Questões de Inglês - Passado progressivo | Past continuous para Concurso

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Q2180614 Inglês

Mark the alternative that presents the Past Participle of the verbs below:

call – break – go - know

Q2174630 Inglês
Complete the sentence below with the correct verb. Choose the CORRECT answer.
Talking to a coworker: “I don’t know if we are going to reach our goal this month.
Last month it was amazing as I ________ 10 cars in total.’’ 
Q2169480 Inglês
A. Read the following excerpt from the book The Great Gatsby and complete with the missing verbs.
“By seven o’clock the orchestra _______________, no thin five-piece affair, but a whole pitful of oboes and trombones and saxophones and viols and cornets and piccolos, and low and high drums. The last swimmers ______________ in from the beach now and _______________ up-stairs; the cars from New York _______________ five deep in the drive […]” (FITZGERALD, 2011, p. 32-33).
Source: Access on March, 20th 2023
Q2166444 Inglês
In which of the following sentences “used to” is connected to a past action?
Q2131561 Inglês
Analyze the sentence and choose the correct verb tenses respectively:
“Separatist fighters in Indonesia’s restive Papua region have captured a pilot from New Zealand and are holding him hostage after setting fire to his plane, the group said in a statement.” 
6: D
7: A
8: B
9: C
10: A