Questões de Inglês - Posição dos advérbios | Position of adverbs para Concurso

Foram encontradas 40 questões

Q2752617 Inglês

Text for the questions from 38 to 50.

Sound Advice for Language Learners

1 A recent issue of a language learning magazine has

consulted a number of experts in the field of second

language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for

4 those considering a language course. Ask yourself some

basic questions, they suggest. Did you enjoy studying

languages at school, for example? Can you really afford the

7 time to learn a language?

First and foremost, you have to be realistic in your

goals. If you fail to set achievable aims you are likely to give

10 up. Besides, it is worth knowing that the most expensive

courses are not necessarily the best. You should also bear in

mind that the quicker you learn a language the more quickly

13 you forget it. Sue Miller, a French teacher, attempted to

teach herself German by enrolling on a crash course.

Already fluent in three languages, her chances of making

16 progress were high. Two years on she hardly remembers

anything. “I should have chosen a regular course in order to

have more time for practice and consolidation.”

19 Sue’s comment is certainly a good piece of advice.

Internet: <www.flo‐> (adapted).

The words “necessarily” (line 11), “quickly” (line 12), “certainly” (line 19) are adverbs. Which word from the options below is not?

Q2752606 Inglês

Text for the questions from 28 to 37.

A Musical Genius

1 Beethoven is one of the most influential figures in

the history of classical music. His exceptional talent was

already evident when he was still a young man, trying to

4 survive a rather unorthodox upbringing. Indeed, his

eccentric father would often make him study music in the

middle of the night.

7 Soon, the young Beethoven's ability won him the

admiration of the leading contemporary musical figures.

However, just at the point when he was beginning to reap

10 the rewards of his early endeavors, he realized that he was

becoming deaf. Beethoven felt devastated as it was clear to

him that his increasing deafness was incurable. And yet, he

13 kept composing and his music displayed a striking change in

style, becoming both heavier in tone and larger in scale.

Internet: <www.flo‐> (adapted).

In “Beethoven felt devastated as it was clear to him” (lines 11 and 12), the conjunction “as” is used in order to introduce a clause containing a

Q2738923 Inglês

Read text III and answer questions 60 to 70:

Text III

The use of music and songs in the EFL classroom

There are quite a lot of positive sides of learning English via

the medium music. First of all it is a very positive way of

learning English. Music is a part of our everyday life and

especially young people are very familiar with music. If the

5 teacher provides the possibility of a positive access to a new

topic, the kids will learn the new things easier and with more

fun and readiness. I am sure that the one or the other pupil

turns out to be a little “music-expert”. This can strengthen the

self-consciousness of students who are not so good at other

10 areas because now they have the opportunity to show what

they know about a special artist or band. Another pro of

teaching language by using songs and music is that it is

something different for the students – it is an alternation to

the common methods of language learning, because it is not

15 only interested in input. Learning with music speaks more than

other language-learning-methods to the audio-channel of the

learner, which has the positive effect of training listening and

comprehending language which is modified in terms of

intonation, pronunciation and articulation. Music in the

20 classroom can also be arranged in corporation with teachers of

other subjects, so that kids have the opportunity to use and

practise the new knowledge in more than one subject.

Teachers of English could not only work together with teachers

of music, but also with teachers of German, religion, ethics and

25 history. There is a variety of different thematic blocks which

can be taught with the help of songs, for example cultural or

social studies, to name only two areas.

However, using music and songs as a method of language

teaching can also have negative effects. Not every student likes

30 singing, acting or working with music and songs. Some find it

embarrassing and childish, especially older students. If the

majority of a class consists of students who feel like that about

working with music and songs in the classroom, the teacher

should be aware of the problem that it will be hard to motivate

35 the pupils. It can also be that some pupils protest and even

refuse to do several activities given by the teacher. […] Another

problem for teachers is the question of the right choice of

songs. Nowadays the kids are crazy about music which is called

“Death Metal”, “Hip Hop” or “Acid House”. So, many teachers

40 think that it is hard to fill the pupils of today with enthusiasm

by using Oldies.

Despite the fact that there are more positive effects of

learning a second language with songs and music than negative

ones, most teachers look at this method with mixed emotions.

45 Some are of the opinion that this is no real teaching and a

waste of time with some senseless activities. This is not true, of

course. Out of my own pupil-experience I can say that I have

learned quite a lot with the help of songs. I have acquired not

only a plenty of new words and vocabulary, but also several

50 idioms and many ways to express feelings.


The adverb in “Nowadays the kids are crazy about music” (line 38) refers to

Q2736408 Inglês

There are many different kinds of English as a Second Language (ESL) course books that are designed for students of all levels and ages. Therefore, the process of choosing the right course book for use in the classroom, especially at the college level, is a daunting task. […]

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 15 fev. 2017.

No fragmento, o termo destacado é uma conjunção que indica

Q2727364 Inglês

The Role of Museums in Education

Museums provide knowledge and inspiration, while also connecting communities. At a time of economic recovery, and in the run-up to the Olympics, they are more important than ever. Museums and galleries deliver world-class public services which offer individuals and families free and inspiring places to visit and things to do. Museums attract audiences from home and abroad. Museums provide the places and resources to which people turn for information and learning. They care for the legacy of the past while creating a legacy for the future.

Museums are uniquely egalitarian spaces. Whether you are rich, poor, or uniquely-abled, the museum door is always an open welcome. A sense of history and beauty, gifts from our cultural heritage, inspires the ordinary soul into extraordinary possibilities. They bind communities together, giving them heart, hope and resilience. They make a vital contribution to international relations and play a unique role in fostering international cultural exchange. If life was just about earning to eat, we'd be depleted and tired. Museums bring to life the opportunity to experience meaning beyond the mundane. Museums make the soul sing!

The most visible and expected offerings of a museum are its exhibitions. Exhibitions tell stories through objects. In a world where virtual experiences are ever increasing, museums provide tangible encounters with real objects.

What does looking at a crystal clear specimen of beryl, a vertebrate fossil emerging from its plaster jacket, or the flag that flew over Inge Lehman's seismological observatory provide in an educational sense? Some professionals maintain that the visceral reaction of wonder, awe or curiosity – the affective response of the viewer – is the enduring legacy of a museum visit. It opens the door to the visitor's mind, engaging them in a discipline that perhaps failed to interest them through other means, and might inspire them to learn more. Furthermore, the social context of a museum visit, where exploration occurs in a friendly atmosphere without the pressure of tests and grades, helps keep that door open.

Curators and educators also aspire to engage the rational mind of the viewer. A mineral collected in the field and displayed in the museum is out of its original context, but thoughtful juxtaposition of the mineral with other objects helps the visitor make new connections. Exhibit labels or a knowledgeable docent leading a tour not only inform directly, but also guide visitors in making their own observations of the object. Hands-on displays combined with objects can provide forceful connections – an “aha!” experience for the visitor.Alan J. Friedman, the former director of the New York Hall of Science, recounts a watershed experience during a 1970 museum visit in which a model telescope that the could touch and adjust brought to life the meaning of the antique telescope.

Museums are the world's great learning resource – they introduce new subjects, bring them alive and give them meaning. Learning in museums improves confidence and attainment: it also opens us to the views of our fellow citizens. Museum collections and the knowledge of museum professionals inspire learning. As the world around us changes, museums and galleries promote awareness of the critical questions of place, humanity, science and innovation.

Adaptado dos sites: e, pp. 3-4

The double conjunction 'whether ... or' (paragraph 2) in this context is equivalent to:

6: D
7: B
8: A
9: E
10: E