16th centuries, the Medici in Florence organized large masked carts
- called "Trionfi" accompanied by carnival songs and dances one, the "Trionfo di Bacco e Arianna"
- also written by Lorenzo the Magnificent. In Rome under the Popes horse races took place and
- a called the "race of moccoletti" where runners bearing lit candles tried to blow out each other's
- candles.
(Available at: – text especially adapted for this test).
Which of the following sentences best summarizes the article?
How were the first 'voice mails' sent? In envelopes
“Hello Mother, Dad, and Blanche,” a quiet voice says above the cracks and pops of an old vinyl record, which has clearly been played many times over. “How’s everything at home? I’m recording this from Dallas…from this very little place where there are pinball machines and many other things like that…”
The disc is small, seven inches across, dated ___________ 1954. The faded green label shows that the speaker’s name is “Gene,” the recording addressed to “Folks.” Gene suggests in his minute-long message that he is traveling—“seeing America”—and tells his family not to worry about him.
“I should complete my trip sometime around Thanksgiving. I hope you received my letter and I, in turn, hope to receive some of the letters that you sent me.”
This largely forgotten sound is one of the world’s early “voice mails.” During the first half of the 20th century, these audio letters and other messages were recorded largely in booths, pressed onto metal discs and vinyl records, and mailed in places all over the world. Best known today for playing music at home, record players were then being used as a means of _____________ over long distances.
The idea of transporting a person’s voice had _________ large in the human imagination for some three centuries before it was finally achieved with the invention of the phonograph in the late 19th century. Historical documents from the Qing Dynasty in 16th-century China suggest the existence of a mysterious device called the “thousand-mile speaker,” a wooden cylinder that could be spoken into and sealed, such that the recipient could still hear the reverberations when opening it back up.
(Fonte: National Geographic - adaptado.)
According to the text, mark the CORRECT alternative:
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder às questões de 21 a 25.
PUCKER UP I'm a dermatologist - you've been using lip balm all wrong - here's why your pout is still chapped
(1º§)YOU might be reaching for your lip balm more and more through these winter months. But are your lips still sore and chapped, no matter how much of the stuff you slather on? According to dermatology experts, the type of balm you put on your pout might be more important than the amount.
(2º§)Dr. Mona Gohara, an associate clinical professor of dermatology at the Yale School of Medicine, and Dr. Brendan Camp, a dermatologist at MDCS Dermatology in New York, told TODAY why some lip balms could do more harm than good.
(3º§)To start with, they discussed why your lips might be chapped in the first place. The cold weather can wreak havoc on them as the skin is very thin, so they're more likely to dry out, Dr Gohara said. Meanwhile, Dr Camp noted that the delicate skin of your pout can easily be irritated by ingredients in skincare or food, yeast or bacteria, and even enzymes in saliva.
(4º§)You might also not be giving them enough love: lot's of people forget about their lips when they're moisturising their face. But if your lips are dry and chapped not long after you apply your balm, you just might be using the wrong kind.
(5º§)Four things to avoid in a lip balm:
1.Tingly balms
2. Fragrances
3. Flavouring agents
4. Dyes
(6º§)Dr Camp said these might cause allergic contact dermatitis, a type of eczema triggered by contact with a particular substance. And if your lips are dry, cracked, red, scaly and itchy, you might have developed a sensitivity to an ingredient in your lip balm, he added. Moral of the story, check your lip balm ingredients.
(7º§)Since you're doing that, there are a few ingredients that will help hydrate your pout. Dr Camp said you want to look for ingredients that will help trap water in the skin while keeping it moisturized for a long period of time. "Ingredients like beeswax, olive oil, castor oil, coconut oil, and shea butter are often used for this purpose," he said.
(8º§)You should also be wearing a salve with SPF to protect your lips from the sun. Meanwhile, Dr Gohara said that your ideal balm will have a combination of humectants (like hyaluronic acid and glycerin), which draw moisture into the skin, and occlusives (such as shea butter and mineral oil), which lock moisture in.
(9º§)The NHS recommended you use one containing petroleum jelly or beeswax. It said: "Try a few different lip balms if one is not working for you - some people may be sensitive to some fragrances, dyes or cosmetic ingredients."
(10º§)As long as you're using the right type of balm, Dr Gohara said you can apply it multiple times a day. According to Dr Camp, it's best to put on lip balm once in the morning and once before bed. There are other ways of preventing dry lips too.
(11º§)Lisa Borg, skin specialist and nutritionist at the Pulse Light Clinc, said the best thing you can do is drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. Preferably quality water as opposed to dehydrating coffee and fizzy drinks, she noted.
(12º§)Lisa also recommended eating foods that simulate saliva production, such as apples, cucumbers, tomatoes, courgettes, watermelon, lemons, and crunchy fibrous vegetables like carrots and celery. Meanwhile, the NHS said you should wash your hands before applying lip balm and cover your lips with a scarf when you're outside in cold weather. If you're outdoors, use a balm with SPF 15 or more every two hours, it added.
(13º§)Common causes of dry lips: cold weather, dry air or wind; damage from the sun; dehydration; a lip injury; allergies; and lack of vitamins and minerals. If you have sore or dry lips, you should avoid: picking or biting any flaky skin on your lips - this can slow down healing; licking dry or cracked lips - this can make them sore; and sharing lip balms with other people - this can spread germs.
(adapted) -wwrongg-pu--chappeed .uk/health/21661055/dermatologist-using-lip-balm-wrong-pout-chapped/
Based on the text, what is the main cause of chapped lips during the winter months?
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder às questões de 21 a 25.
PUCKER UP I'm a dermatologist - you've been using lip balm all wrong - here's why your pout is still chapped
(1º§)YOU might be reaching for your lip balm more and more through these winter months. But are your lips still sore and chapped, no matter how much of the stuff you slather on? According to dermatology experts, the type of balm you put on your pout might be more important than the amount.
(2º§)Dr. Mona Gohara, an associate clinical professor of dermatology at the Yale School of Medicine, and Dr. Brendan Camp, a dermatologist at MDCS Dermatology in New York, told TODAY why some lip balms could do more harm than good.
(3º§)To start with, they discussed why your lips might be chapped in the first place. The cold weather can wreak havoc on them as the skin is very thin, so they're more likely to dry out, Dr Gohara said. Meanwhile, Dr Camp noted that the delicate skin of your pout can easily be irritated by ingredients in skincare or food, yeast or bacteria, and even enzymes in saliva.
(4º§)You might also not be giving them enough love: lot's of people forget about their lips when they're moisturising their face. But if your lips are dry and chapped not long after you apply your balm, you just might be using the wrong kind.
(5º§)Four things to avoid in a lip balm:
1.Tingly balms
2. Fragrances
3. Flavouring agents
4. Dyes
(6º§)Dr Camp said these might cause allergic contact dermatitis, a type of eczema triggered by contact with a particular substance. And if your lips are dry, cracked, red, scaly and itchy, you might have developed a sensitivity to an ingredient in your lip balm, he added. Moral of the story, check your lip balm ingredients.
(7º§)Since you're doing that, there are a few ingredients that will help hydrate your pout. Dr Camp said you want to look for ingredients that will help trap water in the skin while keeping it moisturized for a long period of time. "Ingredients like beeswax, olive oil, castor oil, coconut oil, and shea butter are often used for this purpose," he said.
(8º§)You should also be wearing a salve with SPF to protect your lips from the sun. Meanwhile, Dr Gohara said that your ideal balm will have a combination of humectants (like hyaluronic acid and glycerin), which draw moisture into the skin, and occlusives (such as shea butter and mineral oil), which lock moisture in.
(9º§)The NHS recommended you use one containing petroleum jelly or beeswax. It said: "Try a few different lip balms if one is not working for you - some people may be sensitive to some fragrances, dyes or cosmetic ingredients."
(10º§)As long as you're using the right type of balm, Dr Gohara said you can apply it multiple times a day. According to Dr Camp, it's best to put on lip balm once in the morning and once before bed. There are other ways of preventing dry lips too.
(11º§)Lisa Borg, skin specialist and nutritionist at the Pulse Light Clinc, said the best thing you can do is drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. Preferably quality water as opposed to dehydrating coffee and fizzy drinks, she noted.
(12º§)Lisa also recommended eating foods that simulate saliva production, such as apples, cucumbers, tomatoes, courgettes, watermelon, lemons, and crunchy fibrous vegetables like carrots and celery. Meanwhile, the NHS said you should wash your hands before applying lip balm and cover your lips with a scarf when you're outside in cold weather. If you're outdoors, use a balm with SPF 15 or more every two hours, it added.
(13º§)Common causes of dry lips: cold weather, dry air or wind; damage from the sun; dehydration; a lip injury; allergies; and lack of vitamins and minerals. If you have sore or dry lips, you should avoid: picking or biting any flaky skin on your lips - this can slow down healing; licking dry or cracked lips - this can make them sore; and sharing lip balms with other people - this can spread germs.
(adapted) -wwrongg-pu--chappeed .uk/health/21661055/dermatologist-using-lip-balm-wrong-pout-chapped/
According to the text, it is important for people to look for lip balm ingredients that:
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder às questões de 21 a 25.
PUCKER UP I'm a dermatologist - you've been using lip balm all wrong - here's why your pout is still chapped
(1º§)YOU might be reaching for your lip balm more and more through these winter months. But are your lips still sore and chapped, no matter how much of the stuff you slather on? According to dermatology experts, the type of balm you put on your pout might be more important than the amount.
(2º§)Dr. Mona Gohara, an associate clinical professor of dermatology at the Yale School of Medicine, and Dr. Brendan Camp, a dermatologist at MDCS Dermatology in New York, told TODAY why some lip balms could do more harm than good.
(3º§)To start with, they discussed why your lips might be chapped in the first place. The cold weather can wreak havoc on them as the skin is very thin, so they're more likely to dry out, Dr Gohara said. Meanwhile, Dr Camp noted that the delicate skin of your pout can easily be irritated by ingredients in skincare or food, yeast or bacteria, and even enzymes in saliva.
(4º§)You might also not be giving them enough love: lot's of people forget about their lips when they're moisturising their face. But if your lips are dry and chapped not long after you apply your balm, you just might be using the wrong kind.
(5º§)Four things to avoid in a lip balm:
1.Tingly balms
2. Fragrances
3. Flavouring agents
4. Dyes
(6º§)Dr Camp said these might cause allergic contact dermatitis, a type of eczema triggered by contact with a particular substance. And if your lips are dry, cracked, red, scaly and itchy, you might have developed a sensitivity to an ingredient in your lip balm, he added. Moral of the story, check your lip balm ingredients.
(7º§)Since you're doing that, there are a few ingredients that will help hydrate your pout. Dr Camp said you want to look for ingredients that will help trap water in the skin while keeping it moisturized for a long period of time. "Ingredients like beeswax, olive oil, castor oil, coconut oil, and shea butter are often used for this purpose," he said.
(8º§)You should also be wearing a salve with SPF to protect your lips from the sun. Meanwhile, Dr Gohara said that your ideal balm will have a combination of humectants (like hyaluronic acid and glycerin), which draw moisture into the skin, and occlusives (such as shea butter and mineral oil), which lock moisture in.
(9º§)The NHS recommended you use one containing petroleum jelly or beeswax. It said: "Try a few different lip balms if one is not working for you - some people may be sensitive to some fragrances, dyes or cosmetic ingredients."
(10º§)As long as you're using the right type of balm, Dr Gohara said you can apply it multiple times a day. According to Dr Camp, it's best to put on lip balm once in the morning and once before bed. There are other ways of preventing dry lips too.
(11º§)Lisa Borg, skin specialist and nutritionist at the Pulse Light Clinc, said the best thing you can do is drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. Preferably quality water as opposed to dehydrating coffee and fizzy drinks, she noted.
(12º§)Lisa also recommended eating foods that simulate saliva production, such as apples, cucumbers, tomatoes, courgettes, watermelon, lemons, and crunchy fibrous vegetables like carrots and celery. Meanwhile, the NHS said you should wash your hands before applying lip balm and cover your lips with a scarf when you're outside in cold weather. If you're outdoors, use a balm with SPF 15 or more every two hours, it added.
(13º§)Common causes of dry lips: cold weather, dry air or wind; damage from the sun; dehydration; a lip injury; allergies; and lack of vitamins and minerals. If you have sore or dry lips, you should avoid: picking or biting any flaky skin on your lips - this can slow down healing; licking dry or cracked lips - this can make them sore; and sharing lip balms with other people - this can spread germs.
(adapted) -wwrongg-pu--chappeed .uk/health/21661055/dermatologist-using-lip-balm-wrong-pout-chapped/
According to the text, it is correct to say that:
Written language and spoken language differ in several ways. A key difference between written and spoken languages is that written language tends to be more formal and complex than spoken language. For example, written English refers to the English language one notices in texts while spoken English is what one hears and uses for conversing with others. Although both written and spoken English can be used as mediums of communication, the key difference between written and spoken English is that while written English is textbased, spoken English is not. With that in mind, read the statements that follow and check the correct answer.
I. The writing of a text is usually detached in time and space from its reading. Speaking usually takes place in immediate interaction with known listeners and with the availability of immediate feedback.
II. Writing is less permanent and more easily changed. On the other hand, speaking is fixed and stable, for it is more likely to be organized and carefully formulated.
III. Writing normally uses a generally acceptable standard variety of the language whereas speech may sometimes be informal, therefore being associated with the use of slangs and colloquialisms.
IV.Spoken language involves speaking and listening skills while written language requires writing and reading skills.
V. Spoken English is more structured than written English, for spoken language can be both formal and informal depending on the context, and written language is mostly informal.
Based on the differences presented between written and spoken English, it is possible to say that are correct.
The experience of being hospitalised is usually an anxiety-provoking and even traumatic experience, especially for children. Children are particularly susceptible to the adverse effects of being ill, and their hospitalisation is a stressful event with potential unpleasant consequences for children and their families. In a sense, for children the hospital is like a foreign country to whose customs, language and culture they must learn to adapt, a situation which presents many challenges. Health care professionals, such as physicians, nurses, and psychologists, must be aware of the psychological and emotional needs of their patients, particularly those of children. Pediatric hospitals must go beyond a narrow focus of the medical aspect of treating children’s illnesses, by providing, for example, age-appropriate communication, support, and empathy, on the part of the medical and psychological staff, as means of interventions for those children who display marked signs of distress.
Avaiable in: children.php. Access: 30 Nov. 2022. Adapted.
“Age-appropriate communication, support and empathy” are mentioned in the text as examples of
The experience of being hospitalised is usually an anxiety-provoking and even traumatic experience, especially for children. Children are particularly susceptible to the adverse effects of being ill, and their hospitalisation is a stressful event with potential unpleasant consequences for children and their families. In a sense, for children the hospital is like a foreign country to whose customs, language and culture they must learn to adapt, a situation which presents many challenges. Health care professionals, such as physicians, nurses, and psychologists, must be aware of the psychological and emotional needs of their patients, particularly those of children. Pediatric hospitals must go beyond a narrow focus of the medical aspect of treating children’s illnesses, by providing, for example, age-appropriate communication, support, and empathy, on the part of the medical and psychological staff, as means of interventions for those children who display marked signs of distress.
Avaiable in: children.php. Access: 30 Nov. 2022. Adapted.
The text compares children’s experience in hospitals to being in a foreign country, because in both situations,