Questões de Concurso Comentadas sobre interpretação de texto | reading comprehension em inglês

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Q2425839 Inglês


This morning, the village school opened. I had twenty scholars. But three of the number can read: none write or cipher. Several knit, and a few sew a little. They speak with the broadest accent of the district. At present, they and Ihave a difficulty in understanding each other's language. Some of them are unmannered, rough, intractable, as well as ignorant; but others are docile, have a wish to learn, and evince a disposition that pleases me. I must not forget that these coarsely-clad little peasants are of flesh and blood as good as the scions of gentlest genealogy; and that the germs of native excellence, refinement, intelligence, kind feeling, are as likely to exist in their hearts as in those of the best-born. My duty will be to develop these germs: surely I shall find some happiness in discharging that office. Much enjoyment I do not expect in the life opening before me: yet it will, doubtless, if I regulate my mind, and exert my powers as I ought, yield me enough to live on from day to day.

Source: Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brônte (1847). Available on: Jane%20Eyre.pdf

Examine the following statements about the extract from the novel 'Jane Eyre':

I. In 'They speak with the broadest accent of the district', there is an example of a superlative.

II. In 'none write or cipher', by changing the word 'cipher' to 'do Maths', the meaning of the sentence changes little to none.

III. In 'Much enjoyment I do not expect in the life opening before me”, a more expected order for the sentence would be “I do not expect much enjoyment in the life opening before me”.

Choose the CORRECT answer:

Q2425838 Inglês


This morning, the village school opened. I had twenty scholars. But three of the number can read: none write or cipher. Several knit, and a few sew a little. They speak with the broadest accent of the district. At present, they and Ihave a difficulty in understanding each other's language. Some of them are unmannered, rough, intractable, as well as ignorant; but others are docile, have a wish to learn, and evince a disposition that pleases me. I must not forget that these coarsely-clad little peasants are of flesh and blood as good as the scions of gentlest genealogy; and that the germs of native excellence, refinement, intelligence, kind feeling, are as likely to exist in their hearts as in those of the best-born. My duty will be to develop these germs: surely I shall find some happiness in discharging that office. Much enjoyment I do not expect in the life opening before me: yet it will, doubtless, if I regulate my mind, and exert my powers as I ought, yield me enough to live on from day to day.

Source: Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brônte (1847). Available on: Jane%20Eyre.pdf

Examine the following statements about the extract from the novel 'Jane Eyre':

I. The narrator is a teacher who has been in a long career teaching villagers.

II. The narrator believes the unmannered and ignorant students have no means of learning since they have difficulty understanding each other's language.

III.The narrator expresses a preference for students with a wish to learn for they have native excellence.

Choose the CORRECT answer:

Q2425837 Inglês


Why Cheating Increased in the Pandemic and What to Do About It

1 Right now, talking about honesty might feel old-fashioned. The pandemic and its ripple effects of anxiety and stress may seem like a license to prioritize our wants and needs over our oughts and shoulds. In particular, more than a few students and parents I've spoken with in recent months told me that until this crisis is behind us, it should be OK to cheat a little on homework and exams. And nationwide, reports of cheating at college since the advent of the pandemic have skyrocketed.

2 New research shows that, indeed, students who report higher levels of distress, sadness, and other negative emotions tend to adopt more generous attitudes toward plagiarism, which in turn predicts actually committing more plagiarism. In other words, when you're feeling besieged, doing the right thing is even harder than usual.

3 Don't underestimate the influence of stress on every aspect of behavior, including honesty. Decisions to do the right thing are more difficult when you feel like you're struggling.

Source: Adapted from "Why Cheating Increased in the Pandemic and What to Do About It”, by Angela Duckworth, 2022. Disponível em: increased-in-the-pandemic-and-what-to-do-about- it/2022/04

Examine the following statements about the text 'Why Cheating Increased in the Pandemic and What to Do About it", considering numbers 1, 2 and 3 as marks of the paragraphs in the text:

I. In the first paragraph, the author relates the problem of cheating in school settings to the pandemic, evidencing how parents are the main motivators for this change.

Il. In the second paragraph, the author exposes her opinion on plagiarism and confirms students who report high levels of distress are more lenient on cheating.

Ill. In the third paragraph, the author brings her personal experiences to reinforce the connection between negative emotions and honesty, making this an argumentative essay.

Choose the CORRECT answer:

Q2425836 Inglês


Why Cheating Increased in the Pandemic and What to Do About It

1 Right now, talking about honesty might feel old-fashioned. The pandemic and its ripple effects of anxiety and stress may seem like a license to prioritize our wants and needs over our oughts and shoulds. In particular, more than a few students and parents I've spoken with in recent months told me that until this crisis is behind us, it should be OK to cheat a little on homework and exams. And nationwide, reports of cheating at college since the advent of the pandemic have skyrocketed.

2 New research shows that, indeed, students who report higher levels of distress, sadness, and other negative emotions tend to adopt more generous attitudes toward plagiarism, which in turn predicts actually committing more plagiarism. In other words, when you're feeling besieged, doing the right thing is even harder than usual.

3 Don't underestimate the influence of stress on every aspect of behavior, including honesty. Decisions to do the right thing are more difficult when you feel like you're struggling.

Source: Adapted from "Why Cheating Increased in the Pandemic and What to Do About It”, by Angela Duckworth, 2022. Disponível em: increased-in-the-pandemic-and-what-to-do-about- it/2022/04

Examine the following statements about the text 'Why Cheating Increased in the Pandemic and What to Do About it':

|. By skimming the text, we can verify that the main idea of the text is how negative emotions influence cheating in school settings.

Il. By scanning the text, we can verify that the sentence “when you're feeling besieged, doing the right thing is even harder than usual” is the main idea of the text.

Choose the CORRECT answer:

Q2425835 Inglês


Recently in South Africa, | was with Sônia Nieto, a distinguished American scholar. A South African-Israeli, whom we had only just met socially, engaged her in conversation about language issues in the US. Taking her for a white, native speaker of English, he expressed the view that Spanish migrants in the US should not speak Spanish but English. If they live in the US, he told us, they should 'melt', no doubt referring to the metaphor of 'America' as the great 'melting pot' where anyone is supposed to be able to achieve the 'American dream' and become successful.

What he did not know is that Dr Nieto identifies herself as a Puerto Rican-American, her husband comes from Spain and members of her family are Spanish-English bilinguals. She is a qualified bilingual educator, who is known internationally for her work in bilingual and multicultural education. It was interesting to see this man come face to face with someone who both challenged: his taken-for-granted view of language as wellas his stereotype of Latinas.

Source: Adapted from 'Doing Critical Literacy: Texts and Actívíties for Students and Teachers, by Hilary Janks, Routledge, 2014.

Examine the following statements about the text 'Whose home language matters':

I. The title of the text refers to the idea that the English language is worthier than the Spanish language.

ll. The situation in the text contains irony since the man's ideas oppose the nature of the person he is speaking to.

Choose the CORRECT answer:

Q2425834 Inglês


Recently in South Africa, | was with Sônia Nieto, a distinguished American scholar. A South African-Israeli, whom we had only just met socially, engaged her in conversation about language issues in the US. Taking her for a white, native speaker of English, he expressed the view that Spanish migrants in the US should not speak Spanish but English. If they live in the US, he told us, they should 'melt', no doubt referring to the metaphor of 'America' as the great 'melting pot' where anyone is supposed to be able to achieve the 'American dream' and become successful.

What he did not know is that Dr Nieto identifies herself as a Puerto Rican-American, her husband comes from Spain and members of her family are Spanish-English bilinguals. She is a qualified bilingual educator, who is known internationally for her work in bilingual and multicultural education. It was interesting to see this man come face to face with someone who both challenged: his taken-for-granted view of language as wellas his stereotype of Latinas.

Source: Adapted from 'Doing Critical Literacy: Texts and Actívíties for Students and Teachers, by Hilary Janks, Routledge, 2014.

Examine the following statements about the text 'Whose home language matters':?

I. The bilingual education mentioned in the text purposes one should learn two languages perfectly in order to succeed in different linguistic and cultural contexts, which supports the need for studying English from early school years, as it is in Brazil.

II. The Curriculum of Pernambuco agrees with the view of the South African-Israeli man when he says immigrants should "melt", since becoming used to other cultures and languages involves overcoming aspects of both.

Choose the CORRECT answer:

Q2425833 Inglês


Recently in South Africa, | was with Sônia Nieto, a distinguished American scholar. A South African-Israeli, whom we had only just met socially, engaged her in conversation about language issues in the US. Taking her for a white, native speaker of English, he expressed the view that Spanish migrants in the US should not speak Spanish but English. If they live in the US, he told us, they should 'melt', no doubt referring to the metaphor of 'America' as the great 'melting pot' where anyone is supposed to be able to achieve the 'American dream' and become successful.

What he did not know is that Dr Nieto identifies herself as a Puerto Rican-American, her husband comes from Spain and members of her family are Spanish-English bilinguals. She is a qualified bilingual educator, who is known internationally for her work in bilingual and multicultural education. It was interesting to see this man come face to face with someone who both challenged: his taken-for-granted view of language as wellas his stereotype of Latinas.

Source: Adapted from 'Doing Critical Literacy: Texts and Actívíties for Students and Teachers, by Hilary Janks, Routledge, 2014.

Examine the following stratements about the text ‘Whose home language matters?':

I. In the sentence: 'A South African-Israeli, whom we had only Jjustmet socialy, engaged her in conversation about language issues in the US', the word in bold acts as the subject in the clause it introduces.

II. In the sentence: 'She is a qualified bilingual educator, who is known internationally for her work in bilingual and multicultural education’, the word in bold should be changed to 'whom'.

IlI. In the sentence: 'his taken-for-granted view of language as well as his stereotype of Latinas’, the idiom in bold can be changed to ‘imaginable’ since both have the same meaning.

Choose the CORRECT answer:

Q2425832 Inglês


Recently in South Africa, | was with Sônia Nieto, a distinguished American scholar. A South African-Israeli, whom we had only just met socially, engaged her in conversation about language issues in the US. Taking her for a white, native speaker of English, he expressed the view that Spanish migrants in the US should not speak Spanish but English. If they live in the US, he told us, they should 'melt', no doubt referring to the metaphor of 'America' as the great 'melting pot' where anyone is supposed to be able to achieve the 'American dream' and become successful.

What he did not know is that Dr Nieto identifies herself as a Puerto Rican-American, her husband comes from Spain and members of her family are Spanish-English bilinguals. She is a qualified bilingual educator, who is known internationally for her work in bilingual and multicultural education. It was interesting to see this man come face to face with someone who both challenged: his taken-for-granted view of language as wellas his stereotype of Latinas.

Source: Adapted from 'Doing Critical Literacy: Texts and Actívíties for Students and Teachers, by Hilary Janks, Routledge, 2014.

Examina the following statements abput the text "Whose home language matters?":

l. The South African-Israeli man expressed his view of the need for migrants to learn English as a requisite to stay in the US because he thought Dr. Nieto was a white woman, not a Latina.

Il Dr. Nieto is likely to agree with the opinion of the South African-Israeli man, considering her studies on bilingual education.

lll. The South African-Israeli man believes Spanish migrants in the US can be more successful if they speak English as a second language.

Choose the CORRECT answer:

Q2424755 Inglês

Choose the alternative where there is an odd word in the sequence.

Q2424752 Inglês

Leia o texto:

"The second planet from the sun has an atmosphere stifled by carbon dioxide gas, and surface temperatures that average more than 800 degrees Fahrenheit. The dense atmosphere of Venus exerts a pressure of more than 1,300 pounds per square inch on anything at the surface. That is more than 90 times the 14.7 pounds per square inch at sea level on Earth, or the equivalent to being 3,000 feet underwater in the ocean. It is hardly a place that makes visiting or research easy."

Os números sublinhados se referem, respectivamente, a:

Q2424751 Inglês

Leia o texto a seguir:

"Hurricane Ida hit New Orleans on Aug. 29, 2021, 16 years to the day after Hurricane Katrina flooded the city. Now, billions of dollars were invested in preventing the overflow. However, a strong similarity between Ida and Katrina still emerged: Low-income communities and communities of color remain at high risk from hurricanes."

Escolha a alternativa cuja pergunta não pode ser respondida após a leitura do excerto acima.

Q2424750 Inglês

Read the following excerpt:

“Just as friends and loved ones were gathering to celebrate Thanksgiving and kick off the holiday season, a very unwelcome visitor showed up on the scene: omicron, a new variant of the virus that causes COVID-19. Scientists in South Africa reported the coronavirus variant early last week, and the World Health Organization named it a “variant of concern” days later.”

The underlined IT refers to:

Q2423878 Inglês

Murders of environment and land defenders hit record high

Figures from Global Witness for 2020 show violent resource grab continued unabated despite pandemic

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Deforestation in Colombia, the country that had the largest number of people killed while trying to protect forests, rivers and ecosystems in 2020. Photograph: Raúl Arboleda/AFP/Getty Images

Murders of environment and land defenders hit a record high last year as the violent resource grab in the global south continued unabated despite the pandemic.

New figures released by Global Witness show that 227 people were killed in 2020 while trying to protect forests, rivers and other ecosystems that their livelihoods depended on.

All but one of the deadly attacks took place outside North America, Europe and Oceania. The authors say environment-related conflict is, like the climate crisis, disproportionately affecting lower-income nations. Indigenous communities suffered more than a third of the killings, despite accounting for only 5% of the world population.


De acordo com o texto, é possível afirmar que:

Q2423875 Inglês

Miss you. Would like to grab that chilled tofu we love.


Do not care if you bring only your light body.

Would just be so happy to sit at the table

and talk about the menu. Miss you.

Wish we could bet which chilis they’ll put

on the cubes of tofu. Our favorite.

Sometimes green. Sometimes red. Roasted

we always thought. But so cold and fresh.

How did they do it? Wish you could be here

to talk about it like it was so important.

Wish you could. Watched you on the screens

as I was walking, as I was cooking. Wished you

could get out of the hospital. Can’t

bring myself to order our dish and eat it

in the car. Miss you laughing. Miss

you coming in from the cold or one

too many meetings. Laughing. I’ll order

already. I’ll order seven helpings, some

dumplings, those cold yam noodles that you

like. You can come in your light

body or skeleton or be invisible I don’t even

care. Know you have a long way to travel.

Know I don’t even know if it’s long

at all. Wish you could tell me. What

you’re reading. If you’re reading.

Miss you. I’m at the table in the back.


The preposition “about” highlighted in the poem means:

Q2423874 Inglês

What climate scientists can teach us about dealing with climate change doom

By Joe Whitwell (BBC News)

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

"It's a kind of hopelessness I guess. Helplessness," says Ross Simpson, 22, from Glasgow. He's telling me how he and his friends feel about stopping the worst effects of climate change.

The warnings keep coming of more heatwaves, droughts, floods, and global temperatures going up and up and up. Seeing so many negative stories in the news only makes Ross feel worse. Like many, he worries it's already too late.

"What difference does changing your lifestyle actually make in the grand scheme of things? Why do anything, if we're all doomed anyway?"

Noor Elmasry, 22, has been having similar conversations with her friends across the Atlantic, in Chicago. "I think a lot of the frustration manifests from seeing people in power just constantly disappoint you," she says.

Their feelings are shared by young people around the world. In a recent survey, 10,000 young people were asked about climate change. Three quarters said the future of the world was frightening, while more than half said they thought humanity was doomed.

Feelings of fear, shame, guilt, anger and frustration have been given a name: climate anxiety. And it's on the rise.


A palavra “while”, destacada no artigo jornalístico acima, pode ser traduzida sem alteração de sentido no texto, da seguinte forma:

Q2423870 Inglês

Escolha a alternativa que corretamente completa a sentença abaixo.

Every night ______________ eating before 10 p.m.

Q2423869 Inglês

Leia o trecho do discurso “Ain’t I a Woman?” de autoria de Sojourner Truth (1797 – 1883) e assinale a alternativa correta.

"That man over there says that women need to be helped into carriages, and lifted over ditches, and to have the best place everywhere. Nobody ever helps me into carriages, or over mud-puddles, or gives me any best place! And ain't I a woman? Look at me! Look at my arm! I have ploughed and planted, and gathered into barns, and no man could head me! And ain't I a woman? I could work as much and eat as much as a man - when I could get it - and bear the lash as well! And ain't I a woman? I have borne thirteen children, and seen most all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother's grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain't I a woman?"

Q2423747 Inglês

What’s the meaning of the expression “hard to swallow”?

Q2423744 Inglês

A BNCC aponta seis competências específicas da Língua Inglesa para o Ensino Fundamental, dentre elas:


I. Identificar similaridades e diferenças entre a língua inglesa e a língua materna/outras línguas, articulando-as a aspectos sociais, culturais e identitários, em uma relação intrínseca entre língua, cultura e identidade.

II. Conhecer diferentes patrimônios culturais, materiais e imateriais, difundidos na língua inglesa, com vistas ao exercício da fruição e da ampliação de perspectivas no contato com diferentes manifestações artístico-culturais.

III. Utilizar novas tecnologias, com novas linguagens e modos de interação, para pesquisar, selecionar, compartilhar, posicionar-se e produzir sentidos em práticas de letramento na língua inglesa, de forma ética, crítica e responsável.

IV. Identificar o lugar de si e o do outro em um mundo plurilíngue e multicultural, refletindo, criticamente, sobre como a aprendizagem da língua inglesa contribui para a inserção dos sujeitos no mundo globalizado, inclusive no que concerne ao mundo do trabalho.

V. Comunicar-se na língua inglesa, por meio do uso variado de linguagens em mídias impressas ou digitais, reconhecendo-a como ferramenta de acesso ao conhecimento, de ampliação das perspectivas e de possibilidades para a compreensão dos valores e interesses de outras culturas e para o exercício do protagonismo social.


Assinale a alternativa CORRETA:

Q2423069 Inglês

British troops move black rhinos to Malawi

British troops have helped to move a group of critically endangered black rhinos from South Africa to Malawi to protect them against poaching. Soldiers from the 2nd Battalion Royal Gurkha Rifles moved 17 of the animals, which are hunted for their horns, in the hope they can be better protected. They were transported by air and road from KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa to Liwonde National Park in Malawi.

The troops then spent three months training rangers to keep them safe. Major Jez England, the officer commanding the British Army counter-poaching team in Liwonde, said the operation had been “hugely successful”. “Not only do we share skills with the rangers, improving their efficiency and ability to patrol larger areas, but it also provides a unique opportunity for our soldiers to train in a challenging environment”, he said.

The UK government says it has committed more than £36m to tackle the illegal wildlife trade between 2014 and 2021. Part of this is to help support trans-boundary work to allow animals to move more safely between areas and across national borders.

(Site: BBC - adaptado.)

Judge the following items as true (C) or false (E) and mark the alternative that presents the CORRECT order:

( ) Poaching (first paragraph) means illegally hunting.

( ) The word “which” (first paragraph) refers to “animals”.

( ) The verb “to tackle” (third paragraph) is synonymous with “to prevent”.

1061: D
1062: A
1063: A
1064: B
1065: C
1066: D
1067: A
1068: D
1069: A
1070: A
1071: A
1072: A
1073: D
1074: D
1075: A
1076: C
1077: D
1078: D
1079: E
1080: A