Questões de Inglês - Palavras conectivas | Connective words para Concurso

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Ano: 2017 Banca: Quadrix Órgão: COFECI Prova: Quadrix - 2017 - COFECI - Assistente de TI |
Q860562 Inglês

Based on the text, judge the items below.

In “Yet it also presents more risks” (line 4), “Yet”, as a discourse marker, express contrast.

Q851083 Inglês

                        Patient Confidentiality and Recordkeeping

      Privacy is a patient right. Dentists have an ethical and legal responsibility to safeguard patient information. Patient information includes such information as personal data, medical history, diagnosis, treatment, and financial situation.

      Patient information should be shared only on a need-to-know basis with those who participate in the care of the patient. ....CONECTIVO... disclosure is required or permitted by law, patient information should not be shared with anyone without the patient's written permission. Court orders, subpoenas and investigations by the Office of Professional Discipline are examples of disclosures that may be required even in the absence of the patient's consent.

      Health professionals are required to maintain records for each patient that accurately reflect the evaluation and treatment of the patient according to section 29.2(a)(3) of the Rules of the Board of Regents. All patient records must be retained for at least six years, with the exception of records for minor patients, which must be maintained for at least six years and for one year after the minor patient reaches the age of 21.

(Adapted from NY State Education Department − Office of the Professions: dentpracticeguide.htm

A palavra que preenche corretamente a lacuna ....CONECTIVO.... , de acordo com o contexto, é
Ano: 2015 Banca: FCC Órgão: DPE-RR Prova: FCC - 2015 - DPE-RR - Secretária Executiva |
Q840074 Inglês



      San Francisco, CA − A woman charged with child endangerment after a hit-and-run driver fatally struck her 2-year-old niece as the family crossed against a traffic light was acquitted of all charges today, San Francisco Public Defender Jeff Adachi announced.

      Jurors deliberated a day and a half before clearing Loyresha Gage, 26, of felony child endangerment resulting in death and misdemeanor child endangerment. Gage faced up to 10 years in state prison, said her attorney, Deputy Public Defender Kevin Mitchell.

      The tragic incident occurred Aug. 15, 2014. Gage was caring for her sister’s 2-year-old twins. As the three left the Metreon after seeing the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, Gage took a long-awaited call from a friend who had been a no-show to the planned movie date. ..I.. still on the phone, Gage attempted to navigate a crosswalk on Mission Street.

      After waiting for traffic to clear, Gage and her niece, Mi’yana Gregory, stepped into the crosswalk. A little less than halfway across Mission Street,

      Gage realized her nephew was still on the curb and panicked. As she sprinted back to pick him up, a sedan sped down Mission and fatally struck Mi’yana.

      Gage was arrested Aug. 19 and police never found the hit-and-run driver.

      Gage’s family did not want her prosecuted and attended the trial to support her. The prosecutor’s decision to charge Gage was extremely painful for her family, who were struggling to cope with losing Mi’yana, Mitchell said.

      Adachi praised the jury’s decision.

      “The decision to treat this tragic mistake like a crime only added to the pain and suffering Ms. Gage and her entire family experienced. Fortunately, her public defender worked hard to ensure her case was heard,” Adachi said.


A palavra que preenche corretamente a lacuna I é
Q836964 Inglês

 Para responder a questão, considere o texto a seguir:                          

Environmental law in Brazil

      BRAZIL’S gridlocked Congress often ends up passing contentious laws only after the combatants collapse in exhaustion. So it is with the revision of the Forest Code, a set of rules that, ...A... the name, apply to all privately owned rural land, not just plots in wooded areas. The code, originally approved in 1965, requires owners to keep native vegetation on parts of their land − 80% in the Amazon, less elsewhere − and in erosion-prone and biodiverse areas such as riverbanks and mangrove swamps. But it was long ignored.

      Since harsher penalties and enforcement were introduced in the late 1990s the ruralistas, as Brazil’s powerful farming lobby is known, have been trying to revise the code. On April 25th, after 13 years of arguments, rewrites and stalling, the final text landed on the desk of the president, Dilma Rousseff. It was far from the version she wanted. Two government defeats in the ruralista-packed lower house meant it contained few of her own previous revisions or those of the more green-friendly Senate.

      The president faced a difficult choice: to scrap the text and start again − which would probably be taken as a declaration of war by the ruralistas − or to make the best of a bad job. She chose the latter. On May 25th ministers went to Congress to say that the president would veto 12 of the new code’s 84 articles and make 32 smaller cuts. The resulting holes would be backfilled in a separate executive decree. Only on May 28th were the details published.

       Under Ms Rousseff’s veto, the amnesty sought by ruralistas will apply only to smallholders, who will still have to replant 20% of their plots. Everyone else will have five years to right past wrongs and add their properties to a new Rural Environmental Register. Holdouts will be denied bank loans and face prosecution.

      Rubens Ricupero, one of ten former environment ministers consulted by the president before the veto, praises her attempt to strike a balance. Treating small landowners more leniently was both practical, he thinks − they account for 90% of rural properties by number but just 24% by area − and socially just: few could afford much replanting.

(Adapted from 

A alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna ..A.. é
Q832634 Inglês

Neglect contributed to death of patient at community hospital

16 August 2012 | By Sarah Calkin

      A patient who choked to death at a hospital run by Somerset Partnership Foundation Trust had been neglected by staff, a coroner has ruled.

      Parkinson’s sufferer Diana Mansfield, 78, was struggling to swallow during her stay at Frome Community Hospital in September 2011. On 3 September she choked and died. East Somerset coroner Tony Williams found ..ART1... primary cause of death was ....ART2... acute upper airway obstruction and dysphagia, ...ART3... common side effect of Parkinson’s.

      Following the inquest in July he identified failings made in the nursing care received by Ms Mansfield and recorded a verdict of accidental death aggravated by neglect.

      The Care Quality Commission visited the 28-bed hospital earlier this year in response to concerns about care and welfare of patients and staffing levels arising from Ms Mansfield’s death.

      Inspectors judged the hospital was meeting standards overall. .....CONECTIVO.... it raised minor concerns about staffing levels, noting the ward had a sickness absence rate of nearly 10 per cent and cover was not always available for absent staff for a whole shift.

      The full staffing establishment on the 12-bed ward where Ms Mansfield stayed was three registered nurses and four healthcare assistants on the early shift and five staff - usually two nurses and three HCAs - on the late shift. Some nurses complained this was not always adequate to meet the needs of patients and said it was sometimes a struggle to complete all their tasks. 

A alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna ...CONECTIVO... , dentro do contexto, é
121: C
122: D
123: A
124: C
125: D