Questões de Concurso Sobre passado perfeito | past perfect em inglês

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Q1727363 Inglês

Mrs Parker died suddenly in October. She and Mr Parker lived in a Victorian house next to ours, and Mr Parker was my piano teacher. He commuted to Wall Street, where he was a securities analyst, but he had studied at Juilliard and gave lessons on the side – for the pleasure of it, not for money. His only students were me and the church organist.
The word “tragic” was mentioned in connection with her death. She and Mr Parker were in the middle of their middle age, and neither of them had ever been seriously ill. It was heart failure, and unexpected. My parents went to see Mr Parker as soon as they got the news, since they took their responsibilities as neighbours seriously, and two days later they took me to pay a formal condolence call. 
I loved the Parkers’ house. It was a Victorian house, and was shaped like a wedding cake. The living-room was round, and all the walls curved. The third floor was a tower. Every five years the house was painted chocolate brown, which faded gradually to the colour of weak tea. The front-wall window was a stained-glass picture of a fat baby holding a bunch of roses.
On Wednesday afternoons, Mr Parker came home on an early train, and I had my lesson. Mr Parker’s teaching method never varied. He never scolded or corrected. The first fifteen minutes were devoted to a warm-up in which I could play anything I liked. Then Mr Parker played the lesson of the week. His playing was terrifically precise, but his eyes became dreamy and unfocused. Then I played the same lesson, and after that we worked on the difficult passages, but basically he wanted me to hear my mistakes. After that, we sat in the solarium and discussed the next week’s lesson. Mr Parker usually played a record and talked in detail about the composer, his life and times. Mrs Parker used to leave us a tray of cookies and lemonade, cold in the summer and hot in the winter. When the cookies were gone, the lesson was over and I left, passing the Victorian child in the hallway. 

(COLWIN, Laurie. Mr Parker. In: PIERCE, Tina and COCHRANE, Edward (eds.). Twentieth century English short stories. London: Bell & Hyman, 1979, p. 48-9. Adapted.)

The verbal tense in “He had studied at Juilliard” is
Q1724856 Inglês
Complete the sentence below with the correct verbs. Choose the CORRECT answer.

“Katie is in love with Paris. She can get around pretty easily as she _________ French.”
Q1724854 Inglês
Complete the sentence below with the correct verb. Choose the CORRECT answer.

At the train station - A: What is your train number? B: I ________ for the 8814.’’
Q1724853 Inglês
Complete the sentence below with the correct verb. Choose the CORRECT answer.

‘‘Two years ago, I ________ Physics to my pupils.’’
Q1721773 Inglês
In view of the sentence: “We regret that we visited that city”, choose the most appropriate alternative that express regret about the past:
Q1694818 Inglês
The document was drafted for the latest round of talks on the Convention of Biological Diversity, which had been due to take place this autumn in China but was postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic. It has been rescheduled for next year. (lines 17, 18, 19)
The extract has four (4) underlined elements, analyze them carefully and choose the alternative that best describe them:
Q1682986 Inglês


Coronavirus is a newly discovered virus. It causes a disease called Covid-19. In some parts of the world, it has made lots ............ people sick. Corona is a Latin for crown, because ............. the microscope, these viruses look like a crown .............. spikes ending ............... little blobs.

A lot of symptoms are similar to the flu. You may have dry and itchy cough, fever, lots of sneezing and even hard to breathe. Most of people who has gotten sick with this coronavirus have had a mild case. It means you will not feel the disease. But, for people who are much older or who already have health problems are more likely to get sicker with coronavirus.

If anyone gets sick and feels like they may have coronavirus, they can immediately call their doctors and get help. If there is something we are not sure about the information, confused or worried about, don’t be afraid to ask someone we trust.

Here are some things you can do to protect yourself, family and friends from getting sick: 1) wash your hands often using soap and water. 2) Sneeze into your elbows. It is believed that coronavirus spread through little liquid from our lungs. If you sneeze into your elbows, you can prevent germs for going far into the air. 3) Avoid touching your face. Don’t pick your nose. Don’t touch your mouth. Don’t rub your eyes. They are the places where the virus enter our bodies. 

Remember that this kind of virus can affect anybody. It doesn’t matter where you come from or what country you are from. Don’t forget, there are a lot of helpers out there who are working to protect us from the virus. We can take a part by keeping our health and stay at home to stop the virus spread to others.

In the sentence “Most of people who has gotten sick with this coronavirus have had a mild case.”, the verbs in bold are being used in which tense?
Q1681540 Inglês
Choose the best option and complete the sentences:

1. ________ that movie with Brad Pitt?
2. I _________ home when I saw the accident.
3. They were sleeping when I ______.
4. We ______ TV all night long last night.
Q1679409 Inglês

What is the verb tense underlined in the sentence below?

"The teacher thought we had understood the book."

Q1677693 Inglês
Thanksgiving Day: An American Tradition.

Thanksgiving is an American holiday that points back to the days of the pioneers and the colonization of the new country called the United States of America. History:
In the 1700s when the pioneers first arrived to the New World they were overwhelmed by disease, lack of food and shelter, and conflict with Native Americans. However, after a period of time they grew accustomed to these challenges and even managed to create a friendly relationship with the natives. There came a point where certain Native American groups helped the new Americans plant crops, raise animals, and build shelter.
The first Thanksgiving was a day during harvest time when the pioneers and the Native Americans joined together to enjoy a feast of the grains, vegetables, and meats that they had raised. It was a time of celebration for their survival up until that point as well as a bright future that lay ahead of them.

Disponível em: nksgiving.html Acesso em 05 jan. 2021. 
Thanksgiving is an American holiday that points back to the days of the pioneers and the colonization of the new country called the United States of America. Os tempos verbais utilizados no trecho acima são, respectivamente:
Q1676474 Inglês

Read the text below to answer the question:


   An enormous iceberg that is heading toward the island of South Georgia in the southern Atlantic Ocean has broken up into three large chunks. Scientists from NASA have been tracking the berg - dubbed A68a - for several weeks. It actually calved from the Larsen C ice shelf in 2017 and has been floating northwards ever since. In recent weeks, a fast-moving stream of water known as the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front has put the chunks on a trajectory that means they could run aground off the coast of South Georgia. Scientists say the three fragments are roughly 2,600 square kilometres in size. The submerged part of one chunk is 106 metres at its thickest point.

   The sheer bulk of the three iceberg chunks poses a serious threat to the wildlife of South Georgia. There could be an environmental catastrophe waiting to happen. If the three mini icebergs collide with the seabed, they could obstruct penguins and seals from foraging for fish. They could also block the route between penguin colonies and their feeding grounds during the breeding season. Scientists worry the underside of the fragments could grind the seabed near South Georgia and disrupt delicate underwater ecosystems. This could be exacerbated by the introduction of a mass of fresh water to the ecosystems as the stationary fragments melt over the summer months. 

Available at: Accessed on January 5th 2021.

In the first paragraph there is NO occurrence of:
Q1675789 Inglês

Which verb tense the sentence below refer to?

"Has he been driving everyday?"

Ano: 2019 Banca: FAU Órgão: IF-PR Prova: FAU - 2019 - IF-PR - Professor - Letras Inglês |
Q1646461 Inglês
Analyse the current sentences and choose the option that describes their verb tense:
I - My brother has been teasing me since this morning. II - I am reading an excellent book. III - I have been to England twice. IV - My husband works everyday.
Q1640161 Inglês

Chose the alternative that fills the gaps below CORRECTLY:

He ________ really pleased that she ________ there.

Q1633013 Inglês
Quais os aspectos verbais apresentados pelas frases a seguir?
I. He took the photos. II. He had taken the photos by the time the owner arrived. III. He was taking the photos when the owner arrived. IV. He had been taking the photos before the owner arrived.
Q1621171 Inglês
Complete the sentence below with the correct verbs. Choose the CORRECT answer.
“I _________ a ring to my girlfriend before I _________ to her.”
Q1620945 Inglês

Complete the sentence below with the correct verbs. Choose the CORRECT answer.

“He _________ breakfast before he _________ his teeth.”

Q1392115 Inglês
“He was never the same after Chris’s death”: How Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington, 41, hanged himself on birthday of late friend Chris Cornell – despite friends believing he “was in a good place.”

Friends and family of Linkin Park lead singer Chester Bennington are in absolute “shock” over the rock star's apparent suicide as it's revealed they believed he “was in a good place in his life”.
The 41-year-old was found dead in his home in Palos Verdes near Los Angeles shortly before 9am on Thursday.
A Los Angeles County coroner confirmed they were investigating Bennington's death as an apparent suicide but no additional details were available. 
Law enforcement officials say Bennington hanged himself in his bedroom and he was home alone at the time, according to TMZ. He was found upstairs by his housekeeper.
'”Chester was one of the brightest and most talented people on this planet, and he lived life to the fullest,” a close friend told RadarOnline, adding that the Bennington suffered from demons. 
Bennington's suicide came on the day of his late lifelong friend Chris Cornell's birthday. The Soundgarden rocker killed himself in May by hanging. Cornell would have turned 53.
“Chester and Chris were so close, and he was never the same after Chris’s death,” the friend told Radar.
The friend of Bennington's also noted that Cornell's death deeply affected Bennington, who also struggled with “addiction issues”.
“But everyone thought that he had it licked. He seemed to be at a good place in his life. It is just so tragic and there are no words,” the friend told Radar. 
His bandmates were said to be blindsided by Chester's suicide with sources telling TMZ they had plans to attend a photo shoot in Hollywood later on Thursday. 
 One Linkin Park band member went to pick him up on Thursday morning but arrived to find police already at his home.
The singer had a history of drug and alcohol abuse. He was married and is survived by his six children from two relationships. 
Chester had flown back to Los Angeles on Wednesday night. He had been spending time in Arizona with his wife Talinda, but she remained behind. 
Chester, as well as Linkin Park guitarist Brad Delson, had performed Leonard Cohen's “Hallelujah” for the crowd of mourners at Cornell's funeral, many of whom were moved to tears. 
Linkin Park was on tour following the release of the band's latest album One More Light. They had a show at New York's Citi Field scheduled for next week with Blink 182. 
They played together for the last time on July 7 in Birmingham, England. 
The band released its newest music video just two hours before news of his death emerged on Thursday. 
Bennington was married to his second wife Talinda, a former Playboy model, for 12 years. He divorced his first wife Samantha Marie Olit in 2005 after nine years of marriage. 
The frontman had been open about his history of substance abuse and admitted in one interview in 2011 that he had once been a “full blown, raging alcoholic”. 
He admitted to smoking pot after his parents divorced when he was 11. The drug use then spiraled into cocaine and meth. 
Bennington had also previously spoken out about being sexually abused as a seven-year-old, saying he had been molested by an older male friend.
“If I think back to when I was really young, to when I was being molested, to when all these horrible things were going on around me, I shudder,” he said in one interview. 
He went to rehab for his drug and alcohol addiction after marrying his second wife and said he really began to change in 2007. 
In a 2011 interview, he said he was sober.
“I don't drink. I choose to be sober now. I have drunk over the last six years, but I just don't want to be that person anymore.” 
Linkin Park's sixth and latest album, One More Light, jumped to the top of the Billboard chart when it was released in May. [...]

Disponível em: <>. Adapted. 

“The frontman had been open about his history of substance abuse and admitted in one interview in 2011 that he had once been a 'full blown, raging alcoholic.”

The verb tenses used in the sentence is:
Q1319667 Inglês

Instruction: Answer question based on the following text. 


Select the correct form of the verb if the sentence “It’s a big place.” (l. 19) were written in the Past Perfect.
Q1250590 Inglês
Which VERB TENSE the sentences below refer to? Choose the CORRECT answer.

I - To talk about permanent situations II - To talk about habitual situations III - In time clauses IV - In zero conditionals V - Future intentions VI - Events based on a timetable or known date
61: B
62: C
63: D
64: B
65: B
66: A
67: D
68: B
69: C
70: D
71: A
72: B
73: C
74: D
75: C
76: D
77: D
78: D
79: C
80: D