Questões de Inglês - Presente progressivo | Present continuous para Concurso

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Q2169480 Inglês
A. Read the following excerpt from the book The Great Gatsby and complete with the missing verbs.
“By seven o’clock the orchestra _______________, no thin five-piece affair, but a whole pitful of oboes and trombones and saxophones and viols and cornets and piccolos, and low and high drums. The last swimmers ______________ in from the beach now and _______________ up-stairs; the cars from New York _______________ five deep in the drive […]” (FITZGERALD, 2011, p. 32-33).
Source: Access on March, 20th 2023
Q2160163 Inglês
Considering the verb tenses, number the 2nd column according to the 1rst and, after that, check the alternative that presents the CORRECT sequence:
(1) Present simple. (2) Present continuous.
(_) Are you a doctor? (_) She has two cats. (_) I’m cooking chicken for lunch. 
Q2131561 Inglês
Analyze the sentence and choose the correct verb tenses respectively:
“Separatist fighters in Indonesia’s restive Papua region have captured a pilot from New Zealand and are holding him hostage after setting fire to his plane, the group said in a statement.” 
Q2126224 Inglês
Mark the alternative in which the present continuous is CORRECT.
Q2124629 Inglês
     Global tech giant Google has added 24 new languages spoken by more than 300 million people to its Google Translate platform. “For years, Google Translate has helped break down language barriers and connect communities all over the world,” the US-based company said. It added that it now wants to help those whose languages aren’t represented in most technology. The new languages range from Bhojpuri, which is spoken in northern India, Nepal and Fiji, to Dhivehi, with its estimated 300,000 speakers in the Maldives.
     The move now brings to 133 the total number of languages available on Google Translate as of May 2022. The company says the new languages also represent a technical milestone, explaining that they use a machine learning model which learns to translate into another language without ever seeing an example. This can be useful for languages where large datasets of human translations, which can be used to train a computer, are not available. But the company admits that the technology isn’t perfect.
      So, will the translations be accurate? Some polyglots have noted problems with the languages already available. “For many supported languages, the translation is not great. It will definitely get the idea across but often it will lose much of the subtlety of the language,” Google Translate research scientist Isaac Caswell told the BBC.
      With the new languages, he said, it would be no different. But the people who helped in the research said it was a good place to start. “My impression from other people I have talked to was that it was a very positive thing for them,” Mr Caswell said. In 2020, Google Translate added five new languages to the platform in what was then its first expansion in the past few years.

Internet: <>(adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the following item.

The words “explaining”, “learning” and “seeing”, in the second paragraph, are examples of verbs in the present continuous tense.

11: B
12: B
13: A
14: B
15: E