Questões de Inglês - Palavras conectivas | Connective words para Concurso

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Q460759 Inglês

                Avoidance and evasion compared: The United States example
      The use of the terms tax avoidance and tax evasion can vary depending on the jurisdiction. In the United States, for example, the term "tax evasion" (or, more precisely, "attempted tax evasion") generally consists of criminal conduct, the purpose of which is to avoid the assessment or payment of a tax that is already legally owed at the time of the criminal conduct. (The term "assessment" is here used in the technical sense of a statutory assessment: the formal administrative act of a duly appointed employee of the Internal Revenue Service who records the tax on the books of the United States Treasury after certain administrative prerequisites have been met. In the case of Federal income tax, this act generally occurs after the close of the tax year - and usually after a tax return has been filed.)

      By contrast, the term "tax avoidance" is used in the United States to describe lawful conduct, the purpose of which is to avoid the creation of a tax liability. Tax evasion involves breaking the law; tax avoidance is using legal means to avoid owing tax in the first place. An evaded tax remains a tax legally owed. An avoided tax (in the U.S. sense) is a tax liability that has never existed. A simple example of tax avoidance in this sense is the situation where a business considers selling a particular asset at a huge gain but, after consulting with a tax adviser, decides not to [VERB] the sale. ......97...... no sale occurs, no gain is realized. The additional income tax liability that [TO GENERATE] by the inclusion of the gain on the sale in the computation of taxable income is simply not incurred, as there was no sale and no realized gain.
(Adapted from Wikipedia: en.w iki/Tax_evasion)

A palavra que preenche corretamente a lacuna é
Q444269 Inglês
                                                               NASA Mission Points to Origin of “Ocean of Storms” on
                                                                                                    Earth’s Moon

Using data from NASA’s Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL), mission scientists have solved a lunar mystery almost as old as the moon itself.
Early theories suggested the craggy outline of a region of the moon’s surface known as Oceanus Procellarum, or the Ocean of Storms, was caused by an asteroid impact. If this theory had been correct, the basin it formed would be the largest asteroid impact basin on the moon. However, mission scientists studying GRAIL data believe they have found evidence the craggy outline of this rectangular region – roughly 1,600 miles (2,600 kilometers) across – is
actually the result of the formation of ancient rift valleys.
“The nearside of the moon has been studied for centuries, and yet continues to offer up surprises for scientists with the right tools,” said Maria Zuber, principal investigator of NASA’s GRAIL mission, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. “We interpret the gravity anomalies discovered by GRAIL as part of the lunar magma plumbing system – the conduits that fed lava to the surface during ancient volcanic eruptions.”
The surface of the moon’s nearside is dominated by a unique area called the Procellarum region, characterized by low elevations, unique composition, and numerous ancient volcanic plains.
The rifts are buried beneath dark volcanic plains on the nearside of the moon and have been detected only in the gravity data provided by GRAIL. The lava-flooded rift valleys are unlike anything found anywhere else on the moon and may at one time have resembled rift zones on Earth, Mars and Venus. The findings are published online in the journal Nature.
Another theory arising from recent data analysis suggests this region formed as a result of churning deep in the interior of the moon that led to a high concentration of heat-producing radioactive elements in the crust and mantle of this region. Scientists studied the gradients in gravity data from GRAIL, which revealed a rectangular shape in resulting gravitational anomalies.
“The rectangular pattern of gravity anomalies was completely unexpected,” said Jeff Andrews-Hanna, a GRAIL co-investigator at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado, and lead author of the paper. “Using the gradients in the gravity data to reveal the rectangular pattern of anomalies, we can now clearly and completely see structures that were only hinted at by surface observations.”
The rectangular pattern, with its angular corners and straight sides, contradicts the theory that Procellarum is an ancient impact basin, since such an impact would create a circular basin. Instead, the new research suggests processes beneath the moon’s surface dominated the evolution of this region.
Over time, the region would cool and contract, pulling away from its surroundings and creating fractures similar to the cracks that form in mud as it dries out, but on a much larger scale.
The study also noted a surprising similarity between the rectangular pattern of structures on the moon, and those surrounding the south polar region of Saturn’s icy moon Enceladus. Both patterns appear to be related to volcanic and tectonic processes operating on their respective worlds.
“Our gravity data are opening up a new chapter of lunar history, during which the moon was a more dynamic place than suggested by the cratered landscape that is visible to the naked eye,” said Andrews-Hanna. “More work is needed to understand the cause of this newfound pattern of gravity anomalies, and the implications for the history of the moon.”
Lunched as GRAIL A and GRAIL B in September 2011, the probes, renamed Ebb and Flow, operated in a nearly circular orbit near the poles of the moon at an altitude of about 34 miles (55 kilometers) until their mission ended in December 2012. The distance between the twin probes changed slightly as they flew over areas of greater and lesser gravity caused by visible features, such as mountains and craters, and by masses hidden beneath the
lunar surface.
The twin spacecraft flew in a nearly circular orbit until the end of the mission on December 17, 2012, when the probes intentionally were sent into the moon’s surface. NASA later named the impact site in honor of late astronaut Sally K. Ride, who was America’s first woman in space and a member of the GRAIL mission team.
GRAIL’s prime and extended science missions generated the highest resolution gravity field map of any celestial body. The map will provide a better understanding of how Earth and other rocky planets in the solar system formed and evolved.
The GRAIL mission was managed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California, for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington. The mission was part of the Discovery Program managed at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. GRAIL was built by Lockheed Martin Space Systems in Denver.

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Read the sentence below.

“‘The nearside of the moon has been studied for centuries, and yet continues to offer up surprises for scientists with the right tools.’

Considering the context, choose the alternative that presents a sentence in which the underlined word has the same grammatical function as the one above.
Ano: 2013 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: IBGE Provas: CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Todos os Cargos - Conhecimentos Básicos - Analista | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Todos os Cargos - Conhecimentos Básicos - Tecnologista | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Arquivologia | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Estatística | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Análise e Desenvolvimento de Aplicações | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Suporte Operacional | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Recursos Humanos - Desenvolvimento de Pessoas | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Recursos Materiais e Logística | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Recursos Humanos - Administração de Pessoal | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Designer Institucional | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Orçamento e Finanças | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Planejamento e Gestão | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Suporte à Comunicação e Rede | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Ciências Contábeis | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Administração Escolar | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Análise Agrícola | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Análise Pecuária | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Análise Socioeconômica | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Cartografia | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Edição de Vídeo | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Geografia | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Geoprocessamento |
Q437120 Inglês
In Texts I and II, in terms of meaning, one notices that
Ano: 2013 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: IBGE Provas: CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Todos os Cargos - Conhecimentos Básicos - Analista | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Todos os Cargos - Conhecimentos Básicos - Tecnologista | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Arquivologia | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Estatística | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Análise e Desenvolvimento de Aplicações | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Suporte Operacional | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Recursos Humanos - Desenvolvimento de Pessoas | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Recursos Materiais e Logística | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Recursos Humanos - Administração de Pessoal | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Designer Institucional | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Orçamento e Finanças | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Planejamento e Gestão | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Suporte à Comunicação e Rede | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Ciências Contábeis | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Administração Escolar | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Análise Agrícola | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Análise Pecuária | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Análise Socioeconômica | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Cartografia | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Edição de Vídeo | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Geografia | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Geoprocessamento |
Q437118 Inglês
In the excerpt of Text I: “other estimates find that immigration raises the wages of all US workers, regardless of education” (lines 23-25), regardless of,is substituted, without change in meaning, by
Q424792 Inglês
Complications of Replacement Therapy

Complications of replacement therapy include:

- Developing antibodies (proteins) that attack the clotting factor
- Developing viral infections from human clotting factors
- Damage to joints, muscles, or other parts of the body resulting from delays in treatment

Antibodies to the clotting factor.

Antibodies can destroy the clotting factor before it has a chance to work. This is a very serious problem. It prevents the main treatment for hemophilia (replacement therapy) from working. These antibodies, also called inhibitors, develop in about 20-30 percent of people who have severe hemophilia A. Inhibitors develop in 2-5 percent of people who have hemophilia B
When antibodies develop, doctors may use larger doses of clotting factor or try different clotting factor sources. Sometimes the antibodies go away. Researchers are studying new ways to deal with antibodies to clotting factors.

Viruses from human clotting factors.

Clotting factors made from human blood can carry the viruses that cause HIV/AIDS and hepatitis. ....I.... , the risk of getting an infectious disease from human clotting factors is very small due to:

- Careful screening of blood donors
- Testing of donated blood products
- Treating donated blood products with a detergent and heat to destroy viruses - Vaccinating people who have hemophilia for hepatitis A and B

Damage to joints, muscles, and other parts of the body.

Delays in treatment can cause damage such as:

- Bleeding into a joint. If this happens many times, it can lead to changes in the shape of the joint and impair the joint's function.
- Swelling of the membrane around a joint. - Pain, swelling, and redness of a joint.
- Pressure on a joint from swelling, which can destroy the joint.

(Adapted from topics/hemophilia/treatment.html)

Preenche corretamente a lacuna I do texto:
181: C
182: A
183: B
184: D
185: E