Questões de Inglês - Os advérbios (grau, a finalidade, contraste ...) | Adverbs (degree, purpose, contrast...) para Concurso

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Q2500560 Inglês

Available at: detail.php?id=899. Retrieved on: Feb 29, 2024. Adapted. 
In the fragment in the sixth paragraph of the text, “it is thus much more than just a tax proposal”, the word in bold can be associated with the idea of 
Q2459388 Inglês

Read Text IV and answer the three questions that follow it:

Text IV


Adapted from: =a.915379355282534

The function of “really” in “Do you really split bills [..]” is to

Q2357617 Inglês
The part ‘30-year’ in ‘his 30-year reign’ (l.12) is compounded by a numeral and a noun. This new word/expression is classified like:
Q2344909 Inglês
Read Text IV and answer the question that follow it 

Text IV

Teaching Reading Strategies

No matter what we are reading there are effective reading strategies we call on in order to make meaning from the text. Many of these strategies can be taught with comics and graphic novels. The ones highlighted below are particularly important when reading graphic texts.

Drawing Inferences

In comics and graphic novels, perhaps more than any other text, readers must build understanding by filling in gaps. A whole world of information is left in the gutter between the panels. The comic artist expects the reader to infer the action that takes place off the page. The more complex and sophisticated the comic, the more important this strategy becomes. If the reader is not making inferences, he is lost. Understanding this strategy and using it effectively will help students read ’between the lines’ in more traditional print narratives.


Students who struggle with reading may not understand what should be going on in the reader’s imagination during reading. With comics and other visual texts, the images are there for the reader. Through comics students can be taught how to create their own mental images when reading more traditional texts.

It is important that students understand the visual cues that are provided in the text. Although the words and images work together to tell the story, comics are primarily visual narratives. Therefore readers must draw on and integrate some important background knowledge and understandings about visual texts, comic elements and narrative structures in order to make meaning. The more knowledge readers have about the way visual texts work, the more successful they are likely to be.

Adapted from
The excerpt “If the reader is not making inferences” (2nd paragraph) presents a(n): 
Q2321409 Inglês
Na língua inglesa, palavras repetidas não têm importância no texto, sendo sempre cognatas e, frequentemente, são palavras sem conteúdo e significado, como conectivos e advérbios.
6: E
7: D
8: B
9: C
10: E