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Q2243756 Inglês
      Michael R. Bloomberg is the 108th Mayor of the City of New York. He was born on February 14, 1942 to middle class parents in Medford, Massachusetts, where his father was the bookkeeper at a local dairy. Mayor Bloomberg's thirst for information and fascination with technology was evident at an early age, and led him to Johns Hopkins University, where he parked cars and took out loans to finance his education. After his college graduation, he gained an MBA from Harvard and in the summer of 1966, he was hired by Salomon Brothers to work on Wall Street.

    He quickly advanced through the ranks, and became a partner in 1972. Soon after, he was supervising all of Salomon's stock trading, sales and later, its information systems. He was fired in 1981 after another company acquired Salomon. Michael Bloomberg used his stake from the Salomon sale to start his ...39... company, an endeavor that would revolutionize the way that Wall Street ....40.... business. As a young trader, he had been amazed at the archaic nature in which information was stored. When he needed to see how a stock had been trading three weeks earlier, he had to find a copy of the Wall Street Journal from the date in question, and the records system consisted of clerks penciling trades in oversize ledgers. ...41... , he created a financial information computer that would collect and analyze different combinations of past and present securities data and deliver it immediately to the user.

       In 1982, Bloomberg LP sold 20 subscriptions to its service; 20 years ....42... , Bloomberg LP has over 165,000 subscribers worldwide. As the business proved its viability, the company branched out and in 1990 Bloomberg LP entered the media business, launching a news service, and then radio, television, Internet, and publishing operations.
         Nearly 20 years after its founding, Bloomberg LP now employs more than 8,000 people − including 2,500 in New York City − in more than 100 offices worldwide. As the company enjoyed tremendous growth, Michael Bloomberg dedicated more of his time and energy to philanthropy and civic affairs. His desire to improve education, advance medical research and increase access to the arts, has provided the motivation for much of his philanthropy.

         The Mayor served as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Johns Hopkins University until May 2002. Recently, he was honored by Johns Hopkins University, when its School of Hygiene and Public Health was renamed "The Bloomberg School of Public Health," a tribute to his leadership and use of philanthropy to improve the human ....43... .

     In 1997, Michael Bloomberg published his autobiography, Bloomberg by Bloomberg. All of the royalties from sales of the book are donated to the Committee to Protect Journalists.

(Adapted from 4&cc=unused1196&rc=1194&ndi=-1)
Para responder à questão, assinale, na folha de respostas, a letra correspondente à alternativa que preencha corretamente a lacuna do texto apresentado (...41...). 
Q2206449 Inglês

Text III 

Alice Walker (born February 9, 1944), an American novelist, short story writer, poet,

and social activist (

We Alone

We alone can devalue gold

by not caring

if it falls or rises

in the marketplace.

Wherever there is gold

there is a chain, you know,

and if your chain

is gold

so much the worse

for you.

Feathers, shells

and sea-shaped stones

are all as rare.

This could be our revolution:

to love what is plentiful

as much as

what's scarce.


The segment “it falls or rises” contains a(n)
Q2206410 Inglês
The Latest Avatar 3

Adapted from the internet

     The latest Avatar 3 updates have confirmed that Captain Mick Scoresby (Brendan Cowell) will return for Avatar 3. This could spell either good news or bad for the next Avatar instalment, as his storyline was similar to Quaritch’s in that it was presumed he bit the dust, only to come back for another sequel. In addition, Zoe Saldana recently gave a filming update while speaking to Entertainment Tonight. While director James Cameron had stated that filming is nearly done for Avatar 3 back in 2020, Saldana reported to ET that the crew was going back to film for the summer, and that the process was “70% done there”.
      That being said, conflicting Avatar 3 updates come from a Q&A session with producer John Landau, who said that Avatar 3 and the first act of Avatar 4 were filmed simultaneously with Avatar 2. Either way, the consensus is the sequel is nearly done with the filming process. In the same Q&A, Landau revealed that Avatar 3 will introduce two new Na’vi cultures. "But we're going to meet at least two new clans in the next movie, culturally, and go on and on as we continue that," Landau said. Likely one of these new cultures will be the fire Na’vi, of which Oona Chaplin's Varang will be a part of.
       In addition, other Avatar 3 updates have confirmed two major character returns. The first is that of Avatar: The Way of Water's breakout character Payakan, the gentle and intelligent Tulkun. In an interview with The Wrap, Landau confirmed that Payakan would be back for Avatar 3, saying, "I always viewed Payakan a little bit like Lassie. And I would say this is a story like a boy and his dog, and they’re both outcasts, and they need each other." In the same interview, Landau also stated that the Avatar secondary villain Parker Selfridge (Giovanni Ribisi), who was absent for the sequel, would come back in a major way for Avatar 3. 
The words either…or, in bold type in the text (paragraph 1) 
Q2113354 Inglês
Which sentence uses "whether" correctly to introduce alternatives?
Q2111423 Inglês

Considere a tirinha abaixo.  

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

A palavra ou expressão que conclui adequadamente, na lacuna I, a fala do anjo para Deus é  

21: A
22: D
23: C
24: A
25: B